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Wanderer D

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Where is TSC going? · 4:46am Apr 21st, 2012

:ajbemused: So, let me make this clear: I have 22 fics already selected and most already have at least a skeleton summary drafted. And while the question in the title might make some of you think that I will change where the story is going based on answers, let me assure you: it won't. :pinkiesmile:

But I am curious to know what you all think, and having said the above, it doesn't mean that I will not actually give thought to ideas and suggestions, hell, you might inspire me still to add a few things :pinkiehappy:

For example, just recently Conner Cogwork reminded me to read a certain fic and now that is completely going to happen. And like G'kar said, 'Our thoughts shape the Universe', so your thoughts might shape a bit of Sweetie's Universe as well. :twilightsmile: Just a little bit. :rainbowderp: Or more?

Anyway, remember that I will explore a lot of stories, not all are going to be happy, and sure as hell not all of them are going to be dark! (I have plenty of comedy in store) but I am a firm believer in challenging our heroes. So there will be a dark period in Sweetie's future, but her inner strength and the friendships she forges, the knowledge she acquires and the wisdom she learns might be enough to pull her through.

So, the questions I'd like you to answer, if you feel like it, are:

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?
2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)
3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?
4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?

Anyway, as always, thanks for reading!


Report Wanderer D · 500 views ·
Comments ( 74 )

1. I expect to be entertained.
2. Eenope.
3. Read it, start bitching on forums for it not following my exact expectations, and whine about how it's ruined forevar!!!11!
4. Meh, length doesn't bother me.

1. I expect TSC to be an epic story. 'nuff said.
2. On a Cross and Arrow, and I have the others in my read later list. I love OaC&A
3. I like all genres, except clop, and since this is rated E, not a problem.
4. Hay NO!

1. be a fun read...
2. eyup...
3. read it. i'm fine with the grimdark stuff...
4. nope...

any chance of going to Ciroton's Sunset universe and RDD's Boast Busted Universe? also, any chance of somepony being able to accompany Sweetie? i'd hate to think that she's doing this all alone for the entire fic...

1) TSC has already blown my expectations out of the water (good thing), so as long as you keep doing your thing, I'll be happy.
2) I've considered it, like the Alternate universe, but I have a lot of stories already on my queue.
3) Nothing can be as bad as Cherilee's Garden, so no.
4) I personally love the length of the chapters. As long as the story is told well and detailed as much as you want it, I'll read all of it.

Thank you for being awesome, by the way. :moustache:

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?
I expect a journey of character growth for Sweetie Bell. She isn't used often in fan fictions and seeing her struggle and grow is a fun read. I also like the revisit of some of my favorite fan fics and Sweetie's adventures through them.

2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)
I read Fallout: Equestria Pink Eyes in preparation for the next chapter. I loved it and Favorited it. I would recommend it for anyone who enjoys the FO:E stuff. Every other story Sweetie has gone through I had read before seeing it here.

3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?
Unless Sweetie hit the Cupcake style of grimdark... I don't see myself skipping any chapters. The only stories I have not finished are ones that are so poorly formatted that it hurts my eyes to try and read. I am in for the long haul with Sweetie's Adventures.

4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?
They feel about the right length for me. Enough time to establish the setting, have some good character interaction without wearing out its welcome. No chapter has felt too long yet. On a Cross and Arrow could have been longer, the Nightmare Night stuff was hilarious.

As always Wanderer D, thank you for writing such awesome stuff!

"1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'? "
Well, good writing, engaging story, and the ability to give the reader interest towards the original fic that the chapter's based on, despite its premise.

"2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)"
Yes, that would be "Nightmares Don't Last Forever" and "The Light Never Goes Out". I've yet to see an update on Nightmares though...

"3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?"
This happened to me with "Mares and Magic", and with the upcoming chapter. Not exactly a huge fan of shipping or grimdark fics, but regardless, I read and liked it overall.

"4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?"
To be honest, yeah, 15k-20k words in one chapter is quite overwhelming, but then again, I think it is kind of necessary to make it this big to properly recreate each world. Perhaps you could split each world by separate chapters? Just a thought, not saying you should.

Overall, I'm certainly looking forward to the next chapter (despite not being a fan of what it's based on). Keep up the good work!

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?
Alot bigger with the mention of 22 chapters planned! :pinkiegasp: Though seriously, I sort of worried with the last chapter that gathering the crystals was turning Sweetie Belle into Twilight. I know the point of the chapter was to show that she's changing, I just kind of hope that's not the reason, or if it is that she gets a handle on it without it being the last climax of the story.

Edit: Specifically, I felt like her understanding of enchantments was a little unexpected and possibly unnatural, which got my mind going :twilightoops:

2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)
Yes, I read The Light Never Goes Out because of TSC, and yes, I favorited/upvoted it.

3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?
I don't really reject any genres, but it's worth noting that I didn't read Of Mares and Magic and, but still enjoyed the chapter based on it just fine.

4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?

1. I expect a satisfying ending. Sweetie's development is as interesting as the stories she navigates through.
2. Yes indeed.
3. Read it anyway, though if it gets too bad I might skip and just read the last few paragraphs. Hard grim or clop, even if appropriate within the context of the current universe, would have an unfortunate effect on Sweetie that would be difficult to convincingly dismiss in later chapters. Always assuming that the goal isn't to permanently scar the poor filly of course.
4. The longer the better!

1. I don't know that 'expect' is the right word. That implies (to me, sorta) that you "owe" me, or that you're subject to my whims. This story is complex and I can already see it will be heartbreaking and sweet and beautiful and painful and everything else. I expect it to reach into my heart and fiddle with my emotions like the devil gone down to Georgia.
2.I read the story about the Elements causing their bearers to live forever. It laid a good foundation, but it left me wanting more at the end, so I didn't enjoy it as much as I had hoped.
3. You nailed it that I don't like Grimdark, but this story begs to explore all those facets, and I'd be a fool to ignore a chapter because it gets darker than I'd normally pay attention to. I expect those chapters would make Sweetie grow quickly or risk being left behind, unable to complete her quest. And I think Sweetie is up to it. She's a smart resilient girl. I'd like to be there to see that.
4. Sometimes I wish they were longer, but with this last one I get the feeling time is getting shorter. Twilight seemed surprised Sweetie was still in the Cross and Arrow universe, as though she should have moved on already. I hope that isn't a bad omen. I guess we'll find out.

1) A well written and enjoyable story. Which so far it most definitely has been.

2) Not yet.

3) I'd most likely read it. While I prefer happy, slice of life, stories, I certainly have no problem with dark and indeed one sometimes has to go through the dark to reach the light at the end. Unless you start going into the really REALLY Grimdark (Cupcakes being the most well known example), I don't think I'll have any problems with it.

4) They feel pretty fine length wise to me.

Well, it's great to hear that you've got a fairly strong outline of future worlds to visit, that's always helpful to keep the Muse rolling. That being said, I also think that if someone suggests a world/story that pulls strongly enough for your Muse to sit up and go "Hay!!!" listening is a good thing, too. :rainbowdetermined2:

Now, as for the questions part of this:
1) I read this as an immersive story format, where I'm hoping that the story draws me in and gives me joy in watching Sweetie take on the varying adventures and learn a little bit more about herself with each new experience.

2) Up until you pointed Sweetie in the direction of Pink Eyes, I had been pretty much avoiding that whole Fallout storyline. Post-Apocalypse Equestria took Grimdark way past my usual tolerances. That being said, I sat down and gave Puppysmiles a chance since so far I've always apprecited any story that you felt strongly enough about to use as a background. On finishing the story after a marathon reading session, it went straight to my Favorites list. I still can't stand the overall concept, but I won't deny wordsmithing of that calibre. :pinkiesad2:

3) See #2, above. If you are willing to venture into a zone with your spin on the background concept, I'm willing to give the story an honest read. (And if your head swells up like Pinkie when she makes a new friend from this comment, at least make sure that you don't hurt yourself on the landing after the fact. :pinkiehappy: )

4) I don't think the chapter sizes are intimidating at all. You give us an honest treatment for each situation you are putting Sweetie into, and that takes as much word count as it takes. As long as you keep writing in such a way that I can read and not want to look away from the screen until the chapter ends, that's fine by me. :moustache:

1) If the plans are for 22 chapters at the rate it's going now? For it to continue being entertaining for a LONG time.
2) No, though it has piqued my interest in Nightmares Don't Last Forever, and has now caused me to try and finish Pink Eyes faster.
3) Unless the genre is gore ore clop, I will probably read it, although depending on how much the source fic interests me, I may skim through parts.
4) Intimidating? No. I've read Fallout: Equestria and am reading Project Horizons, so long-ass chapters are nothing new, but they ARE long-ass chapters.

If a woman asked you 'Are you intimidated by my massive breasts?' What would you say :l

1) I don't have a good answer, honestly. I guess I just expect an engaging and entertaining story, which it has been with every chapter so far and most likely will continue to be
2) Yes. Every time the next universe was a fic I hadn't read before, I went ahead and read it (Cross and Arrow, The Light Never Goes Out, and I'm gonna read Pink Eyes eventually)
3) I like pretty much all genres, so no problem there. Sure, I may be a bit weary when it comes to anything involving humans, but with this fic, I'll probably read it anyway if it comes to that
4) Nah, a long chapter just makes for more epicness

1) I expect Sweetie to eventually reach her breaking point, be that physically or mentally(although most likely the latter). This will maybe lead to the anime-ish style of renewing her. That being the diary will reveal the memories of all the Twilights she has encountered and they will "give her strength". Or something along the lines of that trope. That is my guess, little cliche but can be appropriate.

2) I haven't read it yet but I am tracking them for later(still useful phrase). Now it was before TSC but I have read On a Cross and Arrow. And I think it was because of you iirc.

3)I will likely be hesitant about reading it but still will anyway. I like you writing style and know you will still have some finesse even with sloppy genres, like gore.

4) They might be a little daunting for poor readers but I love the chapter sizes. If anything I would want them to be longer. The more depth the better, even if it means taking more time to write.

1) An enjoyable read, of course.

2) I plan on reading On a Cross and Arrow a bit before I read the latest chapter.

3) I never let my genre preferences keep me away from a good fic. (Although the majority of what I enjoy is grimdark)

4) The more the merrier, as they say. As long as fluff doesn't end up lowering the overall quality.

Well, I'm not reading TSC at the moment, and the reason is that I'm afraid I may spoil a story I haven't read, so I was wondering, is that so? Does this story expect the reader to have already read all the other stories? Does it contain spoilers from the other stories? I specifically haven't read Of Mares and Magic and The light never goes out.

That said, I'd really like to read it, since I love multiverse stories, and Wanderer D's writting.

I have no problems with genres and I love huge chapter sizes btw. :twilightsmile:

1. To be just as satifying as TRE is to read. Deep Characters with good writing. Not to mention being at time grmdark and comedic :pinkiehappy:
2. I typically skim or at least review the stories.
3. Genre: no Cupcakes or the like, they are just horror without any intelligence, just gore.
4. Length = longer is better, plus it means more plot and fluff to read.

I have 22 fics already selected and most already have at least a skeleton summary drafted.

Does this number include the 3 already visited?

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?

To be an awesome adventure through some of the best and most interesting FiM derivative worlds and characterizations throughout fanon.

2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)

Not yet. I had already researched Of Mares and Magic and The Light Never Goes Out and decided to pass on them. I was already a fan of Nightmares Don't Last Forever. On a Cross and Arrow was already on my list of stories to eventually read.

3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?

This is a very very tricky question. You have the "core" story, Sweetie's. This is primarily adventure, with sad overtones due to the events on her home world with Twilight's shattering, Spike's possible death and Rarity's depression. Not to mention possible repercussions due to an Element Bearer missing. Then there are the worlds she visits and the undertones they present and the effect they have on her.
I am comfortable reading all genres as long as they are written competently.
i am comfortable with characters changing and evolving over time, better, worse, or simply different.
I am NOT comfortable with characterization deviations that do not have a reasonable foundation or basis.
I am comfortable with very bad things happening to characters I like under certain circumstances.
I am NOT comfortable with characters being hurt just to experience the catharsis of them "healing" afterward.
I am comfortable having characters think, feel, and act in ways that their characterization allows, even if outside my personal comfort zone or preferences.
I am NOT comfortable with sadness, tragedy, pain and suffering, cruelty, love, or sex for the sake of injecting "impact" to affect the reader without there being a want for it in the story.

Answer: I think you write well enough and with enough integrity for me to read your story regardless of what fresh hell or foul heaven you send Sweetie into.

4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?

The over all length of each "arc" is fine, but if you were to split each into 2-3 smaller chapters it would be easier to read in a sitting. FimFiction could really use a "bookmark" feature to mark your line if you need to read a chapter across multiple sittings. I personally can't take my eyes from the screen start to finish on a new chapter, but I read relatively avidly.

1) I expect it to be an incredibly fun ride for one thing. I do kinda hope that you'll tell us what happens to Spike and that it DOESN'T turn out he's dead. Actually, on the whole, I just hope it has an ultimately happy ending. Largely because, to me, those are the best stories, where the characters go through hell and back again and things are incredibly difficult and trying, but ultimately through their sheer force of will and strength of courage and the power of friendship etcetera etcetera, everything turns out okay and the characters are even bettered as a result.

At least that's what I hope anyway. Mostly because it'd be a bummer to see Sweetie go through all this and either a) fail, or b) succeed, only to com back and find out something is still wrong and sad, like Spike actually died or Rarity drove herself insane or committed suicide or something while she was gone...

2) Yes. Your story got me to read 'the Light Never Goes Out.' Still haven't read of Mares and Magic though...

3) I don't know... I usually don't read Grimdark stories, and if ponies ultimately die in a story, then I tend to avoid it. On the other hand, the context of this story kinda helps. By positing that all of these are happening in alternate universes, then it kinda helps because you can sorta get around what's going on with the claim 'these aren't technically "our" ponies.'

At the end of the day, I'm not going to dismiss a fic in your story becase of genre...
However, there are some specific fics out there that I have either a) read, or b) heard enough about, that if you try and implement them, I MAY skip the chapter.

4) Chapter size is just about perfect. Keep 'em coming!

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?
I expect that TSC will continue with the same marvelous story, but, I want more Dark(like ATFN, Equestria Twilight or one Alicorn Twilight) universes Sweetie fall(but not grimdark like cupcakes)
2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)
I read Nightmares dont last forever and I would recommend it.
3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?
lol, like the next chapter, I dont like FOE and HiE fics, and maybe I would skim the chapter :/
4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?
A damn good story, and so far perfection is what I've seen.
2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)
Yes, I read Mares and Magic and Light Never Goes Out. I've already read the other ones before.
3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?
I will read it. No questions asked.
4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?
At first they seem that way, but as you reach the end I feel they can be too short.

1) when i first heard about this story, i thought it would suck majorly. considering you've not only proved me wrong, but actually blown ALL my complaints out of the water i just want you to continue doing your thing:pinkiesmile:.

2) I've read 'the light never goes out' because of this fic (Didn't care for it:trollestia:). and am currently reading 'mares and magic'.

3) the only way you could ever make me pass up a chapter in this story is if you put 'gali the alligator' in it. of coarse if you did that, I'd be forced to hunt you down and rip the skin from your bones for making me relive that nightmarishly traumatizing childhood experience:pinkiecrazy:. on a related note Im prepared for whatever grimdark fic you throw at me.:rainbowdetermined2:

4) not even a little. Im used to reading a lot, so maybe that has something to do with it.

1. Other than Sweetie getting back. I kind of expect her to become Twilight.

2. Not that I know of. But I may soon.

3. I wouldn't miss a chapter.

4. Not at all. I wish they lasted longer every time I reach the end of the chapter.

1) Don't have any really. I mean, I expect it to be about Sweetie Belle visiting the world of another fanfic...soooo
2) I have read every story that Sweetie Belle travels to and have indeed favorited a few.
3) If something is well written, I tend to be ok with it. I don't LIKE sad/grimdark, but as long as it isn't needlessly gory/dark/sad (as in it exists just to try and abuse the nothion of sad0 then I'm probably ok.
4) Nope

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?

I try not to have too many expectations, as I like the author to surprise me. That said, I expect Sweetie to continue to learn and grow and for her to uncover new and unexplored parts of herself before the adventure is over.

2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)

I haven't...yet. I have considered doing so for the sole reason that you make it sound quite interesting without requiring knowledge of the specific universe she's visiting.

3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?

I'm expecting "dark" stuff and even like it, to address that particular example. (I kept up with Fillystata for quite a while to give you an idea).
Pretty much the only way you could turn me off is if you pulled a Mary Sue, which you've already proven yourself adept at not doing. :twistnerd:

4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?

While the chapter sizes aren't intimidating (I have been known to read five books in a day), it's often surprising how long they are. Keep it up!

Side note: Sweetie crushing on Dusk? Genius, priceless, and perfectly executed!

First, here's my comment as it would have been had you not asked those questions:
I don't care where you go. You obviously already know what you're doing. Just keep doing it. :twilightsmile:

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?

Um... that it will be good? :applejackunsure: Could you be more specific? :unsuresweetie:

2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)

Fenix told me it is good and about the concept which I thought would be awesome and it is. It is liked and faved. :yay: So yes, I am reading just for TSC, I suppose, and I LOVE it so far. :raritystarry: I'm not reading it for the fics you've visited, if that's what you mean.

EDIT: I read that wrong (the story vs. a story :derpyderp2:), but the above comments are still relevant so I'll leave them. No, I havn't read any of them yet, but I plan to.

3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?

I will read it hoping that you'll censor it a bit maybe? I mean, if you start including graphic descriptions of dismemberment, r@pe, or torture :pinkiesick: or if Sweetie gets some sort of super freaky love scene :rainbowderp: I will just stop reading this fic altogether and be :twilightangry2: VERY disappointed that you ruined it and never read anything of yours ever again for fear that it could go that way. I would also be sad. :fluttercry: I can handle some dark stuff, but I don't want to see anything give this a M rating. I can expect that much, I hope.

4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?

Not at all. I love long chapter fics. :pinkiehappy: It's not like I'm a fast reader either. I just like having a lot to dig into. :twilightsmile:

"might be enough to pull her through."

If you get poor Sweetie killed or something, I think a lot of Bronies are going to love and tolerate more than just the s**t out of you. :rainbowlaugh:

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?
To always maintain the high standards you have shown already.
2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)
Yes, a couple now and I did fave. TSC is a really great way to introduce readers to stories they might have otherwise not read.
3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?
I would still read it, who knows, I might like it.
4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?
I like big chapters and I can not lie, the other chapters can't deny...

I would love to see a Stargate: Equestria chapter, that would be fun :)

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?
Truthfully, it's the same thing I expect from all fics: to be entertained and perhaps pick up a few things for my own writing. That's my general expectation, but in a more specific manner, regarding the plot, I'd say:
-Sweetie returning home (preferably with Twilight and Spike in tow)
-Having all of her excess power and sudden knowledge (two weeks of training and she can talk with Dusk on the same level?) stripped from her since they belonged to the fragments that composed Twilight
-Open paths through the universes (elaborating upon the spell from OAC&A)
-Saving her Rarity from deep depression (and stopping her from tearing Twilight to pieces on sight... not that Rarity could manage such a feat, but she'd at least try)

2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)
Yes, OAC&A was on my To-Read list. Chapter 4 of TSC effectively moved it to my Read-It-Right-Now list and I did fave it :twilightsmile:
Also, I'm now reading FO:E, since I'd never actually gotten up the nerve to do so, but the preview for the next chapter gave me the extra push I needed.

3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?
I don't really have genres I dislike; I've read the whole spectrum from Slice of Life/Comedy to Dark/Tragedy. I think the only one I have a problem with is Human, but that's probably because of the lack of really good fics (or the abundance of really bad ones) for it. I think the only one I've enjoyed among those has been The B.I.G.

4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?
Nope. The longer the chapter, the happier I am with an update (at least, before I read it... then it comes down to content). I also think that the long chapters benefit the way TSC goes about things, given that each one is a contained story within a different universe. In that way, we have enough time to understand the universe's situation, get to know the characters, develop a conflict and solve the conflict, without it all seeming rushed.

1) I expect interdimensional shenanigans, CMC adventures, Sweetie maturing a bit, and hopefully a happy ending.
2) No, but I've been familiar with all TSC storyverses so far except for "Nightmares Won't Last Forever".
3) There's no genre that I don't like on principle; I trust that you keep the story good and entertaining no matter which way it winds!
4) Nnnnnope. :eeyup:

1. I expect more of the same, because it's been so good thus far. Actually, the big news with this blog post is that we have a long journey still ahead, and that makes me happy. It also gives me hope that some of my favorite fics might get visited along the way.
2. Yes. I've read a couple of stories that this series pointed me towards, and liked them. However.... I've been avoiding FoE for a long time for a number of reasons: unfamiliarity with the source material, a theme that seems incompatible with what I know of FiM, lack of familiar characters, and the sheer boggling size of the stories that I'd have to digest just to get into it. I'll read the next chapter of TSC, of course, but.... I'm not sure I can bring myself to read the related fic, at least not until after I've seen the TSC side of it, this time.
3. I'll give just about anything a chance. There are definitely genres and sub-genres that turn me off and that I generally avoid, but TSC itself is one of my top favorites, and I put a lot of trust in your judgment.
4. I like those big chapters. They work well from where I sit.

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?
By now, just more of the same great writing. :twilightsmile:

2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)
I put on a cross and arrow on my to read list... (which is still over 200 stories long :twilightoops:)

3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?
While I generally dislike Grimdark, I won't avoid reading it, some good stories are worth it, though I do hope that there's not too much of that.

4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?
No, in fact, sometimes I'm disappointed that they're so short (Yes I am a bibliophile, why do you ask?:twilightsheepish:)

Besides all of that I hope this story will end up being even longer than you currently have planned (it always makes me sad when a great story ends)

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?
I'm expecting Sweetie to face situations she has no reason to expect to have to face. That's sort of the point of most stories, and this one has it in spades. I'm hoping that she doesn't loose too much of her youth and innocence, or can at least regain some by the time she returns home.
2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)
I have not (yet). I didn't really feel the need to, since so much time is spent on world-building in every chapter. I felt that I had a pretty good grasp on the world Sweetie visited by the time the 'action' really started in each chapter. I had previously read "Light Never Goes Out" and "Cross and Arrow", and have added "Nightmare" to my reading list.
3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?
The only genre I avoid is Gore/Grimdark, such as "Massacre at Sweet Apple Acres." I don't expect to see Sweetie visiting a world like that. Though......if it's well-written and ponies stay in-character....
4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?
Not at all. I love the large chapters. It gives the reader something to sink their teeth into and chew on for awhile.

1). It's awesome and I hope you will be able to keep it that way.
2). Yes. Of Mares and Magic. All other stories that are part of TSC has been read before by me.
3). As long as you wont make this Gore then I will read it.
4). ...No?

1. I expect the story to be entertaining in an episodic manner and to have an engaging arc story. I'm sure you already have some amazing ideas ready for us.

2. In order to understand what the context of the world Sweetie is in, I read all of the fanfictions that you use. I was very surprised to find "Of Mares and Magic" and "Fallout Equestria: Pink Eyes" entertaining. Thank you for that.

3. One of the aspects I enjoy the most about your writing is how you emulate the tone of the original so well. With the second chapter to the third, the tone went from comedy to somber without any difficulty in the transition. If the fanfictions you choose are violent or contain gory descriptions, I will judge them on an individual basis rather that some tag.

4. I enjoy longer chapters than shorter ones. They can help flesh out characters and world-building as well as give a sense of accomplishment when they have to end.

1) Aside from expectations of continued excellence, I'm withholding my guesses until I have a better idea of what's going on.
2) I had to go read 'The Light Never Goes Out', which I thought was very good. I know I'm also going to have to read some mysterious steampunk story when that comes up.
3) I'm fine with basically any genre.
4) I love the long chapters.

1. I expect quality storytelling and Sweetie's continued growth as a character. Beyond that, all bets are off.
2. I've already read most of them, though I may have to look into the few that I haven't.
3. As my name implies, there are few genres I dislike. It's more a question of writing quality, and yours is always top-notch.
4. Nope.:eeyup:

Technicaly I will answer each question, but not how everyone else has. You see sometimes I have trouble reading especially if they start off slow. However, TSC has interesting plot so for a while I tried to put myself in that world metaphoricly. Now so far the only chapter I didn't read completely was Nightmares Never End. The only story you've done so far that I already read is On a Cross and Arrow, I did whind up reading The light never goes out, I am not to certain I want to read the other stories. If it hits a genre I don't like, or should say isn't my most favorite, I might not skip it as I like any genre normaly; Depends on my mood I guess. For the most part though I have enjoyed this fic and Who knows it could become one of my favorites. Chapters are longer than what I normaly read probably, but there was a time I could read almost an entire novel in fairly little amount of time. Personaly I love reading, especially when you can get put into a world that another has created. And writing is something, for me atleast, that is an interesting tale to tell. ALLONS-Y.:pinkiehappy:

1. You are doing pink eyes. I think all my expectations have been met. But in all seriousness, I do not expect a happy ending or at least a bittersweat ending. The dreams have me really on edge and worried that something bad happened. I dont know why, but it kinda reminds me of the I couldnt wake you fic.
2. I read every story the next chapter is about and have liked every one of them. Execpt the ones I have already read of course.
3. I read every genre because there could be fantastic story telling in every one of them. Take the scootaloo diaries for instance. Or FoE.
4. I feel as though long chapters make the long wait worth it. I cant tell you how annoying it is to wait months just to get a few thousand words.

1. I expect it to keep doing what it's doing, nothing wrong with it.

2. I've read most of the fics writtens about so far. But I've reread most of them because of this fic.

3. Hmmmm, nah. I don't hate any genre enough for it to really ruin a fic for me.

4. I love the length of the chapters. Nice change from the small 6k word chapters you usually see.

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?
I hope for it to be an epic story of Legendary kinds.
2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)
I want to read some of them but I hardly have the time.
3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?
I don't care for Grimdark just to be Grimdark, i.e Cupcakes or S.A.M, but I don't care beyond that as this is a g rated story.
4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?
I read F:OE length stories for bed time stories. Do you think I care about long chapters. Like Orion above me said, " I feel as though long chapters make the long wait worth it. I cant tell you how annoying it is to wait months just to get a few thousand words."


1) I expect to thoroughly enjoy anything and everything that transpires. I have enjoyed everything so far and I do not think that fact will change. Other than that I can't say I have expectation on where the story will go and I prefer to be surprised in any case.

2) I have not read Of Mares and Magic yet, but I plan to. The same with Nightmares Don't Last Forever. I'd already read The Light Never Goes Out and it is well written and an excellent story and I'm happy I read it, I just happen to not like most sad stories. I did read On A Cross and Arrow due to this story and while it was a good read I'm not as floored by it as a lot of people seem to be. *shrug* Different strokes for different folks. I was planning on reading Pink Eyes after finishing FoE, but this got me to read it immediately and I loved it. Puppysmiles is the best, cutest, most diabetes inducing, most adorable pony slime ever! *Clutches chest* "HNNNNNNNG"

3) I'll read that mofo like it's the word of God, the gospel of Celestia, Faust's unpublished encyclopedia of show canon and the menu of the local pizza place all rolled into one.

*Shrug* I'm hungry.

When it comes to writing of this quality I'll read it even if it's set in the Conversion Bureu universe. That place just leaves a bad taste in my mouth most of the time. Though, if it ever crosses over with Rainbow Factory I might break my computer screen with my fist. Good thing I've got two of 'em. I seriously don't mind cupcakes, made me a little bit queasy at one point, but that was it. Rainbow Factory, specifically the character of Dash, made me really, really, really angry instaid. Couldn't finish reading it at first due to blinding rage and an overwhelming urge to stab that treasonous, betraying, villainous, vile pile of manure. *Clears throat* Sorry about that. That story just pushes my buttons.

4) I LOVE the chapter sizes. Sure, it takes a little while to get through them, but that just means that there's more good stuff to read. I've seen loads of writers who breeze through a chapter, leaving out details, descriptions, events and actions that would have enriched the story, resulting in shorter chapters that are lacking in substance and feel rushed. I've seen plenty of writers who can write short chapters that really are short and sweet, or that have the ability to make it feel like the action is fast paced and exhilirating, rather than drawn out. I have almost never encountered writers who can write long chapters that make them feel dragged out or bogged down. In general I feel that longer chapters are always a good thing, it allows proper depth, detail and character development.

And I love reading. More for me to read from one of my favorite authors = A happy me.

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?
Well, outside of seeing two certain crossovers happen *COUGHponypovseriesCOUGH* Hmm, sorry about *COUGHitsdangerousbuisnessgoingoutsideyourdoorCOUGH* AHEM. ...sorry. :twilightblush: Outside of that, I don't really have any expectations.

2) Have you read a story just because of TSC? (And, if so, have you faved it/recommended it?)
Well, I have been meaning to read "Of Mares and Magic" after it was featured in TSC.

3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like (i.e. Grimdark) what will you do? Read it? Skip it and catch up on the following chapter?
"a genre you generally/really don't like" ...those words. ...they have no meaning to me. (Unless "Fallout Equestria" counts as a genre, then in that case, I don't know.)

4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?

1) What are your expectations of 'The Sweetie Chronicles'?

What do I expect out of Sweetie Chronicles? Well. I have come to expect well written chapters full of fun adventure and yes even a few life lessons on growing up. I see TSC as a story about Sweetie growing up and into a powerful figure in her own right learning about both magick and life as she journeys from world to world in search of her lost mentor. So to make what is likely to turn into a full length exposition extolling the virtues of TSC much shorter all I "Expect" out of TSC is to continue to be a great story with intelligent narrative

2) Have you read a story just because of TSC?

Surprisingly the answer to this is, not yet. This isn't due to any fault in the stories chosen, this is more because Sweetie has yet to hit a story that I haven't ready yet. Now given that I read a great deal both online and offline this doesn't really come as a surprise to me. Now IF and I do mean IF TSC should take place in a story that I haven't yet read I can honestly say that I would be more than willing to read the source material. I'm constantly on the look out for new and interesting reading experiences.

3) If TSC hits a genre you generally/really don't like what will you do?

My answer to this? Why I would read it of course. In my personal opinion there is no such thing as a bad subject only a bad approach to said subject. I do not and cannot discriminate against a story merely because of the genre. While there are some subjects I personally do not care for as much as others this has never stopped me from reading a story especially when the concept is solid enough to pique my interest.

4) Lastly, are the chapter sizes intimidating?

No. I read a great deal as is and have more than enough free time to indulge my reading habits. I don't think it would be possible for a story to appear on FiMFiction that could be considered "Too Long" as the primary reason for not reading it. I like longform writing and as long as the story continues to hold my interest I see nothing wrong with reading 15k plus words per chapter.

1) i have non
2) just one of mares and magic and yes i faved it.
3) i'll probably read but if it goes to far i'll just skip it.
4) no

1) I guess I don't really have any... except for the continued development of Sweetie as a character (I like the angle your taking with this so far!)

2) I'd actually read the majority of the ones you've already done (except, I think, for the Nightmare Moon/prankster dealie).

3) No, it's how you frame it that's important, I think. To be honest, I don't usually go in for shipping but I don't have a problem if you choose to use a shipfic as a template and can do something amusing with it!

4) Nope! I like long fics, anyway.

i only expect the story to remain true to the origional story that it's taking off of that chaper, that and sweetie having inter-dimmensional fun!

And even if you did write a chapter that was a genre i dislike, which is pretty much non-existant actually, i'd still try to read it, regardless of chapter length.

1) I expect to see an author make a good story, and see sweetie grow even more as a character under your influence. >.> and maybe some subtle audience interaction.
2) maybe? :trixieshiftright:
3) do it anyway! *wish I hah a "YEAH!" face*
4) they are not intimidating. trust me.

1. It looks like this is gonna be a huge story, and I expect it go be awesome.
2. Nope, usually because I've read them already.
3. I will put on my brave face.
4. I segment off some time to read it- sign off of Skype, do homework, etc. The story is worth it, even the April Fool's one.

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