• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Wanderer D

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    The Book Nook is open for registrations!

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    A dead PC...

    ...creates troubles for everyone.

    So guys, my PC died. I'm fairly certain it's the motherboard (given everything else works when tested individually), and thankfully it's still within warranty (just shy of two months) so I'm hoping I can get it replaced. Goddamn asus.

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    Summary that never was

    Hey guys, so a single update today, still struggling with getting to work on writing.

    I hate it when things like this happen, but all I can do atm is keep trying to jumpstart the creativity.

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    Author Life Update

    Hello everyone! This is your friendly-but-sometimes-a-hard-ass neighborhood Latias: Wanderer D!

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    Sorry guys

    I apologize for the lack of updates. Although I am writing a bit, I've found myself in a bit of a semi-writer's block. I'll get out of it, but it is delaying the stories.

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On life... · 4:01am Apr 10th, 2012

First, :pinkiehappy: thanks for your replies to the last blog, I think I will definitely do at least another D&D style chapter for a story. I just need to choose one! :twilightsheepish:

Anyway, on life...

Some of you might know I'm taking the pre-reqs for a degree in Nursing. And if you didn't, well, now you do! :pinkiegasp: Isn't it great?! I'm excited are you excited?!

But anyway, as I'm taking them, I realized something I knew before but I had forgotten: I love science, well, certain sciences. But I despise math. Gods of the multiverse, do I hate math. I can do with what is needed for any biology or most chemistry but... damn I could do without the annoying requirements. Tell me, when was the last time a Doctor had to factor a trinomial for anything :twilightoops: much less a nurse!

If Biology didn't seem as promising at this point as my Creative Writing/English Lit degree I would just keep on studying Biology alone and forget about nursing. Who wants to help people anyway? They're not as cute as ponies! :raritystarry:

Report Wanderer D · 348 views ·
Comments ( 27 )

Dude, can I have you math classes? PLEASE! *rarity feint* chem engineering is going to kill me, and I haven't even started.

And agreed, who wants to help people? When the Conversion Bureau finally gets funding, it won't matter.:raritywink:


"... my sweet merciful god..."

"Doctor! What do we do!?"

"Why don't you check... his vital sines..." :trollestia:


PS: I'm tired... and sorry...

Doesn't biology and chemistry deal with complicated math once you get higher up? It might seem easy now but I can only imagine the formulas get longer and full of variables later on.

Well, all I can say is keep at it! Struggle now and reap the benefits later!

Wanderer D

65436 I wish I could give math classes away. :facehoof: but yeah, I'm lucky it's just pre-reqs but I hate them still.

65439 yeah, but I have a much easier time with visual concepts of what I'm doing, even when I helped with the calculating for a Traffic Engineering class, it wasn't as difficult because I had an actual concept of what was going on... with math alone... :fluttershbad:

LOL, I feel the same way with Math, I am personally very good at it, unless it can't be an actuallity. LIke, you can't have a 3,3333333333333........ side to a Triangle. When would I ever need that in any profession outside Statistics or Math. Plus, why must it be so damned boring!

College, can't live with it, can't live without it. :twilightangry2::twilightblush::twilightoops::facehoof:


That pun was bad and you should feel bad :facehoof:


not to knock you off on a tangent, but that was bad.

Also, in trig, I always draw a little Woona shouting "THE ANGLE HAS BEN DOUBLED" Makes it so much easier,

I feel that way when it comes to English.
I'm composing music, for Celestia's sake, not writing the next multimillionaire best seller!


Damn... didn't know I was going to get the 4th degree here...

I liked Math....until all numbers got replaced by Greek letters :rainbowlaugh:. But in all seriousness : "You wouldn't normally divide imaginary numbers, but in Math you will. Math not even once" :trollestia: . Good luck in College :scootangel: (it's a college class right ? I have no idea what 'pre-rep' means :derpytongue2:)

You need to give the patient a shot. The 2 inch needle needs to be at a 35 degree angle as it enters the body. Your hand is 1 inch away from the body and the vein is .1 inches under the skin. What is the distance of travel the needle needs to go to give the patient the shot? (Math sucks...) :pinkiehappy:

Wanderer D

65463 Answer: The distance is irrelevant as long as I get to stab someone with a needle. :pinkiecrazy:

65465 You're gonna be the BEST. NURSE. EVER. :trollestia:

...you hate math? :fluttercry:

I am into finance and music theory/history, when the buck am I going to use Calculus?! I hate math harder than... Well... Basic? Does that count?

Wanderer D

65479 If math were as cute as you, Rhiia, I wouldn't. :raritywink:

Math isn't too bad. Hell I am planning on majoring in accounting so guess what this kid gets do use a career?

Anyway, been meaning to say this to ya WD. Grats on becoming a mod. (Please don't ban me :twilightblush:)

>>Wanderer D "First, thanks for your replies to the last blog, I think I will definitely do at least another D&D style chapter for a story. I just need to choose one!" DO A CHAPTER OF TSC!!!! It would be great. Pinkie's the Game Master, and She keeps narrating everything Sweetie does.

And, on the math thing, I understand completely. Who the hell cares that Sally can eat 700 apples one week, and 6 acres worth the next? When are we ever gonna use that? Especially since we need to use Logarithms to do it. TT~TT Dammit, math!

Suck it up, buttercup.:rainbowdetermined2:

Man, I'm like your total opposite. I loved maths and physics, but couldn't stand biology and couldn't write for toffee.

With our combined powers we may well make a functional person.

65618 I am the same as you. Almost everyone else who is commenting is like D. What, do you need to like bio and hate math to be a normal fan of him?

oh look, learners. Hi learners, I'm business owner. you can refer to me as "guy who owns the building" :ajsmug:
... nah, just buggin'

65694 never did like being normal :yay:

66773 that's why I emulate Pinkie Pie!

Pfft, factoring trinomials? That's not math, that's arithmetic.

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