• Member Since 17th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Jul 8th, 2022


Someone Wise Once Told Me To Write What's In My Heart So - Blood, Valves And Cholesterol.

More Blog Posts30

  • 99 weeks
    Happy 4th Of July! 🎆 🎇 🧨

    May you all stay safe!

    Have fun!

    And enjoy the fireworks of course!

    1 comments · 149 views
  • 99 weeks
    That Doctor Strange Was...

    Wanda just mercilessly #$%@ those #$@.

    And The @#$% just appeared to @#$%.

    And then Strange @#$% a @#$% of himself.

    Just to end with a @#$% on his @#$%.

    Wanda just didn't feel like Wanda, but the horror vibes were new.

    Overall it was a new Marvel Experience, I'll say that much.


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    12 comments · 180 views
  • 315 weeks
    Adorkable Tales.#8. Shop Till You Drop!


    Do you know what I want to chat about today?

    Something interesting, unique and of course exciting!

    I want to talk about….

    Grocery Shopping!

    No! Don’t click off of this blog just yet!

    Let me explain myself, of why I enjoy this simple pass time.

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    7 comments · 326 views
  • 317 weeks
    I'm Back Mmmmm.....Now!


    I’m back from my trip to the abyss, it was ok I guess if a bit empty.:pinkiehappy:


    Now that was a bad joke, nah I’m totally okies peeps!

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    59 comments · 406 views
  • 332 weeks
    Adorkable Tales.#7. Mommy Mia!

    I was going to post my haunting tale, yeah I was haunted once. Like the whole nine yards, dark shadows, stuff moving and being choked in my sleep….yeah.

    But instead of that jazz!

    People say Jazz right? ...Oi I’m such a dork.


    I’m instead going to tell you something else even more awesome, like so awesome you won’t even know!

    I’m going to talk to you about...

    MY MOM!

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    16 comments · 380 views

Adorkable Tales.#7. Mommy Mia! · 10:36pm Jan 20th, 2018

I was going to post my haunting tale, yeah I was haunted once. Like the whole nine yards, dark shadows, stuff moving and being choked in my sleep….yeah.

But instead of that jazz!

People say Jazz right? ...Oi I’m such a dork.


I’m instead going to tell you something else even more awesome, like so awesome you won’t even know!

I’m going to talk to you about...



Hi Mom.

My mom and I have a unique relationship. By that I mean she is like my totes best friend in the world, we are basically like sisters.

~Watches Pixel gasp~

Errr...I can have more than one sister! What makes the world great is that….Oi I’m busted.

Take Two.

My mom and I have a unique relationship. By that I mean she is a total dingbat, which some might think that is harsh to call her that. But trust me she calls me the same thing, so in a way we’re both just a couple of derpys.

Mom and I are always taking control in the house, Dad is always the helpless one for some reason. And if things did go south, we always have each others back.

“Honey where are my socks?!” My dad would yell down the hallway.

“They are in the second drawer!” My mom would yell back while cooking breakfast, Me at the table eating oatmeal in a half sleep.

“They aren’t I had checked!” My dad would yell back as he was shaving in the bathroom.

“Then look harder!” My mom would quickly lean in to me and whisper.

“I forgot to wash his socks, go slip a pair of the least dirty socks you can find in his drawer.”


Later my dad would just sit at the table giving us both that, You two are in on something look.

“They were in the drawer right?” My mom would push it with a smug little smile as my dad would just roll his eyes.

As cool as my mom can be, she is still a total teen when it comes to shopping. I mean every year we go to the mall to get new clothes, yet here I am dressing in cute but simple clothes.

My mom is like strutting down the clothes department, like dressed in mini skirts and the really tight jeans. I mean seeing me next to her, you would so think I was the un-cool one.

I mean seriously! Aren’t mom’s supposed to be like all frumpy and cooking cookies all the time? Or at least be super dorky and embarrass me in public?

But no!

Seems in my family it goes like this, which is odd but stay with me.

My Mom’s mother, though never got to meet her was supposedly like super fancy, dressing in all the latest fashions and even had a thing where she threw parties for the whole neighborhood every month.

My mom is like super hip and popular, acts like a teenager and even is a bit more on the fashion edge of things than I am.

Her sister is like even more beautiful! Is an awesome cook and like somehow has time to just be at like all types of high end meet and greets.

Then there is me. A complete dork and just the shyest thing you will ever meet, I mean just placing me beside all the women on my mother’s side and you’d be like.

One of these things are not like the others, one of these girls are a loser.

I mean thanks a lot genes! I could’ve been like the product of super popular women! Instead I’m a Pegasister,dorky...mess lolz.

Is anyone’s else's family like this?  Or did I like draw the short end of the genetic stick?

Oh yes! I told you my mom was a dingbat...like me.

Well get this, one day I was walking outside of school with my two friends. We are all kind of shy and my mom waves us over, we start to just chat before I have to go. When all the sudden my mom’s peers behind us to Gina and her clique, just like the most popular girls in school.

Get this.

My mom!

“Omg! I love those tops girls!” she just yells across the campus to them.

“You girls should totes look into hanging out with Adorkable and her little friends! We can have a mall trip and like hang out!” My mom is patting me on my shoulder to make a move.

“Hahaha! That could be “Fun” “ Gina just sneers in a smirk, her whole group laughing at us.

“Blerg-a-baba…” I just like blurt out in a so totally embarrassed tone.

Easy to say...we never had that mall trip.

Just last night as well my mom and I got into this tiff, because she went and hid donuts in the house. A whole box of sweets just hidden high in the top shelf, My mom is as short as me so that would mean one thing.

She pulled out a step ladder and scaled the shelves like me to even hide them, which simply thinking about that is just enough to make me laugh.

I guess she hid them because my dad is a health weirdo, he allows sweets in the house at times. But most of the month he will suggest more healthy treats. I’m talking baby carrots and fig bars, yeah my house is bare with the good stuff.

Or so I thought…

I just nommed on these goodies like some kind of wild animal, having the time of my life last night when my friend online Gyro Pony.

Yay! You made it into my tale Gyro!...Congratz.

Gave me all types of fun things, to get back at my mom for hiding the donuts. Gyro suggested to place something healthy in the box, at the moment all we had in stock was a simple cucumber.

Yep! I placed a whole cucumber in the box and hid it back on the top shelf, this morning she waltzed in holding the cucumber up and rolling her eyes.

“Really? Where did I go wrong with you.” She spoke in the most serious tone ever, giving me the oddest look ever.

All I could do was laugh so hard….then she called in my dad.

“Honey I see something under her bed.” My mom smirked, as I could feel my heart sink.

My dad came in as he gazed under my bed, finding not just one but two boxes of donuts.

“....” I just gaze to him in shock.

“Hahahaha! Wow two whole boxes? I’d say hahaha you’ve exceeded your months sweet limit.” My mom was just laughing like a maniac this morning.

My dad simply rolled his eyes at us both.

“You ladies are nuts.”

My mom might be a little silly, but she is the strength I hope to one day have as my own. She’s beautiful and never takes anything from anyone, not only that she is super confident in all that she does.

She is the inspiration of the woman I want to become, If I can be just as half as awesome as her when I’m older then I will be totes happy.

So what about you guys?

Does your mom ever like totes embarrass you, in front of the popular kids?

Or outshine you at the mall?

Perhaps frame you for being a donut eating monster?

Heehee. Post down below in the comments any crazy things your mom’s have done, I always love to talk and hear from you all!

When I first started out, the comments stayed pretty silent. But now you all are starting to be chatty and I love it, I hope to learn more about you all this coming year.

Next tale will be about me being haunted, unless anyone would rather hear about me making a fool of myself on dates. I guess I can also share those “Awesome” experiences.

I had to write this though, you can all thank Gyro Pony for that.

You caused my mom to frame me, I hope that is what you wished would happen. XD

I love you all and until next time!

Bye-bye! :heart:

Report Adorkable · 380 views · #Mom #cool #awesome #gyro pony
Comments ( 16 )

My mom and I have a unique relationship. By that I mean she is like my totes best friend in the world, we are basically like sisters.

*doesn't register yet*

~Watches Pixel gasp~

Me: oh! I'm suppose to gasp now! ... GASPPPPP!

Hehe I'm only kidding with ya! It's okay if she is like a sister too! After all, I may or may not have another not blood related sister like you... *nervous laugh*

Anyway, these Adorkable Tales are so funny! It makes me want to start my own little story sharing thing! Like, I could totes call it Pixel Stories!

Hehe, I don't want to copy your idea, so I'm not sure I will do it.

You have an other!

LE GASP! :pinkiegasp:


I say go for it sis! Would be awesome to hear some stories from yur past, lol bet it would be a blast to read.

I alsoo have something special for tale 10, but it's a secret for now.

Hehee. Guess we both have other sisters too.

You really think so? I don't even know where to start though!

And now I'm intrigued...

Just find a story in your life that makes you laugh or cringe, then let loose!

We all have experiences that are fun to share, just feel comfortable about what you share.

Lol it can be sooo fun to tell stories, I bet you have great tales.

We all do!

Hm, maybe I will. Now that I think about it, I know a slightly scary gut funny at the same time story from when I was little...

Heehee. Sounds awesome!

I'd love to hear that.

I'll write it tomorrow first thing!

Go for it girl!

Hehee, I will!

My mom was just laughing like a maniac this morning.

I was doing the same thing!:rainbowlaugh:

I admit I DID wish your mom would catch you in the act! Especially after the cucumber thing lol!
My mom would probably give me that "You're such a sneak" look, smile and shake her head. And then... out of the random, she sighs and says, "We'll get another box," I'm in shock, but she's not done. "But Mind you, YOU are going to pay for it." 0_0

I'm dying to know what your next blog is that you're hinting about, being haunted😣. I love a spook tale :P
2.bp.blogspot.com/-3XFlArgwR5E/WQjgP5Zi4pI/AAAAAAAB1Ak/8rTf2l7eIIQ_f2hioz9shrDCfcVSPgFLwCLcB/s1600/33e.gif \

I'm a teeny bit sad that you've stopped your "May The Night Bring..." thing. Not saying that you must, but I really loved it! :heart:

sooo glad you enjoye the blog!

yeah my mom was sneaky herself, if she caught me i'dprob be dead now.

Lolz the haunted blog is on the way, been pushing it back. But it is almost time!

Awww. I thought it might have been annoying people, is why I stoppe but...

May The Night Bring More Friendship!


May The Night Bring More Friendship!


Nice to meet you, Ms. Tinypic Adorkable! :rainbowlaugh:

You're daughter is a real angel!

Lol, I didn't know hardly anything about how pics worked back then.

Heh, if I wanted to share a photo from my phone's gallery, I put it on Discord, copy the link, then paste it where I wanna put it here.

I know how now, I was like 15 writing or so writing these.

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