• Published 12th Feb 2020
  • 2,410 Views, 127 Comments

Chaos Runs Rampant - RK_Striker_JK_5

Discord escapes from his stone prison and wreaks havoc.

  • ...


Twilight's head bobbed up and down, a wide beam of purple magic shooting from it and washing over Megan. She and Megan stood in Golden Oaks' main foyer, the only ones inside the library at the moment. “All right, Megan. Preliminary scan is done.” She floated a clipboard and pen over and started scribbling. “

Megan waited for a few moments before leaning in. “And?”

Twilight's eyes raised from the clipboard slightly. “'And' I have a feeling they're gonna be writing essay papers on what's happened to you for the next century or so.” She grinned slightly. “It's actually quite fascinating what Queen Celestia did to you. The massive amount of potion ingested and the–”

Megan dropped to one knee and grabbed the sides of he friend's head. “Twilight, please! Focus on the information! I'm a little desperate for know-how, here.”

Twilight's eyes shifted back and forth. “Sorry about that,” she finally said. “You know how I get with that.” She waited until Megan removed her hands from the side of her head, then turned and trotted off a few paces. Twilight's horn glowed and three roughly-bipedal silhouettes formed in front of her. Thin, white lines traced themselves through the silhouette on the left. “Here's the thaumic, or magic, energy channels for a typical, untrained human. Not much there, if anything.” Lines traced themselves through the silhouette in the middle, much brighter and thicker. “Here's our friend Albert Preston. Much more developed, but still not powerful compared to even the average Equestrian pony.” The final silhouette lit up, thick, bright-white lines almost entirely filling the body. “And here... you are.”

Megan's eyes widened. “That's... just because of the potion?”

Twilight's jaw shifted slightly before she responded. “I hypothesize it's not just that, but all the instances you used the Rainbow of Light, not to mention how much time you spent in Dream Valley and Equestria. It's possible you've absorbed more than your fair share of magical energy over the eleven years you spent in Dream Valley, wielding the old Rainbow of Light. The potion Queen Celestia forced onto you–and I apologize for bringing that up–not only added to it, but by transforming you into an omnicorn, unlocked your ability to wield such magical power.” She kicked at the floor and shook her head. “Please keep in mind a lot of this is guesswork. And I can't help you out too much with the physical changes to your body. I'm a unicorn, not a doctor or even expert on alicorn physiology.” She snorted. “Then again you're more than a bit beyond 'alicorn' status.”

Megan sighed. “Yeah. “I've heard the term 'omnicorn' thrown around more than once, on account of me showing off Sea Pony and Flutter Pony powers.” She held her hands up and looked at her fingers as she waggled them. “I wonder how else I'm gonna change. Will I sprout wings and a horn full-time? A tail?”

Twilight shook her head. “I'm afraid I can't help you with that, Megan.” Her ears folded flat against her skull. “I... never really delved into the subject of alicorn physiology. I had so many other subjects to study, and asking Princess Celestia if I could do a check-up on her or watch one never really occurred to me.” Her brow furrowed. “Why didn't you go to Celestia or Luna about this, first?”

“I did, and they recommended seeing you,” Megan responded. She snorted and waved Twilight off. “It's fine, Twilight. Probably for the best” She dropped to one knee and leaned in close. “Back when she was a filly, Celestia used to hate going to the doctor and getting examined.” She waved her head back and forth. “'I don't wanna go to the doctor! Come on, I wanna go and play outside while listening to the Cure and practicing my lines if I ever meet Robert Smith!”

Silence reigned in the library for a few moments before Twilight's nostrils flared with a snort of laughter. She bit the inside of her cheek, but she started smiling at the mental image conjured by Megan's words. “You know, part of me finds it to be refreshing to learn how... ordinary Princess Celestia can be,” Twilight admitted.

“One of these days I'll tell you about Luna's love of the WWF,” Megan said. She reached out and patted Twilight on the shoulder, giving her a short squeeze of reassurance. “But really, thanks. You really did help me out a lot, here.” Megan slowly stood back up, frowning slightly. “That didn't hurt.”

“What didn't hurt?”

“My knees and back didn't hurt,” Megan said, rubbing her kneecaps. “I don't know if that's adrenaline or...” She slowly shook her head. “I need to see the Doctor.”

“Doctor? Which doctor?” Twilight asked. “There's loads at the Canterlot Royal Hospital who would be much better at this than me.” She floated her phone over. “They've got a full telephone network set up over there.”

Megan held up a hand. “Well, those doctors, yes, but I also meant the one in Ponyville–Doctor Whooves.” She crossed herself and tapped her right eye. “I'll make an appointment to get a full examination, magical and mundane, Twilight. I'll get a hundred of them, and you'll be there for them. Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!”

Twilight repeated the gesture. “And I'll be as controlled as possible. Cross my own heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Her hoof touched right below her right eye. She paused. “Wait, I did it right.” A single strand of Twilight's mane shot up. “Is that a good or bad thing?”

Megan forced a smile and patted Twilight on the shoulder. “We're calling it a good sign and that's that. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got some appointments to make and a stallion to visit.” She suddenly smacked her forehead. “Why did I say it like that?”

Twilight nickered. “Good thing neither Danny nor Rainbow Dash heard that. You'd never live it down.”

The seriousness of the situation lifted, if only for a few moments, as the two friends shared a bit of laughter and smiles among the chaos and changes going on.

The trip down to the Canterlot dungeons this time was somewhat shorter for Celestia this time around, at least mentally. She made her way down the stairs and past the cells that once held Queen Celestia and the others. Even here, though, her ears folded down a bit at the racket being produced at the far end of the dungeon.

A burly earth pony stallion clad in a rather utilitarian guard uniform trotted up to Celestia. “Your majesty,” Warden Lock and Load said, bowing to her. “My apologies for the noise. Our lone resident decided to start acting up ever since Queen Celestia and the others were extradited to Earth two days ago.”

Celestia waved him off as the pair started walking down the hall and past the now-empty cells. “I figured Discord would be causing a commotion while imprisoned.” her ears folded flat at several loud bangs and clanging. “By Granny Bonnie, what does he have?”

Lock and Load pulled a clipboard out of his saddlebags. “He just got his lunch. Aside from that and some basic toiletries, he doesn't have any possessions allowed in his cell.” Lock and Load's cheeks colored. “Trying to figure out his dietary and hygienic needs was quite the experiment.”

The pair turned a corner and finally arrived at the last cell in the dungeon. Discord stood at the bars, a battered cup in his paw. “Attica! Attica!” he shouted, banging the cup against the bars. “I demand a lawyer! I demand a fair trial! I demand a mint on my pillow and... and...” He scratched the side of his head. “Ugh, this is so much harder without my magic.”

Celestia growled slightly. She looked to Lock and Load. “Thank you, Warden. I'd like to speak with Discord alone for a few minutes.”

Lock and Load glanced between the two. “Are you sure that's a wise idea, Princess? Even without his magic he could be dangerous.”

Celestia bowed her head to him and smiled. “Thank you for your concern, but it's all right. I'll be careful.”

The warden nickered, but nodded to her. “I'll be around the corner,” he finally said. “Any problems and just shout.” With that, he turned, trotted back down the hallway and vanished.

Celestia looked back up to Discord, her expression hardening with every second. “Is there any chance you could perhaps improve your behavior? The staff does not deserve to have to deal with your antics, as retrained as they are in your current condition.”

Discord rolled his eyes, but stopped and blinked a few times. “Dammit, I can't roll them around like dice anymore,” he muttered. Discord glared at Celestia. “Why are you here? Surely it's not to check in on some noise disturbance reported by that glorified crossing guard.”

“All my little ponies are of my concern,” Celestia replied, “especially when it comes to you and what you could get up to.”

Discord held his paws up. “What I can get up to, your highness-ness, is very little if anything without my powers.” He tilted his head to the side. “So come on, Celly. Tell me the truth. Why are you here? Wanna gloat? Give me a speech about how evil I am? Paranoid that this is some sort of long game on my part?” He grabbed the bars. “Tell me!”

Celestia stared at him. “In all seriousness, I'm not entirely sure. All of those reasons, none of them. I just had to see you, to make sure you're still here and not a statue in the Canterlot Royal Gardens.”

Discord's head bowed. “Why am I here?” he finally asked. He held up a paw and looked it over. “I was turned into a statue last time, but this time it stripped me of almost all my magic. I'm not sure which is worse, actually. I had such fun with my powers!”

“You and you alone,” Celestia replied. “You tortured people both mentally and physically, making them their playthings. Tell me, Discord. Did you ever feel any... any remorse? Any hesitation in what you did ?”

Discord stared at her, right eyebrow cocked. “Why would I? I was having too much fun with all my games. I'm rather sad others didn't enjoy what I was doing.”

Celestia's nostrils flared slightly. “Why did I expect anything else from you?” she finally said, defeat tingeing her words. “You couldn't even see or comprehend how much hurt and pain you caused, not then or not now. Discord, I'm genuinely not sure if you're aware of this, but actions have consequences. Your reckless use of your magic caused terrible harm to those around you.”

Discord shrugged. “I can't help it. It's in my nature. I am, or rather was, a being of chaos.” He tapped his claws and paws together. “Should I deny my basic nature?”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “There's a difference between being chaotic and being malicious, Discord. You took it too far every single time.” She dropped her head. “Is there nothing that can make you see that?”

Discord waved her off. “Oh, that's all you're trying to do with me? Make me see the 'error of my ways',” he said, making air quotes. “Oh please, Celestia. Good luck with that.”

“Maybe, maybe not,” she replied, cocking an eyebrow. “As you observed, you're still here and unfrozen. The question is obvious. Why? Was it an accident? Were the Elements influenced in some manner by Megan's compassion? Did they themselves decide to spare you petrification?”

Discord glanced away from Celestia, not quite meeting her gaze. His snout twitched. “I hope it was an accident,” he finally said. “This being deliberate is rather... disturbing.”

Celestia stared at him. “Why?” She cantered back and forth as Discord turned away. “No, please. Answer me that, Discord. If nothing else, please answer me why you want it to be an accident.” She leaned in close to the bars. “Please?”

“Because... because...” Discord grabbed his arms and rocked back and forth a bit. “Is this–is this how others felt? When I toyed with them, when I played with them?”

Celestia's expression fell. “It is,” she finally said. “That feeling of helplessness, of not being in control? That's what they all felt.”

Discord bared his lone fang. “I bet you're just loving seeing me here, all helpless and at your mercy.”

Celestia slowly shook her head. “I don't,” she finally said. “No one, not even you, should feel violated in such a manner.”

Discord snarled and grabbed the bars. “Liar!” he snarled out, spittle flying from his mouth. “Remember Morning Glory? Remember what I did to the Flutter Ponies?

“I do, and it was horrible, along with all your other crimes when you broke free,” Celestia responded. “That still does not make it right for you to feel this way. I am glad you can't hurt anyone else, but that doesn't mean I can't have some small measure of sympathy for you.” With that, she turned and trotted off. “Thank you, Discord. You've helped me answer some questions and put my mind at ease.”

Discord watched as Celestia trotted off. “But why? I did all those horrible things, so why do you feel sorry for me?” He grabbed the cell bars as she seemingly ignored him. “No, come back! Please, tell me why you feel sorry for me despite all the bad things I've done!”

Celestia stared straight ahead as she continued walking. “Think on it, Discord,” she said over her shoulder to him. “I can't tell you the answer here. As cliched as this might sound, this is something you have to start figuring out on your own.” She cantered around enough to face him and smile slightly. “I'll be back. Maybe by then you'll have begun to figure it out. And maybe I'll have started to figure out why you're not stone. We can help each other more next time.” And with that, she turned and left Discord alone.

Lock and Load snapped to attention as Celestia came into view. “How did it go, your highness?” he asked, turning and walking beside her as she continued on.

“I'm a bit more at ease,” Celestia responded. “Thank you.” She glanced back as the pair left the dungeons proper. “Some questions answered, but more remain.”

“Like why he wasn't petrified and is now cooling his hooves?”

Celestia wryly smiled. “I think he's been given a second chance, to... atone for his actions, or repent. At least I hope that's what's happened. I can't tell him that directly, or why I do feel some pity for him, though–it's too soon, and he would reject any answer given to him.”

Lock and Load's ears waggled, shifting his hat a bit. “Honestly, your highness... I do wish he had been turned to stone again.” He lowered his head. “I do apologize for that, I know you believe in second chances.”

Celestia's nostrils flared. “You're only equine, Warden. I feel the same way. It would be so easy for him to simply be petrified once more. Not have to worry about him.” She nickered. “But he's not, so we must deal with him as best as we're able to. There's an opportunity here, for a second chance and possible rehabilitation. It's a slim chance... but one I think we can take.”

Lock and Load's ears waggled a bit. “I do believe in rehabilitation, in helping Equestrians back onto their hooves. Still, your highness, if he tries anything, even without his magic–”

“Megan believed in second chances, up to a point,” Celestia responded. “And she had little hesitation in lethal solutions when called for it. My own hooves are not as lily-white as they appear to be. I won't risk the lives of those I've sworn to protect with my own.” Her eyes hardened and small flames danced within her irises. “If Discord wastes the chance we'll give him, it's on his horn.”

Daisy's hooves pounded the pavement of Ponyville's Mane Street as she danced, danced and danced some more. Pain was etched on her face as she continued dancing, her body not designed for the moves it was forced to make. “Help me,” Daisy rasped out, as she hopped up and down and leaned back. “Help me! He's gone. Why can't I stop? The Elements and Mag'ne stopped Discord!”

Mane Street faded away, and Daisy floated in the void. A pair of yellowish eyes with blood-red irises appeared, each one several times larger than Daisy's body. “You'll never escape me,” Discord said. “Every night you'll dance and dance until you just can't take it anymore, not that you could before, you weak-willed ball of neuroses. Just stand by at your flower cart and–”

A silvery wave of magic flowed over and enveloped Discord's eyes. “FOUL TAINT! GO BACK INTO THE DARKNESS FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!” Luna's voice boomed out, as she flew over Daisy, her horn wreathed with magic. 'BEDEVIL MY LITTLE PONIES NO MORE, AND FLEE BACK TO TARTARUS!”

The eyes widened, almost in fear, before the silvery magic blotted them out completely. Luna flew around the void a bit before swooping back and landing in front of Daisy. She bowed her head. “Are you all right?”

Daisy dropped back to all fours, her hooves healing themselves and somehow finding purchase on the ether. “I... think so.” She blinked and suddenly curtsied as realization struck her. “Oh, Princess Luna! Thank you so much. Pardon my rudeness.”

Luna lowered a wing and gently raised Daisy's head up. “Nay, child. I am doing what I can to banish the nightmares Equestria has been having, but there's so many, and even I cannot be everywhere on the dreamscape at once.”

Daisy swallowed and stared off into the distance. “I've been going to therapy, and it's been helping it really has! I'm better when I'm awake, can actually function, but when my eyes close, Discord's own eyes open and I just can't TAKE IT!”

The two stood there, the only sound Daisy's ragged breathing. Finally, Luna bowed her head and gently nuzzled Daisy. “You have endured much, far too much, dear Daisy. Discord's depravities weigh heavily on you. Yet, you have not given in.”

Daisy's right eyebrow quirked up. “I... haven't? Pardon me, Princess, but isn't the fact that you need to be here proof I've given in?”

Luna shook her head. “No one can be strong all the time, Daisy. And it takes real strength and courage to ask for help. You're stronger and braver than you think.”

Daisy nickered. “Yeah, tell that to our customers and neighbors.”

Luna smiled. “Perhaps one day I shall.” Her ears pricked at the echoes of laughter and she looked around. “Daisy, I wish I could stay, or visit you every night, but even my own magic is taxed by helping those Discord harmed. I can promise you that tonight, at least, you shall suffer no more nightmares.”

Daisy smiled, stepped back and curtsied to Luna. “It's fine. Thank you for helping me out, Princess. Others will need your help, too. Lily and Roseluck are probably besides themselves with whatever they're dreaming about.”

Luna raised her eyes, making sure Daisy couldn't see her rolling her eyes. “I'll check in on them,” she finally said.

Thank you,” Daisy responded. She sucked in a deep breath. “All right, I'm ready. Thank you again.”

Luna backed up. “Tonight, you shall be alone,” she finally said, before cantering around. Her wings extended and she flew off, quickly disappearing through the haze and blackness of the ether.

Daisy kept her eyes on Luna as long as possible before the Princess finally disappeared. She shrank down slightly, shoulders hunching and head lowering. “I'll be all right,” she muttered. “Princess Luna said I'll be alone for the rest of the night. I'm gonna be okay.”


It was a shorter walk to the Doctor's repair shop than Megan wanted it to be. Not because she didn't want to talk to him, but because Mane Street was much less busy than usual. Several of the open-air stalls were still closed up, and a half-dozen buildings had closed signs and locked doors, and those still open had relatively few customers perusing their wares.

All too soon, Megan arrived at the Doctor's repair shop and walked in. “Hello, Doctor?” she called out, looking around the empty store. “Are you here? Danielle told me you'd be here.”

Doctor Whooves quickly emerged from a door behind the counter. “Ah, Megan! So good to see you, dear.” He trotted over to her, eyes far too ancient looking over her. “Hmm, feeling a bit different? Danielle told me about what happened and that you'd like to talk with someone who's got some experience with this.” His brow furrowed. “Still a bit surprised you didn't ask Celestia or Luna about this.”

Megan shrugged. “I felt I wouldn't get as objective a view from them as you. I love them, and they love me, and that's the problem.”

The Doctor chuckled. “Sometimes there can be such a thing as too much kindness, odd as it might sound.” He cantered around and waved Megan on. “Come on, my dear. I think it's time I show you the TARDIS.”

The pair made their way through the storeroom and into the backyard itself. The Doctor walked up to an old police call box, slid the fake lock aside and inserted the key into the real lock beneath. He started opening the door, but stopped and looked back. “Have Danielle or Michelle told you anything about the TARDIS?”

“Nope,” Megan responded, rolling her eyes. “Every time me or Mike asked, they'd just look at each other and say, 'you gotta see it for yourself'.”

“Oh, good,” the Doctor said. He waved Megan forward and opened the door. “Step in my dear.” He waited for her to cross the threshold into the console room, then walked in behind her. “Now, I know this is a lot to take in, but–”

A short chuckle escaped Megan. “Doctor, this is impressive, but not anything I haven't seen before. Mister Moochik used to take me and the other ponies through doors in the sides of walls that led to huge rooms. There's areas like this in the Princess Pony's castle, too.”

The Doctor stared at her for a few moments. “Right. Next time I go back to my home reality, you're coming with and meeting Rory and Sarah Jane.” He hopped up and swung a computer screen hanging from the ceiling around to face Megan. The screen showed a young woman with dark hair. “That's Katarina, a handmaiden of Cassandra.” He slowly nodded at Megan's inquisitive look. “Yes, that Cassandra. Steven Taylor and I picked her up after the fall of Troy.” He looked down and off into the distance, past the TARDIS' walls. “She sacrificed herself to save our lives.”

The screen changed to show a young man with short brown hair and a somewhat curious expression. “That's Adric. He was... nice. He died when the ship he was on crashed into Prehistoric Earth, killing the dinosaurs. So much potential. I do miss him.” The Doctor nickered. “I can spend all the days of their lives with them, but they can't spend all my days of my life with me.”

“My aging's slowed down,” Megan finally said. “T-the doctors aren't sure if I'm fully immortal, but barring something bad happening I'm gonna outlive my husband, my siblings, my biological children.” She let out a shaky breath. “I know what it's like to lose someone. Both my parents are dead, killed in a Decepticon attack in 1998. Wind Whistler, Magic Star, the original Applejack, but it feels different this time.”

The Doctor nodded. “Losing your parents is sad, but natural and inevitable. Your pony friends from before died to a time abyss, and you've had nearly twenty years to come to terms with never seeing them again. Outliving your your children?” He shook his head, letting the silence speak for him.

“How do you deal with it?” Megan finally asked. “All those years, all those people who have come and gone?”

The Doctor shrugged. “Well, you know as well as I do that it'll hurt. And no, not even after centuries can the hurt really go away. But you move on, you make new friends, get new family. You have to do that, because being alone is even worse for you. Isolating yourself from others just makes it worse.” He tapped his chest for emphasis.

Megan sighed. “It's just gonna be hard. I'm not like you, Doctor. Despite these new powers, I'm still only human.”

The Doctor chuckled. “And I'm only a Time Lord. From my experience, Megan, humans can be a lot more resilient than you might think.”

Celestia looked up from her desk as Chancellor Fancy Pants walked into her office, a pot of coffee floating behind him. “Problems sleeping?” she asked, concern laced through her voice.

Fancy Pants plopped into a chair and took a deep draught of the steaming black liquid, straight from the pot. “Better than my dear Fleur. She's woken up screaming three times this week.” His shoulders drooped. “Not very good, Princess. How are you?”

Celestia shook her head. “I'm fine. Luna's doing her best to help out those with nightmares, and between that and regular therapy I think it's working. Still...”

The Chancellor nodded. “Still indeed. So, what plans do you have for Discord?” His mustache ruffled. “He's caused so much harm, so many people hurt.”

Celestia suddenly slid out of her chair and turned to face the window overlooking Canterlot itself. Her eyes narrowed as she picked out various citizens going about their day, some looking fine but most with furtive expressions, and some with their heads darting about as if they're afraid something–or someone–was sneaking up on them. “I want to believe there's some sort of reason for him not being petrified again, why he's still free.”

Fancy Pants shifted in his chair. He took another long sip from the coffee pot before speaking. “I know you prefer rehabilitation and reforming, Princess. And most of the time I do agree, but this time for Discord?” His ears folded against his skull, and his nostrils flared as he snorted. “Off the record, I'd just lock him up into Tartarus and throw away the key.”

Celestia chuckled. She turned back to face Fancy Pants. “I can't blame you, and a not-small part of me wants to do the same.” She slid back into her chair. “The right thing is almost never the easy thing to do, that's why I suppose it's the right thing. A tribunal shall decide his fate, not me, but perhaps a 'mild suggestion' for some sort of rehabilitation or educational program for him from me might carry a bit of weight.”

Fancy Pants' monocle bounced a bit as he smirked. “From you, Princess, a mild suggestion carries a lot of power.” He sighed. “I hope you're right and I'm wrong,” he finally admitted. “Even without his powers he scares the Tirac out of me.”

“It's a chance,” Celestia finally admitted, nodding to him, “and if Discord reject it, then so be it, but we still have to make the effort. It's who we are, or at least who we should be.”

Author's Note:

1. Thank you to the folks at Spacebattles for their help.

2. Thank you for your patience and reading this. :)

Comments ( 9 )

While this feels like both the heroes and Megan were at lower risk that with Queen Celestia and your hate for Discord definitely affected the story, congratulations on having finished the story.

You can't just willfully defer lawful judgment out of philosophical ideals, that won't do his victims a lick of good, and if anything will rob them of closure.

And even if it worked and Discord somehow internalized a capacity for mortal empathy, wouldn't that then lead to torment by another road? It won't improve his life, and it won't improve anyone else's life either, except maybe Celestia in that she'd gain some sense of, validation?

I'm not trying to be mean but definitely not your best work especially did not like what you did with Discord

So what next? At this point there really isn’t a major villain left unless you go Grogar returning or decide to use Starlight Glimmer.

so.....what next? what happens now?

My guess? Either updates to existing incomplete stories, or something in the Hasbroverse outside of MLP. Transformers vs Inhumanoids, maybe?

This sotry is clearly not as good as the previous ones. I enjoyed it somewhat but Discord never seemed threatening here. The fact that others besides the Elements of Harmony can effect his magic weakens the threat he forms. Also I never felt that Discord was al that nasty here only slightly more than in the cartoon.
I've read the Pony POV Series where Discord manages to be truly nasty and remains a very serious threat throughout the series.

Not bad but on the short side it just took me 25 minutes to read the entire fic

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