• Member Since 29th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 17th, 2018


I'm a small, aspiring teenage artist just looking for improvement. Nothing more, nothing less.

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  • 534 weeks
    What's been going on?

    ... Ok, So, gonna cut this short and simple, so, lets see...
    Alright, 1st thing's first, MH in Equestria is on hiatus for several reasons, one of them being the biggest obstacle of them all: School. Yeah... Yeah, that's pretty self explanatory, but I'm mostly talking about my Advanced placement studio arts class, that's the one with it's boot driving up inside me.

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  • 544 weeks

    Hi there, Fimfiction, how's it going out there? Boy am I nervous and this is only my 1st few hours on this site. Literally, I'm kinda freaking out here guys. ^-^"

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Introduction · 5:34am Jan 30th, 2014

Hi there, Fimfiction, how's it going out there? Boy am I nervous and this is only my 1st few hours on this site. Literally, I'm kinda freaking out here guys. ^-^"
So, why am I so nervous? Well, several reasons: For one, I just started posting my 1st ever fanfic (Already nervous enough there), and to top it off, I have no freaking clue what I'm doing while I'm starting to publish my story XD. I feel like a little child walking through a store alone here; I need some assistance to drive me in the right direction.
So, Uhm, as far as my story goes, it's ah, basically a crossover of Monster Hunter lore fitting in with the MLP world, because I had figured that the monsters from the game series could actually fit well into the MLP Canon, It could also give my characters some kind of conflict within their own lives, and basically that's my inspiration.
I'm... Well, fresh out of the bag with the Monster Hunter series, but I can say this much; It is an addictive series and I just love it so much :P It's challenging, but that fun type of challenge; It doesn't feel too much like I'm doing a chore in the game while I'm out hunting. I'm a huge gamer, so, you can imagine how awesome this game is for me :P

So... Hello again, Fimfiction! And I'm glad to be a part of the writing section of the brony community. Hope I get to write some awesome stories one day, and I'll have you know I'm very open to criticism. I look to improve and present the best, so I wanna read your opinions! :P

Report KeenWit · 136 views ·
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