• Member Since 10th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen Mar 25th, 2023


Writing is a new hobby of mine, and I want to share it with you. From my proud city I shall write and from there I will read. xluferx is similar to my name but I prefer Lufer

More Blog Posts26

  • 356 weeks
    I've never forgotten!

    The title SAYS IT, I ve never forgotten about this story, well theorical speaking I did intentionally forget for partial reset and staRt forming, skecthing how I wanted it to really go without all of this annoyance of MLP going around. So I focused for quite a while on writing in fanfiction for a clear mind and reading on NovelUpdates, expanding boundaries and learning new point of views about

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    2 comments · 442 views
  • 404 weeks
    Blunt honesty and updates

    Bring some to drink cause my throat is dry XD

    Anyways, this blog is heree to explain a few things and leave clear a ew aspects.

    For starters I lost my drive to write pony stories, thinking ideas which I love a lot and then have to change them so they can be accepted to this site because it is said in the rules.

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    6 comments · 1,190 views
  • 423 weeks
    The darkness will envelope us soon.

    Hi there Lufe here,

    There had been something on my mind for a long while you know?
    I had been thinking about creating a story of black world tendency,( if you are fan of DeS then don't relate it to that), is just a term that I found there on the internet about the type of world you want your characters to be in. So you kinda guess how that might be right?

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    0 comments · 349 views
  • 431 weeks


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    0 comments · 352 views
  • 433 weeks
    OH MY GOD!!!!!!!

    Aftdler so many tries, almost shed tears scream of frustation, in contable deaths I finally beat ORNSTEIN & SMOUGH!!!!!!!
    Totally alone without any fucking phantom to aid me!
    I feel so realized and proud of my skills XD


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    0 comments · 402 views

New Cover art · 3:22am Oct 27th, 2014

Hello everyone!!!

Is has been a while I know, but first let me tell you that the next chapters of Always look up and Working on the Darkness are finished and I'm waiting for my proofreaer and editor to give them a check uo before sumbitting them. The problem is that I don't know how much it will take.
Still in that time I have been doing other things, and well the school sometimes is a bitch when it comes to math homework. UGH the exercises are easy but the process to resolve them are really long that incredible annoying but I'm ding them well anyways.

So the thing is that I felt with inspiration the last couple of days so I started to draw again, but I'm a tradional drawer not a digital one. But still I'm proud of my work no matter what. However to at the end I opted to draw a cover art to my fic Always look up. here it is

Maybe is not profesional but i like it in my personal opinion, also i will be rawings for my stories you know characters or personal favourite scenes, even I can take a request that will be sumbted with the next chapter!!!
Meh, anyways I hope that you like the cover art and don't forget to give your comments!!!

No really sometimes it feels lonely here.

-Lufe out!

Report xluferx · 176 views · Story: Always look up ·
Comments ( 2 )

For 'Always look up' will Jamie or whatever the main characters name is.... will he rant at the Princesses like in the original or will he be more the silent type this time around? Also if you do the reunion could you draw it please with him being watched as the princesses look shocked, horrified and sad while everyone else is shocked looking as we see only the side and back of the main character in the throne room?

The confrontation will take place later on the story but that part is one of the few that will stay like the original, albeit a few alteration will be made. And yes i will keep in minf your request but in due time it will appear

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