• Member Since 29th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Jan 17th, 2018


I'm a small, aspiring teenage artist just looking for improvement. Nothing more, nothing less.

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  • 534 weeks
    What's been going on?

    ... Ok, So, gonna cut this short and simple, so, lets see...
    Alright, 1st thing's first, MH in Equestria is on hiatus for several reasons, one of them being the biggest obstacle of them all: School. Yeah... Yeah, that's pretty self explanatory, but I'm mostly talking about my Advanced placement studio arts class, that's the one with it's boot driving up inside me.

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  • 543 weeks

    Hi there, Fimfiction, how's it going out there? Boy am I nervous and this is only my 1st few hours on this site. Literally, I'm kinda freaking out here guys. ^-^"

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What's been going on? · 8:48am Apr 7th, 2014

... Ok, So, gonna cut this short and simple, so, lets see...
Alright, 1st thing's first, MH in Equestria is on hiatus for several reasons, one of them being the biggest obstacle of them all: School. Yeah... Yeah, that's pretty self explanatory, but I'm mostly talking about my Advanced placement studio arts class, that's the one with it's boot driving up inside me.
Another reason is because I've kinda wanted to work on another project I've had some passion about long before MHiE, involving a Pheonix Wright parody I dubbed "Turnabout Vendetta", that I probably should have posted on here first. It'll have slight connections between one another, the only one being characters and their history with one another, and most of MHiE would be before the parody. It's mostly just a small little story about how one of my OCs finally found herself a job that makes her feel like she really belongs in and she can really enjoy... Which, if you've played Phoenix Wight, you know where this is going :P. I will be taking extra time by drawing my own images for certain scenes (Don't worry... I'm not HORRID, but I'm halfway decent XD.), mostly just for the heck of it.
Recent relationship BS has been also distracting me... It's a really long and tedious story, plus I'd much rather forget everything happened, so I won't go into it.
... Really, that's about it other than procrastination. So, don't worry, really, I've already got a lot planned on my other parody story, just need to revise it and convert it into an acceptable format for Fimfiction, but as for as MHiE, I've been a little too distracted to think about where I want my story to go.

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