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Wanderer D

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So... · 11:06pm Apr 6th, 2012

I thought about this when I wrote The Empty Room's April Fool's Chapter, but had mostly dismissed it until Cedric Bale brought it up in a comment:

How about I do the Luna & Co. D&D treatment to a few stories? The end result WILL NOT be posted here as anything other than a link, since MSTing-type stories are against the rules. But I could always try and get it on EqD.

What do you say? Would you like me to do that with your story?

If you have no idea what I am talking about, check the aforementioned chapter in 'The Empty Room'. You don't have to read the whole story to get what I'm trying to do.

Unlike an actual MST, it would just be a few scenes, not the whole thing, but it's all in good humor and no nasty bits nor outright insults to the readers or authors. Although I might be brutally honest at times, just like the characters are critical about my own fic XD

What say you?

(Also, as a random thing, what do you think of Humanized ponies? Yay? Or Nay?)

Report Wanderer D · 699 views ·
Comments ( 31 )

What is MST? And I feel dumb for asking this, but is the April Fool's chapter canon?

60594 MST = Mystery Science Theater 3000 (see: here)
Comedic commentary pretty much.

Edit: also, see here


For the humanized pony thing: I really love some of the artwork out there showing the ponies as humans, but as far as stories go, they don't do much for me. Then again, it depends on the story. If it's pulled of right, I guess I don't mid them.


Mystery Science Theatre

I would DIE in excitement if you did that with my story (even if it isn't even close to finished!) :pinkiecrazy:

Humanized ponies...
Give me a good reason for why they're humanized and I'm okay with it:twilightsmile:

Eh... humanized ponies don't really resonate with me, unless it's Lyra. :derpyderp1: But the whole D&D story is pretty cool. :coolphoto:

I'm a fan of satire in general as long as it's tongue in cheek and not mean spirited.

As for humanized, it depends on the story. I've read one and found it good. And there's one I'm planning on reading which looks good as well. It really depends on the motivations for making the characters humanized as well as the depictions of their human forms.
I'm also rather picky about physical features. Humanized more often than not ends up more as caricatures than characters.

I suppose I wouldn't mind someone doing an MST of one or some of my stories... Not sure which one(s) I'd toss up though.
As to humanized poonies, :rainbowwild: Not my cup of cocoa.

I would read them because knowing your past work they are bound to be comical. I say go for it.

Humanized Ponies- varies on to what extent and why...

A pony visiting our world as a a human typically makes things interesting when done right. Even ones that have human-ponies meet ponies are alright in special circumstances. But I despise the whole, let's take Equestria superimpose it on America and then take all the ponies and make them human; in my opinion that is plain annoying. Though if Sweetie Belle went to a Humanized Equestria, I would be ok with it since it would be drawn into a plot beside just turning the mares into human girls.

I'd tell you to do SMS, but you've done enough work on it as it is. Unless you want to


Also, I is working on TSC. Should be done with what you got before the weekend ends


Today is officially a day for pure want. I don't have any stories written to "MD&DT" (would that be right?), but I'd LOVE to see it with others.

I shall have to find time to read that chapter so i know what you're talking about.
As for humanized ponies... I have not read any humanized pony stories, i avoid them, i dislike the idea of them. :twilightoops:

Do it to anything I've written! Please! :pinkiehappy:

I say go for it because I already know you're a good writer. I am a firm believer that any concept can be done well; the same goes for humanized and even furry-ized ponies. I don't like it when it's used as an excuse for something you wouldn't do with ponies or because you keep forgetting to use "hooves," but a competent author really actually exploring what they'd be like in an alternate universe? Sure. The problem is distinguishing the two, which I don't always have the engagement for :unsuresweetie:

And since I am an author no matter how undistinguished—yeah, if you wanted to DnD my story that'd be great :pinkiehappy: Parodies work better when the material is widely known, but hey, you asked :pinkiecrazy:

What else can I say but a respectful, polite, and humble...

Hit me with your best shot.

Very yes, and yea.

DO IT FILLY:flutterrage:

I would love to see some more of it! I haven't written anything Ponyful yet, but once I do, I would be willing to let it be poked at (though most of my stories tend to be less adventure-y and more romance/angst which might not work as well in the D&D scenario...)!

yay-ish to humanized ponies. usually only if it's well done :trixieshiftright: as for the... D&D stuff, *shrug* do what you feel like.:derpytongue2:

That completely depends on how well you write a Humanized story! Many people try and fail to write a good humanized becuase our world is so different, so much more grimdark. I would certainly read the first chapters to see If I would like the story, though. Just because it was written by you doesn't mean I will immediately go rea- oh look another story...

I would read the MST's (if I can. There is so much smut on DA that my computer flags it as a 'MATURE CONTENT WEBSITE'). I like the MST style, however, and would love it if you did some on the more famous fics out there (i/e Fallout Equestria, Past Sins, Cupcakes {NOT REALLY}, Through the Eyes of Another Pony, to name a few).

None of my stories are good enough to even gain an audience with you, my liege. LONG LIVE WANDERER D!! :derpytongue2:

I'm not automatically opposed to humanized ponies. It all depends on why you turn them humans, what you do with them, and how well you manage it - take device_heretic's recentish So Be It, for an excellent example.

why not i love MST 300!

for the MST, I say go for it. So long as it is mean spirited but rather comedic, all is well.

For the humanized ponies, I support it but tread carefully. I have read few good ones and plenty of bad ones because the subject is so easy to ruin. If you did something like it for TSC then I am perfectly ok with that. That is because it is a set up story plot and it could be an alt. universe she visits. However if it is an all new story, it could be quite ruff to get into from the writing end or the reading end.

I'd love to see the D&D thing used on other fics. It could be hilarious.

And I tend to like humanized artwork, but fic-wise, it sits loose with me. I usually shy away from the human tag, mostly because the concept just doesn't interest me that much. I guess it's that I prefer to read about the characters as they are.

This sounds like something I can get behind. If you want to do one of mine, go right ahead.

I personally really liked the Luna D&D thing, and think it'd be cool to see more of. If I had a story written I'd offer it up as fodder for the experiment. (Maybe sometime soon, If I ever get it off the ground that is)

Personally I like humanized ponies, both artwork and what I've seen in stories (truth be told not that much yet), but I actually forget they're ponies while reading until something draws direct attention to it. :twilightsheepish:

But that's just me.

Yeah, the D&D thing would be awesome. :pinkiehappy:

i'm a big fat neigh on the humanized pony's and the d&d thing is halarius but please dont do it to mine its too new and Xaldon the main character (no figure) is a fickle character at best.

How did I miss this blog post? Seriously, how? :derpyderp2:
I think you already know where I stand on how AWESOME of an idea this is, lol. As to humanized ponies... eeeeeeehhhhhh not really my thing. There's only one fanfic I've read with humanized ponies that I like, and the main reason I like it is because it looks like it's heading towards the humanized ponies inter-dimensionally travelling to the Pony version of Equestria, not entirely of their own volition and with no apparent way back.

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