• Member Since 17th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 13th, 2023

Starman Ghost

More Blog Posts11

  • 170 weeks
    Looking Back: The Conversion Bureau

    Until the other day, I hadn't thought about The Conversion Bureau in years. Hell, I'd barely thought about this site in years. I think that's exactly what makes now a good time to look back at it: any emotions I had about it have had a long time to cool, and so I can examine it with a critical eye and the benefit of hindsight. I'm going to avoid mentioning the names of specific works or

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    5 comments · 677 views
  • 431 weeks
    My experience with the fantasy genre and how it influenced Body And Mind

    WARNING: Spoilers for Body And Mind below. Proceed with caution.

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    4 comments · 941 views
  • 498 weeks
    One last story to tell

    I know I said earlier that I had no plans to write anything else relating to Body And Mind. However, now that I've thought about it, there's one last chapter I want to write.

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    11 comments · 1,168 views
  • 504 weeks
    Why we write changelings the way we do

    Fanfic authors have a good amount of leeway in how they write changelings without going against canon -- at least, as far as the show's concerned. I haven't really read the comics. They invaded Canterlot, they got blown away by magical love beams, and they weren't mentioned again. Whatever authors decide to go with, they have their reasons, and since I know many of my readers have their own

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    33 comments · 1,494 views
  • 513 weeks
    Sorry, no sequel planned

    I've already had multiple people ask me this, so rather than try to address every single comment individually, I felt it best to make this a blog post.

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    21 comments · 1,196 views

Sorry, no sequel planned · 3:15am Aug 9th, 2014

I've already had multiple people ask me this, so rather than try to address every single comment individually, I felt it best to make this a blog post.

Although I regret to say it, at this time, I have no intention of writing a sequel to Body And Mind. I'm glad that people liked the story as much as they did, and I'm sorry to disappoint you all, but I just don't have it in me to write another novel-length story for this fandom. Maybe someday I'll write some short story supplements, as Nyerguds did for his excellent story Flitter.

For me, though, there are just too many other competing projects I want to work on - projects I've had to neglect to some degree in favor of Body And Mind. So I just want to say, thanks to everyone who read and enjoyed my story. I'm glad I was able to write something that captured the imaginations of so many people.

Report Starman Ghost · 1,196 views · Story: Body And Mind ·
Comments ( 21 )

No worries. Good story regardless. Ending feels very vague and cliffhang-y, however. Can't help the feeling that she's going to screw something up.

Oh well. I completely understand.

I hate it when stories end with a cliffhanger like this. If you ever add a side-story or other supplements it would be much appreciated.

Not a problem, man! I understand what it's like to have multiple projects battling for dominance cage match style. Although, if you do ever write the sequel, you've left yourself a lot of options and paths to work with.

Ah well. Thanks for the ride, at least. It was good while it lasted. If you post supplements I'll be interested to read them, though.

Hey, it was no problem to read and enjoy the story.
Reading an excellent story is nothing but a pleasure, after all. And this was excellent.

So thank you for taking the time to write it, even with all the other things you surely have going on.
I appreciated it, and so, apparently, did everyone else. :twilightsmile:

"Other projects" you say?

Well, with Body and Mind being what it is, I expect great things from you!

Cue old Asian man nod.

See ya 'round, mate!

Excuse me, good sir, but this story don't feel complete. Such ending means sequel. Antennae's and Pincer's part of story is unfinished.

2355594 that's the author's decision.

The story feels less complete than it did from the chapter before. It's the golden compass all over again.

2355594 on the contrary because of this focus it doesnt feel complete. It could have used the time of the play for more important things like cultural interaction. Or some focus on the new Queen whos name make me feel... Empty.

Pardon me for saying so, but it does kind of feel like you just wrote a quick ending to the story so you could call it "finished" and move on to those other projects you mentioned, regardless of the fact that much of it feels unresolved. That's a bit of a shame, especially since I also doubt you'd be willing to hand out permissions to your fans for fan-made sequels or side-stories set in the same verse, given what I've learned has happened in the past with another one of your stories.

It's unfortunate, but in the end, you're the author, and I suppose an ending is better than no ending. So instead of moping about the story we didn't get, I shall thank you for the story we did get. Thank you.

Hee. Thanks for the shout-out :raritywink:

You go be awesome, in any way you want :pinkiehappy:

I'm glad I was here to enjoy the ride, good luck and have fun in your future endeavours!

I dont know, I kind of like the idea of a series of slice of lifey vignettes featuring changelings adapting to society. However doing nothing with that ending is almost criminal with a story this good. You don't have to do a big novel length continuation, but something. Even if its just a side project that you write on the side of your big projects. Just don't let this story end. This is the best changeling story on this sight. I'd go as far to say that its better than Flitter or Novel Tale. Again, you don't have to make it a big project, but something on the side.

Today is a really not good day for me. 2 of the currently coolest stories I watch is being cancelled/not continued. I has so much sad nao I don't even

Any ideas for your next story or if you will write one?

Just wanted to say, thanks.

I've been sweating it out in the desert, and this deployment gave me a lot of time to read all sorts of fanfiction, and to re-analyze some of my own writing which I have kept in the wings.

Your story made me realize what was keeping me from publishing my current... thing.

I've been afraid for quite some time that I wouldn't be able to make an end to my story. I've had all these places to go, I've known what I wanted the climax to be, but I've always been torn at putting an end to it. (Completion has always been a weak point of mine.)

Despite what a lot of the folks are saying, your story ends very well. It doesn't transform into a slice-of-life, or some self-fullfilling rom-com (Which I have read FAR too much of on this deployment...) It stays true to itself, and true to the characters within. It leaves the characters changed, but not idolized or perfected, as nobody is truly ever done changing.

So once again, thank you for this story, you are an author who deserves just a bit more respect and recognition from the populace at large. (And I hope that you let us know about whatever next big thing you do... :twilightsmile: )

2365440 Thanks. You basically described what I was going for. I'm glad I was able to convey that in the story :twilightsmile:

The world is so open though! I will never feel complete with that story. :fluttershyouch: I guess that means you did good. :twilightsmile: Any story that when ended like that completely mentally brutalizes me also means it had pulled me into the world and I don't want to see it end. I'm just that kinda person I just don't like endings even when I know when they should. I get so immersed into worlds that when they end if feels like a universe just sorta...died.

2380423 Me too, but he never said he'll NEVER make a sequel. He just said he has no plans to. Let's all hope he gets a sudden and awesome inspiration shock. But, even if he doesn't... There are other good stories out there, like The Immortal Game, The Conquering of Love, or Celestia's Tiny Student.

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