• Member Since 18th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen May 18th, 2014


More Blog Posts12

  • 542 weeks

    OK, usually, I like to put pictures with my stories. I was hoping anyone had an idea of a picture that could possibly inspire me?!?!?!?! Thanks ^^

    0 comments · 405 views
  • 542 weeks
    Would you read this?

    When Zecora leaves her home to Pinkie for the week, Pinkie finds herself able to see into Zecora's cauldron what others cannot. She mixes the potions, spending more and more precious time at the Zebra's home. Eventually, Pinkie begins to become more insane and less social each day.

    Read More

    2 comments · 343 views
  • 543 weeks
    Yay I feel like posting a blog!

    Is it a good thing I feel like posting a blog? I guess, but I don't know why, so don't read this if your busy, because there's no point....

    0 comments · 270 views
  • 544 weeks
    log off

    yay i went to my friends house (still at my friends house) and logged off, yay!

    0 comments · 346 views
  • 544 weeks
    Please ignore me

    I left myself logged on at my friends house by accident and she is posting horrible stuff, help!

    10 comments · 312 views

Do people hate me now? · 4:23pm Jan 19th, 2014

Ok, so I made this forum about twilight becoming an alicorn 'cause I was really bored and I have only just finished season 3, so people just kept posting these comments about how everyone is over that, I was like 'AAHHHH, I feel so hated' :'(
Why is everyone so ahead of me and is it so wrong that I am behind Dx sometimes .... I just want a friend. Lol..

Report Lunnana · 195 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

Ah, I get it. You're new blood. That's why you posted about hating Alicorn Twilight. Yeah, it's a bit touchy, and old news. Personally, I don't care about the change.

well, I dont hate her, but yeah, I'm pretty new..... thanks for your opinion though :pinkiehappy:

Thing is, Writer's Group is a VERY high-traffic forum, so when people bring up things that are eleven months old? It gets a lot of this: :facehoof:

Just lurk for a while/participate in discussions without being so eager to START threads. At least until you get the hang of how the WG forum works. :twilightsmile:

No, you just made an honest mistake. Besides, barely anyone's going to remember the incident.

1734987 thanks, that makes me feel loads better, I was just scared of being hated because I go on alot of sites with very dramatic people..... :facehoof:

1734984 alright, thank you!

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