• Member Since 10th Jul, 2011
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Wanderer D

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    The Book Nook is open for registrations!

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    A dead PC...

    ...creates troubles for everyone.

    So guys, my PC died. I'm fairly certain it's the motherboard (given everything else works when tested individually), and thankfully it's still within warranty (just shy of two months) so I'm hoping I can get it replaced. Goddamn asus.

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  • 4 weeks
    Summary that never was

    Hey guys, so a single update today, still struggling with getting to work on writing.

    I hate it when things like this happen, but all I can do atm is keep trying to jumpstart the creativity.

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    Author Life Update

    Hello everyone! This is your friendly-but-sometimes-a-hard-ass neighborhood Latias: Wanderer D!

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    Sorry guys

    I apologize for the lack of updates. Although I am writing a bit, I've found myself in a bit of a semi-writer's block. I'll get out of it, but it is delaying the stories.

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Taste of Chicago · 12:35am Jul 14th, 2012

So... anyone else going?

I'll be going on Saturday and keeping an ear out for random outbursts of singing Pony Songs. Who knows, I might meet some bronies!

Oh and... 1000 people watching me! :pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp::pinkiegasp:

:rainbowderp: I uh... better put on some pants or something...

SO! See you Saturday at the Taste!

Hint: I'll be wearing a UoM Cap!

Report Wanderer D · 307 views ·
Comments ( 34 )

You might see me there.

that is, if you can find me. I'll be the guy speaking german every now and then. Make a game outta it. :trollestia:


No, you leave those pants off you sexy beast!

I'm going for a taste....of fish...in the deep, deep south :yay:


Doubt its as good as Taste of Buffalo :ajsmug:

229446 The fish down here's delicious. I recon you won't be dissapointed.

Wanderer D

229446 229469 :rainbowderp: Catfish? I hear the deep south has really, really delicious food. I have yet to experience it.

229434 Deal. I might spontaneously say the word Rarity.

229440 :heart:

229452 :rainbowderp: Do tell... actually, yeah, do tell. What makes it special? What types of food? :raritystarry:

*Wanderer D might (or not) be a foodie blogger outside of pony... but you guys might not find out for a while*


We fry just about anything we can get our hands on. You ever stuff a catfish with pickles THEN fry it? It's an orgy in your mouth. farm4.staticflickr.com/3185/5789008719_c3fb045425_m.jpg


Beef on Weck-I believe invented here
Chicken Wings-invented here

a bunch of dishes that are international in orgin

Hell, we have a WingFest

229479 Yeah I love the catfish down here. My uncle actually owns a seafood restaurant.

If you do meet Bronies, you should casually let slip that you're 'Wanderer D,' and then see if they recognize the name. Might get some fun reactions. :rainbowlaugh:

Wanderer D

229503 Or a punch to the face! "You made Bon-Bon commit suicide!" And then the police will get involved...

229489 Well, I watched the Tony Bourdain episode and it certainly looked interesting.

I live approximately three or so hours away from Chicago. Specifically, Milwaukee WI. Sadly, I can't make ToC because it's a cheap ripoff of my Summerfest, but it's great thinking that you're so close to me!

Chicago may be nice, but it would have never gone the way it did without Buffalo linking it to the coast :ajsmug:

How's the "buffalo" wings in Chicago?

229503 hah you totally should.:rainbowlaugh:

My friend is going! I would, but I'd rather write.:twilightsmile:

I was there last year, but I won't be going this year.

Not me I'll be in Bloomington, Minnesota. I want to go to Chicago, see Wrigley and so on.

I can't go...
1. I'm can't drive
2. I'm poor (No gas)
3. I live in Texas

Fish? Ha, that stuff tastes bland. now gator on the other hoof, wooo mama that stuff is good. can't wait till i go to Louisiana again. i'm counting the days. sometimes i wish i lived in Louisiana instead of RoundRock Texas

You live in Chicago? HELL YES!!! I WILL BE THERE!!!

I'd go, but I don't have the time and I don't have a way to get there. Maybe next year...:fluttershysad:

Wanderer D

229664 I like frog legs myself... I've only eaten gator a couple of times, it wasn't bad, but I doubt it's how they prepare it in Louisiana.

229525 As good as can be expected.

229743 I used to live there a few years ago, and I'm visiting :twilightsmile:

229771 at least there's one every year :pinkiesad2:

Listening to everyone talk about food is making me glad I live on a Texas lake.

Catfish = Amazing. Best served deep-fried and with pickles.
Crawfish = Best to cook it 30 pounds at a time. Or else you won't get any for yourself after the neighbors are done.
Gator = A bit game-y if you don't cook it right. But if you do..... *drools*
Snake = Depends on what kind. Water Moccasin is actually slightly sour if you cook it right.

~Signed, InfiniteBrony


I guess one day I'll have to go to Chicago, catch a Blackhawks game and get some wings. See how they measure up to ours since no wings are as good as Buffalonian Wings :ajsmug:

A little info, pizza here in Buffalo is also awesome because its a cross between NYC and Chicago style pizza.

You don't have to put on pants. :ajsmug:

229469 Where's 'down here(If you don't mind me askin'), cuz I live near Atlanta.

229479 You WON'T be disappointed if you ever come down here to Georgia. Catfish, fried green tomatoes, catfish, fried pickles, fried chicken, fried anything ya want(nearly). Wow we use a lot of grease down here....

229664 Gator, crawfish, mussels, clams, its ALL great food. I only wish I could get some cooked real good.

230051 I live down in Mississippi.

don't put that in your mouth!

ew ew ew!

I'm going to DC and I'm thinking the exact same thing.:rainbowlaugh:

Wait, UoM? As in University of Michigan?

230093 I have family in Mississippi. I think. It might be Louisiana though...

I see all of you talking about food and I think. 'come to Kentucky, my friends.' seriously though have any of you all had grilled wildcat and bourbon? that will make not just your day, or even your week. No grilled wildcat and bourbon will make your month.

>>Wanderer D

That's so cool! I used to live in the ol' LP, myself! :ajsmug:

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