• Member Since 21st Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 9th, 2023


Not much to say except that I love video games, my favorite series being Star Fox and Mass Effect; reading, sports, etc. I have a separate FanFiction account where more of my stories can be found.


“I need your help Auntie Twilight. The fate of all Equestria depends on us.”

Life had been going rather smoothly for Twilight Sparkle recently, all things considered, but as was the case, life did like to throw a curve ball every once in a while. In the middle of the night, she is greeted by none other than her niece Flurry Heart, who apparently has traveled back almost five hundred years. Why? Because she needs Twilight’s help: Equestria is on course for a terrible catastrophe and only she, the Element of Magic, can help stop it.
But before Twilight can make her choice, a powerful mage, one who matches Flurry’s skills, appears to take the Princess of Friendship’s life and suddenly, Twilight is thrust into an adventure both familiar and unfamiliar to her and the fate of all Equestria once again rests upon her shoulders.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 2 )

I am marking this to read later because when I read the title I thought it would have something to do with the "hard reset" trilogy but from the sinopse it will not be like that.


I was just reading that and I realized what you meant. :facehoof:

Time to make some changes.

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