• Member Since 21st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 9th, 2023


Not much to say except that I love video games, my favorite series being Star Fox and Mass Effect; reading, sports, etc. I have a separate FanFiction account where more of my stories can be found.

More Blog Posts50

  • 204 weeks
    Guess what? I’m not dead!

    ...Though I can probably say my ambition to write kind of died. Until now! Like right now. So there’s one particular story I started awhile back and kind of left to collect dust, that being the Canterlot Files. Well, I’ve decided I’m going to start over on that, but before that I wanted to make a story that takes place before even The Crystal Prep Files. Like way back. So if you see Canterlot

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    3 comments · 392 views
  • 229 weeks

    You find a story that has the same picture and a similar title.


    2 comments · 307 views
  • 233 weeks
    Some Major Changes and a Very Late Update

    So it's been like...at least three or so months since I last did one of these? I can't really come up with a worthy excuse this time. But what I will say is that no I'm not dead...so there's that. You may have noticed I did some major editing on my Persona story...I realize there's no way I can keep to a day by day structure for each chapter cause otherwise this will have like 300+ chapters and I

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    1 comments · 325 views
  • 242 weeks

    When you realize you have new fanfic material.

    1 comments · 328 views
  • 243 weeks
    Mistakes were made...

    So I made a big mistake. In TAY, write out the locations of three artifacts and in the follow up chapter I for some reason switched two of them around. The good news is now I fixed it so apologies for the confusion. Mira of the story: don’t interrupt the chapter you’re working on by doing another story. :ajsleepy:

    0 comments · 241 views

I had to make a change... · 10:20pm May 30th, 2017

I didn't realize at the time there was already a story called A Stitch in Time and that probably confused some people. Henceforth, ASiT shall be known as Forever Timebound.

Report FoxMcCloud7921 · 183 views · Story: Forever Timebound ·
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