• Member Since 18th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 7th, 2021


They say if I post an update within the year, there will be six more weeks of winter.

More Blog Posts61

  • 225 weeks
    Cut Story Ideas

    A year has passed since I finally finished This Can't Be Happening. Quite a lot has happened since then for me and as I predicted the end of that story didn't come with much fanfare, but it was at least a huge load off and satisfying feeling to finish it after all that time. That's left me with Don't Go To Sleep, the other story abandoned by my lazy update schedule. Back when I finished TCBH I

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  • 279 weeks
    This Can't Be Happening is Finished (Finally)!

    Well, it only took me just short of 7 years, but yes I finally finished this damn story. It took me so long to finish the thing that I honestly doubt there's anyone left to read this blog, but damn it all I'm happy to have this thing done and there's a lot I want to say about it even if I'm just talking into the void.

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  • 279 weeks
    A question to potential remaining Don't Go To Sleep readers

    Something something, it's been months since my last update, something something you know the rest. I'm gonna put a fork in mentioning the wait and first talk about Don't Go To Sleep before I ramble about This Can't Be Happening in a different blog. Alright, so, with one long drawn out story finally done the question remains what to now do with the other. So to keep this short and sweet, I'm

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    1 comments · 254 views
  • 311 weeks
    Laziness and Stubbornness

    Hello again. It's been a while, hasn't it? How are the kids? Is the missus doing well? Good, good.

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  • 504 weeks
    Do the impossible, see the invisible

    So, judging by the whopping 7 views on my last blog post, I think it's safe to assume that a lot of my followers have either left the website by now or are tired of my shit after the terrible update schedule that was 2013 for me. Or maybe it had to do with my last post being a wall of text. Either way, I think people will be glad to hear that another update for This Can't Be Happening is out!

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A great encounter with a non-brony stranger. · 4:44am Aug 19th, 2012

So this Friday I wore one of my Brony shirts to school, this one being the pretty common one that says "Brony" on it and has a flying Rainbow Dash under the word. I walked into chemistry to sit my backpack down and prepared to go sharpen my pencil when the next student walked in. I didn't know who he was, but he noticed my shirt and was quick to say, "I don't get bronies." I kind of chuckled and said that I knew the show wasn't for everyone, when the guy behind me then asked this guy what Bronies were. Then I watched as this non-brony dude, who could have easily made Bronies sound like freaks, gave an incredibly fair and respectable definition. He said that it's guys that like My Little Pony for it's plot, humor, characters, etc, and that do a bunch of fan works and stuff for charity. He told him about how people like Andrew W.K. and Seth Green were bronies, and then, the part that stuck out most of all to me, was how he ended his definition by emphasizing that "There's nothing wrong with them, and the majority of them are completely normal straight guys. They just like My Little Pony."

I was impressed. This dude could have told the guy whatever he wanted, and the guy would have probably believed him, but he instead gave a fair and honest answer. It actually brought a smile to my face that they did that. It was quite the nice moment, and made me glad to see not all non-bronies who are aware of the fandom don't think of us in a negative light.

But then after all that nice stuff there was another guy in the class that was like, "Hurr durr, they're all gay and do gay stuff, and the show is gay, and they fap to horses, lololololol."

>Mfw that guy:

Report StayOuttaMyShed · 207 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Nice picture of my stepmom.

That sounds awesome. I wish there were more people like that in the world, who can respect other people EVEN IF THEY DO NOT UNDERSTAND THEM OR THEIR INTERESTS.

Man I wish there were more people like him.

My hope for humanity has been restored.

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