• Member Since 18th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 1st, 2014


More Blog Posts5

  • 533 weeks
    I`m Back

    Hello every pony,
    As I previously said I had a "spark of insanity" I persude that spark and well i gave up on it but I want to hear your feedback on the story. I gave up on it in all honesty. I will go back to my Pegasus Device summarizing looking for feedback.

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  • 550 weeks
    A spark of insanity

    Hello everypony,

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  • 551 weeks
    Fan-Fics for the blog

    Hello everypony,

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  • 552 weeks
    My Review of Pegasus Device Chapter 1

    Hello every pony,

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  • 552 weeks
    Intro/Plan of this

    Hello every pony, I will try to make a review and tell what i think of each fanfic i read. I wont be able to make this regularly, I have stuff to do so i wont always have time but i will try for once a week or at least 1 a month. Sorry in advance if you are a reader of these and are curious of when the next one will be out just bare with me. This one is brief i will try t make them longer in the

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My Review of Pegasus Device Chapter 1 · 11:43pm Nov 26th, 2013

Hello every pony,

Here is my first Review for my blog hope you enjoy it. Pegasus Device well written I must say. Now we have many characters: Gentle Butterwing, Hide Atmosphere, Rainbow Dash, Contrail, Pipe Wrench, Gauge, Corona and Cloud Clover. Gentle was promoted from the lower factory after Hide asked Rainbow for a new employee for the upper factory. Hide introduced Gentle after a somewhat threatening interview she had 3 options: volunteer her self to save a " failure" and her dying instead, refuse and have both her and the "failure" killed, or accept the position. Note that if she saved a "failure" there were stories Hide told her and they were one that was saved fell out of the sky and another with an unhealthy obsession for bubbles got banged up by a guard and left to fend for herself on the ground. Contrail is especially insane compared to the rest due to the stress but what he lacks in rational thought he makes up with very efficient work. For fun they would sit around in the break room were Hide introduced Gentle to the workers Contrail, Pipe Wrench, and Gauge they tell dirty jokes and punch Contrail. Gauge was the stallion that showed Gentle what they do.
Cloud Cover was one of these failures and she failed her flight exam for reasons unknown to her. Corona failed his by flying to fast his cutie mark being a horseshoe with wings (golden) after a god of speed. Cloud Clover was a journalist and fitting her cutie mark was a pencil and notepad/ paper sorry for the forgotten detail. Anyway they were taken with many other foals to the rainbow factory. They were put into a room and when Cloud Clover said her plan to run Corona said lets wait and see how this plays out they can`t make a plan based on an imagined scenario. Eventually the floor changes colors and a gas gets emitted from the floor (that at this point went from white to purple) and the gas the same color. Cloud makes a dash for the door but a guard that had a breathing regulator blocked her way.Corona went to the vent and eventually after Cloud passed out because of the chemicals in the gas opened the vent and escaped. This was reported to Hide and then he told the guard to report to Rainbow Dash who dreaded this very incident so she might have a plan and if the guard hurried no disciplinary actions. Due to the fact it was there group that Corona and another foal escaped from.

Electronic signing out later

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