• Member Since 18th Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Jun 1st, 2014


More Blog Posts5

  • 533 weeks
    I`m Back

    Hello every pony,
    As I previously said I had a "spark of insanity" I persude that spark and well i gave up on it but I want to hear your feedback on the story. I gave up on it in all honesty. I will go back to my Pegasus Device summarizing looking for feedback.

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  • 550 weeks
    A spark of insanity

    Hello everypony,

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    0 comments · 144 views
  • 551 weeks
    Fan-Fics for the blog

    Hello everypony,

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    0 comments · 153 views
  • 552 weeks
    My Review of Pegasus Device Chapter 1

    Hello every pony,

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    0 comments · 232 views
  • 552 weeks
    Intro/Plan of this

    Hello every pony, I will try to make a review and tell what i think of each fanfic i read. I wont be able to make this regularly, I have stuff to do so i wont always have time but i will try for once a week or at least 1 a month. Sorry in advance if you are a reader of these and are curious of when the next one will be out just bare with me. This one is brief i will try t make them longer in the

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A spark of insanity · 1:46am Dec 10th, 2013

Hello everypony,

I have a little spark of insanity I call it this because i`m not very good with stories. Ihave been reading and listening to fanfics and thought i may try to write one myself. So if I dont have many blog posts after im done with my summary of the fanfic Pegasus Device in itself it may be because of that.I have also been givin a request for dubble commentary with rainbow chris on youtube so i will be busy sorry everypony ill be behind on blogging for a while.

Singning out

-Electronic Soul-

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