• Member Since 29th Apr, 2012
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Warren Peace

Reader, Writer, and a Reviewer of shitfics.

More Blog Posts61

  • 49 weeks
    A long-overdue update

    For all those who enjoy my work, specifically My Little Argonian: Family is Sacred, it's been a while since I've said anything or posted anything regarding it. For this I apologize, I'd been dealing with undiagnosed depression since around 2017 and have only within the last year or two realized what it was and sought help to cure it. It's not the kind of depression that ends up putting you in an

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  • 206 weeks
    Got bored, drew ponies

    Rough sketches of Choc, Moonbeam, and Rain. I think they look meh, but I can tweak things.

    Oh, and I'm still working on the story bit by bit.

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  • 263 weeks
    A sneak peek for a sneak-thief...

    The rough draft of next chapter is finally done. All that needs doing is the spit and polish of editing and seeing as how my schedule for the next couple weeks is hectic at best, I doubt I'll be able to get much done until the end of the month.

    So until then, here's a snippet from the next chapter: Trouble in Paradise!

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  • 292 weeks
    Aram's Not Dead

    As the last update to the story ticks closer and closer to the one year mark, I decided to make a post for anyone worried about the status of MLA:FiS. Good news: the story's not dead, I'm just kinda stuck in a rut (again) and my work life isn't helping. Suffice to say, I'm still chipping away at the next story and most of the main scenes are established. Most of what needs to be written is the

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  • 356 weeks
    In celebration of breaking 200 Likes!

    In celebration of breaking 200 Likes on MLA:FiS, here is the first of (probably not) many dramatic readings by everyone's favorite new talent: fimfiction's text-to-speech!


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A quick game of catch-up · 2:56pm Oct 25th, 2015

A synopsis of events that occurred in Part I of My Little Argonian: Family is Sacred

WARNING: if you’re a newcomer to the story, understand that this post contains spoilers for the entire first part of the story. It is meant for those who have been reading since the start and is meant to refill them in!


Chapter One:
After slaying the Listener of the Dark Brotherhood, Aram Falíe escapes pursuit by diving into a lake where his non-argonian pursuers can’t follow. Escaping deeper, he finds a small cave at the bottom of the lake.
This cave, however, somehow leads him to a river that sweeps him over a set of waterfalls, injuring him. Near death, he finds himself deposited before a small cottage, but loses consciousness as he reaches the door.
He dreams briefly of days past at Honorhall Orphanage and Grelod the Kind’s death, then awakens to find himself bandaged and unarmed. After a brief investigation of his surroundings, a yellow pegasus, Fluttershy, enters the room.

Chapter: Two
While Fluttershy seems caring, Aram is quick to distrust her and quickly demands the return of his weapons and armor. These are quickly returned and Aram is introduced to Twilight Sparkle, who mentions Rarity is the one who repaired his armor for free.
After Fluttershy and Twilight leave, a magical book appears and Aram winds up opening it. Upon doing so, he finds himself transported before Sithis, who informs him of his punishment: create a Dark Brotherhood in Equestria. The next time he sleeps, he will be visited by something that will explain further and, should he prevail, he shall be awarded with the love of his family.

Chapter: Three
Reeling from the intensity of the situation, Aram heads outside to clear his head and get a grip on the situation. He is joined by Twilight, who means to learn more about him. Aram briefly mentions the sapient species of Tamriel, but ultimately gives her a cold shoulder and she leaves.
Alone, Aram finds himself ‘ambushed’ by the cutie mark crusaders who are trying to get cutie marks as monster hunters. Unlike with the grown ponies he’s met, he quickly becomes fond of the three younglings, learning about cutie marks from them.

Chapter: Four
Fluttershy brings Aram some food once the crusaders depart, finding out Aram’s diet and informing him of her ignorance to mead. He has an internal debate in which his mind tries to get him to be nicer to his caretaker, it ends with him deciding to be less gruff with her.
After enjoying an apple, he returns to the cottage and dreams, hoping to meet Sithis’ ‘visitor.’ A nightmare in which Fluttershy attacks him is interrupted by a mysterious, taunting creature that gives him a pair of riddles:
“When you have seen your third dawn, three shall come, young and strong.
Teach them what of shadow you know, and see your Dark Brotherhood grow.
Once they are ready, you shall know, a father’s unholy light is ready to glow.”
“First travel to where regal sisters preside, and go to where creatures of stone reside.
Look for the creature that does most resemble, your dread lord, whom makes many tremble.
Once this creature you seek has been found, speak your name and it shall be bound.”
While disappointed with the lack of clarity, Aram is forced to deal with it as the dream ends.

Chapter: Five
After struggling to light a candle with magic, Aram gathers some parchment to write out the riddles so as not to forget him. The lack of a quill and ink is remedied when Pinkie Pie appears, providing what he needs from a secret ‘writing emergency’ stash. After further analysis of the riddles, he eventually gets Pinkie to leave.

Chapter: Six
Unable to sleep after Pinkie’s intrusion, Aram makes a quick catalogue of his gear, poisoning ten arrows with the ruin of destroyed vials in his pack. Come morning, Aram takes a cup of offered tea, but it reminds him of a character from his past and sends him into a self-loathing rage. This rage is set upon Fluttershy after she investigates and he storms off to the Everfree forest.
After testing some flora, an angry Twilight appears and demands to know what he did to Fluttershy. She eventually forces an false apology out of him, which Fluttershy is quick to accept.

Chapter: Seven
Fluttershy breaks into song, surprising Aram further as she explains that friends forgive friends. The power of this forces Aram to actually stop and question whether he accepts FLuttershy as a friend or not, something he is now uncertain about. Twilight, however, doesn’t buy it and continues to berate him on the fact he suggested the cutie mark crusaders try to get their marks in sabotage.
After getting her off his tail, Aram returns to the Everfree forest, intent on collecting more alchemical ingredients. As he’s about to collect some blue joke, Zecora stops him and after discovering his quest for shrooms offers her knowledge of the Everfree’s flora to him.
At the end of the day, having discovered a series of useful ingredients, Zecora reveals that Twilight had been stalking them, and that she’s his best bet back to Fluttershy’s cottage.

Chapter: Eight
While angry that Twilight was stalking him, he’s forced to follow her back out of the Everfree. Yet en route their journey is threatened by a pack of Timberwolves. After fighting them off and sustaining only minimal injury, Twilight forces them to stop until Aram can stop the bleeding of his arm. While she would do it herself, healing magic requires deep knowledge of a creature’s anatomy, which she doesn’t have when it comes to Argonians.
As Aram creates a makeshift bandage from a moss Zecora showed him, Twilight weasels out a bit more information from him. After he stops the bleeding, the two continue their journey from the Everfree.

Chapter: Nine
After receiving some medical help from Fluttershy, another nightmare plague’s Aram’s dreams. In it, he struggles failingly not to save Fluttershy for fear of being discovered by an unknown evil. But as the dream reaches its climax, Princess Luna intervenes, citing that it is her duty as princess of the night to help resolve nightmares. After some fluctuating conversation, in which Aram refuses her help concerning his constant nightmares, she leaves him and he awakens.

Chapter: Ten
Aram tests his archery skills with his injuries, finding himself still needing help to hit a faraway target. Once Fluttershy wakes up he asks about Luna, still uncertain as to whether or not she was a figment of his dream. Fluttershy’s confirmation he’s given insight into the second riddle, concerning “where regal sisters preside...” but decides against meeting them yet.
Fluttershy leaves for a picnic and Aram gathers more plants from the Everfree, running across a glow-trap pod plant, which makes his arm glow. Nothing he seems to do gets it to stop so he returns to Fluttershy’s cottage.
Fortunately, the cutie mark crusaders come by again, looking for ‘adult supervision’ so they can go explore a castle in the Everfree. Agreeing, the fillies head to Zecora’s to ask about the route to the castle. Zecora, however, isn’t present.

Chapter: Eleven
Entering the hut, Zecora shows up soon after and informs the group that they shouldn’t go to the castle, citing that she heard strange noises from it earlier. She does produce a vial of liquid for Aram, making the visit not entirely useless. The crusaders and Aram then leave the forest.
Fluttershy draws him a bath and he quickly removes the glow with Zecora’s brew. She offers him a sandwich, which he mistakes for sand witch, and gets more backstory from him. She strikes a nerve when he admits his parents are dead and nothing is really waiting for him back in Skyrim, and he retires again to bed.
Aram’s newest nightmare revolves around a contract going wrong. After failing to complete it and running, he is mortally wounded by a familiar character and awakens abruptly.
However, as he quickly comes to find out, there’s three ponies in his room. After taking one hostage and nearly slaying her, he discovers that these are the three acolytes he’s meant to train. He asks them one thing before the chapter ends:
“So what’re your names?”

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