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I'm an old-school MLP fan, glad the new show is doing great.

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MLP episode review: Dragonshy · 12:06am May 21st, 2014

Are you ready for da cutest widdle dragonslayer evah?! Well, sit tight, because...


We open with Fluttershy feeding her animals. First thing is she tosses dead fish to ferrets under the bridge. And some people somehow think she'd be horrified by human diets. Right... Oh, and worms to baby birds. Angel is a jerk and refuses to eat his carrot. *Slaps Angel upside the head* He runs off, and then kicks the carrot away. But then he begins a pantomine routine. Fluttershy spots a huge trail of smoke in the sky, and Angel tosses the carrot at her head. I toss a book at his body. And hit him.

Skip the credits, then skip a rock over a lake.

In Ponyville Fluttershy asks for help in a very soft voice. Dash dashes by, startling her as she attempts the ball-bouncing record. Pinkie Pie plans a party for the record and begins counting. And we see Lyra and a meme is launched. She messes up the tally and Fluttershy is not getting through to anyone. Then Twilight shouts and they all pay attention to her. Turns out the smoke is over all of Equestria! And now they notice. I believe the term is 'fail a spot check'. Twilight got a letter from Princess Celestia. It's not from a fire, which is good! It's coming from a dragon, which is bad.

We cut to Golden Oaks and Applejack asking what a dragon's doing in Equestria. He is... taking a nap. I'll get him a pillow and blankie. Rarity asks what they're meant to do about it, which is a question I ask as well. There is the Royal Guard. At this point sending Twilight and her friends is pretty damned risky in a BAD way. At this point they went into a Forest, encountered some... semi-tame obstacles and beat Nightmare Moon with the power of friendship. Anyway, Dash says they'll give him the boot, setting up her characterization for the episode. She almost kicks over one of those horse head statues, almost flies into it and crashes against a wall. Ah, so this is why I don't take her seriously! Twilight tells her they need to 'encourage' him to go nap somewhere else. Celestia's given us the mission. Again why them? And 'they're the main characters' doesn't cut it too well with me. We also get an early hint of Twilight's need for Celestia's approval. And Dash salutes in the background.

Twilight tells them to go gather supplies. Dash pumps them up. They go off to get ready all set to a tune very similar to the A-Team's theme.

"In 972 a crack friendship unit was sent to Tartarus by a royal court for a crime they didn't commit. These mares promptly escaped from a maximum-security stable to the Las pegasus underground. Today, still wanted by Canterlot, they survive as soldiers of friendship. If you have a problem, if no one else can help and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... the Mane-Team!"

*Ahem* Sorry about that. A bit off the cuff for me, there. Dash smears rainbow gunk under her eyes. Big Mac, still suffering from his injury, heft a carton of supplies onto Applejack's back. Pinkie Pops out with party streamers. She giggles, then growls. Rarity readies an army helmet, but passes a mirror, decides against function and goes with a summer hat with a camo pattern. And Fluttershy leaves with an American football helmet, a chest pad and... what appear to be waders over her legs. She's scared witless. "Let's go!" "Let's not." And she whimpers.

Back at Ponyville Twilight gives them the plan. They have to make good pace to get up the mountain by nightfall. It'll get cold up there, but Rarity has a scarf that will do... very little for her. Fluttershy looks to the top of Mount Doomy Dooms of Doom and goes to Twilight to ask if she can stay behind. There's a bit of a gag scene of miscommunication with Twilight enthralled by her map and planning. Twilight finally twigs to Fluttershy and we learn she's counting on her way with wild animals will come in handy. Okay... bit of spoilers? I don't see the dragon as a 'wild animal'. She also assures her Spike will care for her friends. Some people take issue with Spike not going. I... do not. He's a baby dragon with no knowledge of their culture. I really don't see how he'd be too much use. And Angel is a jerk. Again. *Slaps Angel*

Dash questions Fluttershy's own usefulness. Twilight tries to reassure her, and right on cure Fluttershy... is scared of her own shadow. Ouch... Dash is NOT impressed. Twilight rallies them and they stampede right through Fluttershy, carrying her off. We cut to them on a path to the base of the mountain as the dragon snores and the world turns. And no, I have no idea why I just referenced a soap opera I've never seen. *Shrugs* Fluttershy notes how high it is and Dash is... really starting to tick me off a bit. Yes, we know. You think she's useless dead weight. She goes to fly up there but Applejack partakes in her favorite activity, grabbing her tail by the teeth. She says safety in numbers, which is pretty damned smart. We fade to them walking up the side of the mountain, like Batman and Robin without their grappling gear. Rarity's planning to see if she can swipe some of his jewels and/or gold. Pinkie... takes the piss outta her. And I think it's genuinely funny and clever. "Welcome to my cave, Rarity! Care for a diamond? ROAR!" The others laugh, too. And so do I.

Twilught breaks it up and asks for Fluttershy's opinion. And we see... she's at the bottom of the mountain. Dash is... verging or crossing into asshole territory here, but at the same time... this is the fate of Equestria we're talking about. Then again it's called tact, which she has none of. In a bad way. Pinkie Pie cheers her on, earning my praise. Fluttershy flies up, but the dragon snores and her wings lock up. Oh, no. :( Applejack decides to slide down and take Fluttershy around the mountain. The dragon snores and Fluttershy goat-faints. Complete with legit goat bleat.

We cut to the main group up on a ledge. Pinkie Pie's beaten Rarity 35 games in a row in tic-tac-toe. And Applejack finally finishes towing Fluttershy. And... barring cartoon physics her back must've lost two-three layers of skin and it's entire coat! Dash makes sure to remark she said it was gonna take forever. We cut to them coming across a huge chasm! Everyone gets across but Fluttershy. And Pinkie Pie... encourages her through a nice little song that has both me and Fluttershy smiling.

God, season-one Pinkie Pie. Where did you go?! This is like... a 180 from Filli Vanilli! I am liking you in these early episodes a lot. Twilight says they don't have time ofr this and Pinkie speeds up the album. :D Fluttershy tries it... and Twilight tells her to not look down.


*ROlls up newspaper and bops Twilight on the nose* That is the LAST thing you're supposed to say! But yeah, Fluttershy looks down, freaks out... and we learn the 'chasm' was only a little wider than her torso. Cue sad trombone and Dash butting into her butt. Later on they're near a cliff face and Twilight whispers to them it's an avalanche zone. Fluttershy begins to freak out but Twilight shushes her. Literally. Even Pinkie Pie is dead silent. Dash brushes against a tree limb, shakes down some leaves... and they land on Fluttershy's flank. She screams, "AVALANCHE!!!!!!!!" and it echoes. And... we get a rockslide.

It's a legit cool action sequence. Rocks fall, the ponies scatter. Dash does some fancy flying. There's even this shot of Twilight running away with the camera at an angle and low to the ground. Very nicely shot! And in the end, the pass is blocked. Rarity brought an extra scarf, but maybe not the tiara that goes with it. Priorities, motherbucker! Have you heard of them?! They climb over, with Dash looking down on Fluttershy quite literally, forelegs crossed in utter annoyance and possibly loathing as well. On the other side Fluttershy slips and slides down into everyone. Rarity apologizes and Dash... "It's not your fault," she says while glaring at Fluttershy. Ouch...

So, they finally reach the cave. Twilight lays out a plan. Dash will clear the smoke. Pinkie Pie and Rarity will create a distraction if things get hairy in there. Pinkie... waves a rubber chicken around. Rarity breaks the fourth wall with an "I don't even KNOW" look. And Applejack is ready with apples in case he decides to attack. She kicks them against a tree and they do nothing. But Twilight believes between her and Fluttershy, they can convince him to go. Oh, this is gonna be painful for all involved!

Twilight goes in... not knowing Fluttershy is still frozen outside. She goes back and bites Fluttershy's wings while Flutters does an ostrich impression. Apparently every second he snores, an acre of land is covered. Dang, that's some heavy snoozing! All five of them form a chain of pushing and she finally just flat-out says she can't go in the cave. She's scared of dragons. They try to reason with her, even bringing up Spike. Good one, show! She doesn't mind him because he's a baby dragon, not a full-size dragon.

The dragon snores are well-timed, too.

Twilight asks why she didn't say something before. "I was afraid to." Hello, facepalm! Applejack says all of them are scared. Dash says she's not. I guess her phobia is Ursa Majors, then. She's also pretty stupid. Applejack tries a pep talk and... it doesn't work. Twilight goes in alone. she bumps into his snout and he is enormous. Ohhai Smaug Junior! Yeah, bed of gold. Classic dragon stuff. she tries talking and he wakes up. Sorta. His eyes are open but he's still probably at least half-asleep. I know that feeling. He turns over, scratches and yawns with breath that could kill the undead. Or something. Twilight valiantly continues to try reasoning with him. and he rises up, stretches, scratches himself and drops back asleep.

I'm not even sure he heard a word she said or was even conscious during her little speech, to be honest.

Rarity goes in and this time he's awake. And she begins buttering him up. She also begins snatching some of his jewels. For a time it begins working... but then she goes over the line by saying she'd be happy to 'keep an eye' on his jewels while he's gone. As we learned earlier in 'Ticket Master' dragons eat gems. This is is food supply. Bad form, Rarity. He slides them over with a single swipe. And Pinkie Pie is... wearing a present, with goofy glasses, balloons and flippers on her hooves. The thing is the only thing I question are the flippers. Even Rarity says she looks ridiculous. All part of her plan! She goes in, there's some crashing and she waddles out. Dragon, I am so with you on that. Dash loses it. "We've tried persuasion, charm, whatever it is Pinkie Pie does..." And she flies in and kicks the dragon in the face.

Okay, remember in the first post I said there'd be stuff I was gonna call out if I saw it as wrong, even if everyone else thought it was awesome? This... I see as rock-dropping STUPID! Dash, you can stand up in his beak, you moron! Not to mention overall he's been remarkably reasonable for how he could be. I'm still convinced he was mostly asleep when Twilight was talking to him. Dash, you lose. He sneezes and he gets pissed. And I... really can't blame him with her. He roars. She flies out from the sonic scream and scores a strike! The dragon emerges and shoots smoke at them. Honestly, they're all damned lucky it wasn't fire!

A rock breaks from their impact, revealing Fluttershy. She sees them, sees the dragon and her spine grows three sizes in this instant! And here it is, the Stare, beta version. She flies right up to him and delivers the browbeating of a lifetime! She walks along his beak right up to his eye, and THIS is awesome. He shrinks down a bit, but points out Dash kicking him. Dash grins at that and I must rein in my need to throttle her for her stupidity. And for her general attitude during this entire episode, too. Fluttershy apologizes for that, but points out he's bigger and should know better, and he should know better than to take a nap where his smoke can become a health hazard.

And... he breaks down and cries. We get a shot of the others, with Rarity fussing over her mane and Pinkie Pie with an umbrella hat. She comforts him. He's not a bad dragon. He made a bad decision. Aww! She says to pack his things and find a new place to sleep. The others cheer her on while the dragon flies off to scout out a new spot for his hoard. And I double-checked the spelling on that. That is the proper spelling, right? I always get those mixed up. :(

Back in Ponyville the pegasi are clearing the smoke away. Angel is being an ass, but Spike's grabbed him by the foot. I hope Angel gets a broken leg! Twilight asks Spike to take a letter. She reports the dragon has left, and delivers the lesson about faith in her friends, and how friendship can help overcome even your greatest fears. It's a good lesson, and unlike last time, fits the episode. utside, Dash is about to break the ball-bouncing record when Pinkie roars and breaks her concentration. She goat-faints and I laugh. At her. She tells Pinkie she scared her, but tries to cover it up. Fluttershy comforts her, but a leaf falls on her butt and she goat-faints. hah, hah?

This... is a really cool episode. Some people think this i where the show got good. And I can see why. Epic quest, great action, great climax with the dragon. And it wasn't a kick to the face, but good talking-to and understanding that saved the day!

Now as for Dash. Good lord! On one hand, yeah. She was right in Fluttershy being more hindrance than help up until the end. On about a dozen other hands her naked contempt and utter loathing was so palpable as to be a solid object! And no, I do not find her kicking the dragon to be 'badass'. I found it to be stupid. Then again considering how she was acting the whole episode kinda par for the course. Hmm, also she has a bear phobia, but not a dragon one. *Evil smile*

As for the dragon... I liked him. Not the nicest being but a hell of a lot more reasonable then he had to be or was even expected. He's sort of the basis for my headcanon concerning dragons in the Hasbroverse. There, dragons are organized into thirteen clans and live to the west of Equestria in the Dragon Clans. They're allies with the Equestrians and led by King Spykoran the Old, or G1 Spike. ;) This dragon got a stern lecture about napping in Equestrian territory when he returned to his clan. Naughty, naughty!

And Fluttershy stepped up big-time! Badflank, she was! Her fears were... pretty reasonable. It's a huge dragon! But the Stare and lecture kicked butt. The semi-first appearance of the Stare... I gotta admit, some of the fandoms, "she can out-stare Sauron!" get on my nerves, joke or not. But it's not on her.

Tune in tomorrow where I ask the question... why is it most YouTube reviewers don't like 'Look Before You Sleep'? Seriously, I love this episode. But, for tomorrow!

Also, I erred. I asked if it should be either Fluttershy leading an army of Grimlocks or her Staring down Beast Wars transmetal II Megatron. But... why not both? :D

Report RK_Striker_JK_5 · 420 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

That's... a lot of Grim. :flutterrage:

Tune in tomorrow where I ask the question... why is it most YouTube reviewers don't like 'Look Before You Sleep'? Seriously, I love this episode. But, for tomorrow!

Probably because compared with Dragonshy was a little letdown.

Also, I erred. I asked if it should be either Fluttershy leading an army of Grimlocks or her Staring down Beast Wars transmetal II Megatron. But... why not both? :D

That image earns Fluttershy seal of approval.


Grimlock: Me say Fluttershy Dinobot QUEEN!

This episode was the one that started off my belief that I hold to this day that Fluttershy is pretty awesome. She's my second favorite pony. :yay:

I wonder if your constant references to "bad form" is a reference to Once Upon a Time's Captain Hook.

In retrospect, knowing Flutters' and Dash's long history, this is the episode where Rainbow, who's grown sick and tired of her old friend being a wuss, and has pretty much given up on motivating her and settled on snark and open frustration, changes her mind. From here on, I think we see a more and more positive relationship with the two.

oh my goodness so much grimlock
do want

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