• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Wanderer D

Patreon | Ko-fi are available for subscriptions/donations! Helping pay my bills helps me write more!

More Blog Posts1384

  • 6 days
    The Book Nook is open for registrations!

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  • 1 week
    A dead PC...

    ...creates troubles for everyone.

    So guys, my PC died. I'm fairly certain it's the motherboard (given everything else works when tested individually), and thankfully it's still within warranty (just shy of two months) so I'm hoping I can get it replaced. Goddamn asus.

    20 comments · 185 views
  • 3 weeks
    Summary that never was

    Hey guys, so a single update today, still struggling with getting to work on writing.

    I hate it when things like this happen, but all I can do atm is keep trying to jumpstart the creativity.

    10 comments · 334 views
  • 5 weeks
    Author Life Update

    Hello everyone! This is your friendly-but-sometimes-a-hard-ass neighborhood Latias: Wanderer D!

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    8 comments · 302 views
  • 6 weeks
    Sorry guys

    I apologize for the lack of updates. Although I am writing a bit, I've found myself in a bit of a semi-writer's block. I'll get out of it, but it is delaying the stories.

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Out of Office · 6:53am May 11th, 2012

So, I'm moving. Yes, that's the reason you might have seen me online but not doing much. I leave the computer on as I move boxes upon boxes upon boxes. :facehoof: At least I'm not moving across the country like last year. That was not fun.

Anyway, so, internet won't be available pretty much until next week and THEN I'm going to fly off to Turkey for about 10 days. Any Turkish bronies around? :raritystarry:

I'm also stopping in Amsterdam, so if anyone out here lives there and wants to meet the legendary Wanderer D (you know, to shake my hand and/or shoot me) let me know! We might meet! Maybe. Possibly.

But yeah, so, no updates for the next few days unless I manage to finish the LQ chapter.

If you don't see me in a month at all... well, only death could keep me away from ponies :duck: Let's hope it doesn't come to me playing a game of Twist vs the Grim Reaper.

Anyway, I'll see you all later!


Report Wanderer D · 235 views ·
Comments ( 22 )

Oh man, I am so jelly of amsterdam bronies right now.

Well, then, I hope it all goes well! :pinkiehappy:

When you say Amsterdam, do you mean the one in Europe or the one in New York? :applejackconfused: It may seem like an obvious answer and all, but given that for all we know you mean the NY one... :rainbowlaugh:

dammit, why do all the cool writers never come to kansas city? I mean seriously, the only author i know of that stopped by here was rick riordan but noone else.

O-HI-O!! Make an excuse and just travel the U.S. oh great and powerful Wanderer!!

This entire blog post was an excuse to make that Bogus reference.

"Twister vs Grim Reaper"
Oh ho ho ho. I see what you did there.

Probably. And he is likely still laughing to himself about it.

"Turkish bronies" sounds like chocolates!:derpyderp2: (I apologize to all real Turkish bronies for the association.)

Good luck with your move!


You just know there's a pony named Turkish Delight somewhere...

Hey Wanderer, make sure to check in from time to time and tell us how your moving process or your Turkish baths are :trollestia:

Where in Turkey? Istanbul? Ankara?

Bring a WWII tank back with you, I'll pay good money for one :pinkiehappy:

There's plenty just inside the Bulgarian border.

Good luck with your move, Wanderer!~

XD yeah, go Deleteh! Bill and Ted FTW! WYLD STALLYNZ forever!!! (Our coalition, not Bill and Ted.)

A month with no Wanderer D? Gak! You can't do this to us, man!

Seriously though, good luck with the move, and have a great time in Turkey and Amsterdam, whatever it is you happen to be doing over there :pinkiehappy:

Hmm, on what day will you be in Amsterdam?

If it's during a weekend, maybe I could go there, then...

*considers flying to turkey* hmmm... then again... halfway round the world...:trixieshiftright:

Do you guys know how CoD has this online map thing that shows you where people are playing from?
If we only had that for FIMFiction, that would be awesome . . .
Wanderer D, if you, knighty, Poultron, Wlah, or any other programmer can do that, I would love you.

I searched it and I couldn't find him/her.

Man I wish I could go to amsterdam just to visit the rest of my family, but alas, I am short on money. :pinkiesad2:

hmmm, do you have an iphone of the sorts, while flying (im assuming you are not sailing to euroupe) you could type, or a laptop of the such...


Wanderer D

109810 :facehoof: sadly it's not going to be possible, the damned airline is charging me a lot of extra cash for my intended overnight... so maybe next time! :twilightblush:

111672 no can do, too much walking in the near future and the laptop would get demolished by the hike. :fluttercry:

114653 thank god, i thought you were going to ban me :scootangel:

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