• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago

Wanderer D

Patreon | Ko-fi are available for subscriptions/donations! Helping pay my bills helps me write more!

More Blog Posts1384

  • 1 week
    The Book Nook is open for registrations!

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  • 1 week
    A dead PC...

    ...creates troubles for everyone.

    So guys, my PC died. I'm fairly certain it's the motherboard (given everything else works when tested individually), and thankfully it's still within warranty (just shy of two months) so I'm hoping I can get it replaced. Goddamn asus.

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  • 4 weeks
    Summary that never was

    Hey guys, so a single update today, still struggling with getting to work on writing.

    I hate it when things like this happen, but all I can do atm is keep trying to jumpstart the creativity.

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  • 5 weeks
    Author Life Update

    Hello everyone! This is your friendly-but-sometimes-a-hard-ass neighborhood Latias: Wanderer D!

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  • 7 weeks
    Sorry guys

    I apologize for the lack of updates. Although I am writing a bit, I've found myself in a bit of a semi-writer's block. I'll get out of it, but it is delaying the stories.

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1 Year... · 6:05am Jul 10th, 2012

So, I'm totally not jealous that Alexstrazsa got a lower user ID than I did... by a 111 difference. Not at all.

But, like him, I have spent a whole year here and now I look back on it and wonder... and... wonder...

Anyway, yeah, since coming here my interactions with all of you exploded to ridiculous levels. I have more watchers right now than I have ever had and I wish I knew you all better... and why you are following me.

Seriously, why?

Anyway, stories, blogs, how-to guides, podcasts, whining, laughing, trolling, approving, failing, ranting, commenting, hating, loving, liking, disliking... I've shared that with all of you, and it's very, very cool to be able to do so still.

I have no words to tell you all how confused I am that you are watching me and yet how grateful I also am that you find me interesting enough to do so, even in passing.

But yes, I'm here and I'm doing my best to share and also help this community grow and you guys are the proof that, on some level, my crazy schemes are working.

And although I haven't met all of you, the few that comment constantly... that share your thoughts, wild theories in huge (and utterly awesome) posts or even smileys... thank you for being here with me.

And of course, Trevor, littlerobotbird/lam, Fifth Alicorn and so many others that not only stuck by my side, but actually went in to wade through my words and confusion to help me make my stories readable... thank you and I'm looking forward to many years more of good friends.

Finally, because it's late where I am...

knighty, Poultron, Wlah, Scystorm, Apo, Xaquseg... it's a pleasure working with you guys. Thanks for having me around and giving me a chance to help. Sorry if I'm being sappy. Alcohol does that to a guy. Or not. Mabye. I dunno.

Don't judge me!

Report Wanderer D · 226 views ·
Comments ( 45 )

A whole year, eh?
Seems like a long time ago... but let's keep this thing alive!
So, uh... congratz on your... fimfiction birthday! :raritywink:

PS: Rarity is best pony.

PS of PS: Es bueno conocer gente que habla EspaƱol por estos lugares! (Not like I like talking in Spanish.)

lol. just keep putting up those how-to blogs! :twilightsmile:

I follow you because your one of the best writers on the site. Plus your a kickass mod.

Also because of the 'how to' series.

don't forget the stalkers that spend way too much time on FIMfic late into the night, stalking around for their stories to update

Empty Room, duh... I DID approve it to go up on EqD after all!

Because of of TSC and blog posts other then that I ignore you.:trollestia:

Grats on your fimfiction anniversary! =x

We follow you because you are on awesome sonovabitch.(and a great writer too!)

I've only been on here for half that time. This was back when 600 users online was considered to be a big thing. Seeing how we have 1000+ users AVERAGE each day just brings a rather delightful tear to my eye. :fluttercry:

Happy birthderp, FIMFiction! :pinkiesmile:

"and why you are following me."
Simple. Very easy access to very useful guides.
And good posts in blog. Interesting to read. :twilightsmile:

1 year down, at least 10 more to go (please).

Keep doing what you love, and even greater things will come out of it all. Through thick and thin... endure.

Respect from Ontario!


Don't judge you?! You've known me for a YEAR, and you don't even know me?! Come on, brah, I'm MAGICAL TREVOR... I judge EVERYONE! XD (Though I'm not sure what that says about your intelligence, having hired me to be a pre-reader! XD I don't even do much any more, just talk and poke you and ninja-glomp Lati a ton. XD) Still, yeah, can't believe it's already been an entire year... Now I feel OLD. XD


Great. Now I feel old. Remembering this troubling times when everypony expected a brand new chapter from you each day. :raritydespair: It was NERVE-RACKING!

223621 From me? Every day? lol wut? I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about! XD (Seriously, I don't. :rainbowhuh: )

I follow you because I saw a large crowd going in one direction and thought, 'Hey, why the smeg not?'. :twilightsheepish:

To a wonderful year and a great author/Mod/how-to guide expert!:yay:


I was referring to writers in general. :twilightsheepish:

>Seriously, why?
Your how-to posts :twilightsmile:

Happy Anniversary, WandererD! I follow you because of your hilarious and informative guides; they've been a great resource thus far to me. :twilightsmile:

Big hugs for you on this special day, and all the best to you for this year and all the years to come.

*totally not transforming jealousy for your lower-by-half user number into spiteful ribbing... nope, not at all*

223621 I blame Lithe.

Why? :pinkiecrazy: WHY? :pinkiecrazy: Because you've been writing awesome stuff for a year, THAT'S why :pinkiecrazy:

And, um... :unsuresweetie: You're actually kind of reliable, unlike some of us. :fluttershysad:

223598 Oh, so it's YOU I should thank that I'm one of Deleteh's pre-readers then! XD If not for your approving, I never would have read it, and then I never would have joined his team, and then :pinkiegasp: And then The Sweetie Chronicles might have NEVER EXISTED! *Swoons*

... XD All joking aside, nice ta meetcha then! I'm the super-hyperactive one on Deleteh's team that doesn't really actually do all that much except talk and bounce ideas for him, and somehow give him ideas for stuff when all I do is just say whatever random thing is on my mind because I just LOVE to talk, but then I realized that I have to go do pre-reader stuff, so I have to go talk to you later bai! :pinkiehappy:

>.> I followed you for your pokemon story, your sweetiebelle story, and your entertaining rants towards those who fail to write good. :scootangel: ANDNOTHINGELSE! :trollestia:

Wow, a whole year poni fics. Quite the accomplishment, not sure if I should envy or pity you :rainbowlaugh:.

Anyways, on the note of 'why dose everyone follow you' question, I personally follow you for two main reasons, one, you write the Sweetie Chronicles (which is the greatest fanfiction of all time and across all fandoms) and two, your other stories aren't half bad either. :trollestia:

But seriously your a grate, humble, funny, mature, witty, patient, understanding, and because I'm running out of adjectives, I'll just say all around awesome guy, so thank you for being the best moderator on this site, and I wish you another grate year.:pinkiehappy:

Glad you're here to help, Wandy. <3

Well, I for one have no idea why I'm following you. I mean, sure you're my favourite mod, you write good stuff, and your podcasts are entertaining, but I mean, other than that... Not to mention your involvement, or your wittiness, etc. I have no idea why I would follow someone like you. :trixieshiftright:

You are a person who often likes what I like. Also, you sometimes write within the genre that makes me encrypted-tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRq5pr99qkplFNmWoT-5rtP6TemUgMkEMuB7uzE75JP17dUTCHpnA Good job.

Happy anniversary!
I follow you because I LOVE your fics! Although you may not notice me much... :pinkiecrazy::pinkiesad2:

I was following you before it was cool.

Naw, I followed you over from fanfiction.net and decided this place had some good real estate space and set up shop. And never looked back. I love this site, the moderators, the users and all the readers and you're partially to thank for that. Crazy what can happen in a year.

Here's to more years to come!

I followed you because you were a kick ass mod.

I stayed because you acted like a friend should.

I don't know how to say it, but we need more mods like you: Kind, helpful, and easy to talk to.

Happy one-year, mein freund.

May the force by with you, live long and prosper, and all that jazz.


Only reason you're surprised Wanderer D is because even with your constant wandering we keep following you on your aimless path :rainbowlaugh:

:moustache:You must have me misteaken for someone else...

"and why you are following me.

Seriously, why?"

"Anyway, stories, blogs, how-to guides, podcasts, whining, laughing, trolling, approving, failing, ranting, commenting, hating, loving, liking, disliking... "

I love it when people answer their own questions. :rainbowlaugh:

ANYWAY, serious answer? WD: The HiE Experiment caught my attention, and then I started reading all your other stuff (The Empty Room. Enough said). Plus, I always enjoy (and learn from) the how-to guides.

One year already? Congratulations!

Nice :D
*poker-face* you've been here for 3x longer then me and I have read over 6mill more words... is that a glitch/misread?
Keep up the good work :P

I intially followed you because of The Empty Room and Chronicles; those two stories are probably my favorite ones in the entire fandom. I stayed because you're an awesome person :twilightsmile:

Happy anniversary!

I'm surprised you haven't shot yourself dealing with all this madness. Thanks for being a great admin and a fantastic writer, Wanderer D!:yay:

Congratulations Wanderer D. Its been a pleasure reading all your fantastic stories. Now that I think about it, I should probably get back to reading more of them. Anyway, Congratulations!

Here's how it works for me. If I like the look of it, I read it, fave it, email-update it, and watch the author. I do none of those things if the description doesn't entice me, and if the story isn't well-written, then most likely I stop reading it halfway through

Happy fimfictionniversary WD! :yay: Wish you many more of these, and a lot more writing in the future.:twilightsmile:

Well, I watch you because following the one who wrote my most favoritest FIM fiction in the whole world wide web (AKA The Empty Room) seemed... kinda logical? ... I don't know, it just made sense.:derpyderp2:

Then I stayed for many other stories, and the funny how-to guides. :rainbowlaugh:

Why follow your aimless, blind wandering?


And because of your stories. Those too.

> Seriously, why?
Because you promised me pizza but I never even got it :applecry:

Seriously though, happy fimfiction birthday! It must be pretty weird knowing you've been here for over a year now. I know that I certainly never expected to still be using this site like, 8 or 9 months down the line (I know I only registered back in March, but I've been visiting this site since sometime in October)... then again, I never in a million years thought I'd ever get into fanfiction, let alone pony fanfiction, so I guess the time when I had any right to feel surprised at stuff has long since passed.

Here's to another awesome year -- It's gonna be a good one, I can just feel it... who knows, maybe I'll even get round to finishing the Sweetie Chronicles fanart I told you about ages and ages ago :pinkiehappy:

Why am I watching you, you ask?

Well, at first it was your blogs. Your witty and erudite blogs. (I wanted to use a big word, OK?) I saw them on the front page, and after awhile, I thought to myself, "Self! You should watch him so you don't miss these wonderful blogs!" So I clicked the watch button.

Then I figured out that you can write (The Empty Room was great, by the way). I now have two reasons to watch you.

Congratulations, dude. :moustache: Keep up the great work. Please. Don't stop. Ever. I mean it.


I wonder sometimes too. Man it's almost like yesterday that I threw up my first anon comment on EqD so long ago. Still, after reading your first story I just some how knew it had real potential. I had to take my time with it and read it a couple times but by the end of chapter 2 I pretty much knew bookmarking you was something I had to do. Shame I was still a bit of a lurker back then hiding from the fact I some how got so into pony I started reading, and LOVING ponyfics from the few authors back in the day I was reading.

Flash forward to today and I wonder why it took me so long to open a fimfic account honestly when a lot of stories started basically migrating there slowly over time once quality control started to matter a bit more and lots more people started wanted more new and diverse fics then what was ever posted on EqD.

You, Gravekeeper, Ciroton, Adcoon and a few others who just don't seem to write ponyfics anymore sadly (Luna's Goodwill Tour for example) really got me feeling better about my ponyfic addictions and managed to really create such characters and settings that painted a real sense of adventure and excitement in your works I could really immerse myself into, seeing and feeling what you wrote down. Granted some parts weren't perfect and many times my brain had to auto-correct words and grammar issues as I read, but rarely ever did those little things jar me out of my little world while reading stories from you all. I only wish my memory was as good as my ability to slam people with walls of texts in my "omg-does-this-person-ever-stop-to-breath-when-he-types?!" *ahem* my ever flowing consciousness to which pours usually unconstrained into walls of texts! XD

I wish I had more time during the day to really sit down and enjoy talking ponies with you and others, I'll have to totally find out when Grave is going to release a new chapter of anything so I can chill in the gdocs chat again xD those are always fun, Grave throws best parties. Say hi to Fifth for me! lol I'm always super busy during summer... it's not fair! But come october I'll be some what free again! XD (far more then now anyways lol)

Well, I need to close up the damn or let this flow into being some kind of 10k word post :P (it's happened before....)

I also wonder if and when you'll ever continue that TER arc with Rarity and Sweetie Belle. Maybe after Sweeties Mansion concludes? Would tie in well with the universe I guess considering that ENDING chapter that had Sweetie's words. Jade is best Rarity. Also idk what you say and others, while 'cheesy' and added 'no real depth' to the story *I* really did enjoy the Alicorn of seasons you introduced. There would of been far less action without them! And I would *NEVER* take back that Rarity coming out of that jewelry store, as the dust cleared and she stopped shooting air pressured diamonds at Winter to form those twin whips made of those diamonds. Some of them died some good deaths, even a funny one thrown in for good measure ;3

You're HiE story was fun, educational, BUTT FUN! And yeah, it's totally ok to have fun with him in that situation xD that was very funny.
Oh yeah, the me shutting up now part... I forgot lol HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY! :raritywink:

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