• Member Since 18th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 7th, 2021


They say if I post an update within the year, there will be six more weeks of winter.

More Blog Posts61

  • 225 weeks
    Cut Story Ideas

    A year has passed since I finally finished This Can't Be Happening. Quite a lot has happened since then for me and as I predicted the end of that story didn't come with much fanfare, but it was at least a huge load off and satisfying feeling to finish it after all that time. That's left me with Don't Go To Sleep, the other story abandoned by my lazy update schedule. Back when I finished TCBH I

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  • 279 weeks
    This Can't Be Happening is Finished (Finally)!

    Well, it only took me just short of 7 years, but yes I finally finished this damn story. It took me so long to finish the thing that I honestly doubt there's anyone left to read this blog, but damn it all I'm happy to have this thing done and there's a lot I want to say about it even if I'm just talking into the void.

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  • 279 weeks
    A question to potential remaining Don't Go To Sleep readers

    Something something, it's been months since my last update, something something you know the rest. I'm gonna put a fork in mentioning the wait and first talk about Don't Go To Sleep before I ramble about This Can't Be Happening in a different blog. Alright, so, with one long drawn out story finally done the question remains what to now do with the other. So to keep this short and sweet, I'm

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  • 311 weeks
    Laziness and Stubbornness

    Hello again. It's been a while, hasn't it? How are the kids? Is the missus doing well? Good, good.

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  • 504 weeks
    Do the impossible, see the invisible

    So, judging by the whopping 7 views on my last blog post, I think it's safe to assume that a lot of my followers have either left the website by now or are tired of my shit after the terrible update schedule that was 2013 for me. Or maybe it had to do with my last post being a wall of text. Either way, I think people will be glad to hear that another update for This Can't Be Happening is out!

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Not dead. · 4:13am Oct 5th, 2012

The past couple have weeks have been pretty busy. Chemistry in particular has been piling on the work, with Statistics also trying to get in some good piles of homework. It's leading up to this being the halfway mark for the semester, so it's midterms time. Fortunately, I'm doing pretty good on the Midterms for both classes. On top of that, football season is getting into full swing, so we've had extra band practices and done some competitions. I'm also helping out in running two different clubs, and getting in some community service work for scholarships.

So, I've had a busy few days. Usually I can at least log on to check things, but I haven't even had time to do that for the past few days. I just finished my work, ate dinner, then went to bed. I've been too tired to even got in the computer for the most part. As I mentioned earlier, however, the midterm season is done after this week. In addition, after next week, I get a whole week off for Fall Break. In other words, expect some content in the coming days. I'm going to do another round of This Can't Be Happening chapters(One Morgan chapter and one Lyra chapter) and then do a new chapter for Don't Go To Sleep. And, if I have time, I'll start writing on that Slenderman story and see how it turns out. If it isn't crap, I might put it up here too.

Edit: I'm becoming increasingly hesitant to go through with the idea for the Slenderman story. There's such a huge growth of Slenderman stories thanks to Slender, I'm sure people are already getting sick of seeing so many stories. Might be best to just pass on the idea. We'll see.

Speaking of Slendy, I'm now divided on what I want to be for Halloween. I was originally going to be Slenderman, but I recently made an Ash Ketchum costume for spirit week at school, and everyone thought it was great, so I'm considering saving the outfit for Halloween. That, however, means it won't be as easy to creep people out. Who could be scared of a guy with a Pikachu on his shoulder?

What do you guys think? Slenderman? Or maybe some classic Ash Ketchum?

And, of course, something to end on:

It's going to be fun making that MLP/EEnE crossover later.

Report StayOuttaMyShed · 270 views ·
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