• Member Since 18th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen May 18th, 2014


More Blog Posts12

  • 542 weeks

    OK, usually, I like to put pictures with my stories. I was hoping anyone had an idea of a picture that could possibly inspire me?!?!?!?! Thanks ^^

    0 comments · 405 views
  • 542 weeks
    Would you read this?

    When Zecora leaves her home to Pinkie for the week, Pinkie finds herself able to see into Zecora's cauldron what others cannot. She mixes the potions, spending more and more precious time at the Zebra's home. Eventually, Pinkie begins to become more insane and less social each day.

    Read More

    2 comments · 343 views
  • 543 weeks
    Yay I feel like posting a blog!

    Is it a good thing I feel like posting a blog? I guess, but I don't know why, so don't read this if your busy, because there's no point....

    0 comments · 270 views
  • 544 weeks
    log off

    yay i went to my friends house (still at my friends house) and logged off, yay!

    0 comments · 346 views
  • 544 weeks
    Please ignore me

    I left myself logged on at my friends house by accident and she is posting horrible stuff, help!

    10 comments · 312 views

I'm not lonely! · 5:22pm Jan 19th, 2014

Psh, look at my followers, I'm not lonely anymore so IN YAW FACE! I have exactly 1 follower!!!! ......ok, so its nothing to brag about, but I fell special :D

Report Lunnana · 203 views ·
Comments ( 17 )

Your first follower is always something to be happy about. I love it when I get a new one. I actually just got another one about two minutes ago.:twilightblush:

congratulations then! :pinkiegasp:

1735036 Thanks, and congratulations on your first follower, because you're being watched by the guy with the awesomest name on the site.:trollestia:

1735058 I'm serious; I get comments at least once a day on my page by people just saying they looked at my name...:rainbowlaugh:

I luv it.:yay:

1735064 Yeah, I'd love it too if it were me! haha :raritywink:

1735067 That username is adorable, so I think I'll start happening to you soon enough.:raritywink:

1735070 My username?

1735076 Yay thank you! Its the name of my OC

1735080 Be back after dinner, bye!

1735080 I swear, everybody here has an OC but me.:twilightblush:

1735090 Well if you need any idea's, I'm more than happy to help :twilightsmile:

1735463 It's not because of the ideas, I just didn't feel like making one.:twilightblush:

1735502 Oh, I see! I guess its not everyponys cuppa tea :pinkiesmile:

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