• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Wanderer D

Patreon | Ko-fi are available for subscriptions/donations! Helping pay my bills helps me write more!

More Blog Posts1384

  • 1 week
    The Book Nook is open for registrations!

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  • 1 week
    A dead PC...

    ...creates troubles for everyone.

    So guys, my PC died. I'm fairly certain it's the motherboard (given everything else works when tested individually), and thankfully it's still within warranty (just shy of two months) so I'm hoping I can get it replaced. Goddamn asus.

    20 comments · 190 views
  • 4 weeks
    Summary that never was

    Hey guys, so a single update today, still struggling with getting to work on writing.

    I hate it when things like this happen, but all I can do atm is keep trying to jumpstart the creativity.

    10 comments · 343 views
  • 5 weeks
    Author Life Update

    Hello everyone! This is your friendly-but-sometimes-a-hard-ass neighborhood Latias: Wanderer D!

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    8 comments · 306 views
  • 7 weeks
    Sorry guys

    I apologize for the lack of updates. Although I am writing a bit, I've found myself in a bit of a semi-writer's block. I'll get out of it, but it is delaying the stories.

    11 comments · 231 views

Derp's the Word · 3:07am Jul 7th, 2012

Hello everyone!

This week has been entirely unproductive when it comes to writing :facehoof: but fear not, I will have a new LQ and WD: THiEE by Sunday night! If I have time, which I hope, I will try and finish Moon's Twilight the coming week.

Today however, I have a treat for you, the new episode of my podcast: Derp's the Word!

Join me, Trevor, and our very own Arcainum is my guest, alongside the talented Tsitra360! Be sure to tune in and listen to us ramble!

On a side note, if anyone here feels like writing an awesome story, Trevor is looking for people interested in helping out with his FFVI/FIM project! It's well thought-out and Trevor is a really cool dude to work with! (Not to mention the art that thing is getting is awesome and sweet!) So, drop him a line if you're interested!

P.S. We might get another How To next week.

Thanks for reading, and hopefully listening!


Report Wanderer D · 364 views ·
Comments ( 14 )

Yay more How To's! Those are always fun.

I too have been procrastinating from writing, but...internet spaceships...@_@

But what about Sweetie Chronicles? :raritydespair:

*sees update about stuff from Wanderer*
Oh, an update for WD:THiEE, that's nice.
*sees possibility of The Moon's Twilight being finished*
There are not words that can define how much I look forward to seeing that finished.
So have a mustache instead.:moustache:

Well... I do love Final Fantasy... I haven't played that one, though, unfortunately. I do have a habit of digesting entire swatches of wikis, however. Regardless, I think I'll at least look it up *wanders off*

That's cool.
I hope to be in DtW someday.

there were 8 story updates in my faves today :pinkiecrazy:

P.S. We might get another How To next week.

IDEA! Wanerer D on How To Read Wanderer D's Help Blogs :trollestia:

I listened to this last night. The sound quality is much better as no one was too quiet in my speakers. Other than some of them being soft spoken, that is.

Nice listening to this! I can't get over just how interactive this community has become. I'm glad I'm a small part of it!

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