• Member Since 17th Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Jul 8th, 2022


Someone Wise Once Told Me To Write What's In My Heart So - Blood, Valves And Cholesterol.

More Blog Posts30

  • 100 weeks
    Happy 4th Of July! 🎆 🎇 🧨

    May you all stay safe!

    Have fun!

    And enjoy the fireworks of course!

    1 comments · 152 views
  • 101 weeks
    That Doctor Strange Was...

    Wanda just mercilessly #$%@ those #$@.

    And The @#$% just appeared to @#$%.

    And then Strange @#$% a @#$% of himself.

    Just to end with a @#$% on his @#$%.

    Wanda just didn't feel like Wanda, but the horror vibes were new.

    Overall it was a new Marvel Experience, I'll say that much.


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    12 comments · 181 views
  • 317 weeks
    Adorkable Tales.#8. Shop Till You Drop!


    Do you know what I want to chat about today?

    Something interesting, unique and of course exciting!

    I want to talk about….

    Grocery Shopping!

    No! Don’t click off of this blog just yet!

    Let me explain myself, of why I enjoy this simple pass time.

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    7 comments · 328 views
  • 318 weeks
    I'm Back Mmmmm.....Now!


    I’m back from my trip to the abyss, it was ok I guess if a bit empty.:pinkiehappy:


    Now that was a bad joke, nah I’m totally okies peeps!

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    59 comments · 408 views
  • 333 weeks
    Adorkable Tales.#7. Mommy Mia!

    I was going to post my haunting tale, yeah I was haunted once. Like the whole nine yards, dark shadows, stuff moving and being choked in my sleep….yeah.

    But instead of that jazz!

    People say Jazz right? ...Oi I’m such a dork.


    I’m instead going to tell you something else even more awesome, like so awesome you won’t even know!

    I’m going to talk to you about...

    MY MOM!

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    16 comments · 381 views

Adorkable Tales.#8. Shop Till You Drop! · 9:47am May 13th, 2018


Do you know what I want to chat about today?

Something interesting, unique and of course exciting!

I want to talk about….

Grocery Shopping!

No! Don’t click off of this blog just yet!

Let me explain myself, of why I enjoy this simple pass time.

You see when you live at a somewhat close knit community like me, the shopping center is like a total mecca for sharing news...by news I mean gossip.

When I was a small little girl I would head out to the store with my mother, back then I did what I assume every four year old did. I went a little crazy and just threw in anything and everything into the cart, I mean heck to the prices!

I want those six dollar bag of cookies, I’ll sneak them into the cart over a thousand times until I have them at home...where I’ll forget about them!

I swear thinking back to my childhood, my mom was a saint to like keep calm around me. I remember running around tossing toys and the like into the cart, and each time she ended up buying the items for me.

I mean just think of what she gave up for herself, just to see a smile on my spoiled little face. I think it’s the main reason nowadays, that whenever I get a little bit of money I want to take out my mom to someplace nice.

Be it shopping or like a restaurant, to see her smile makes my heart sing.


Anyway back then, I was too busy being a brat to notice just how cool the shopping center was. Now though anytime someone is needed to go to the store, I’m always on the front line to say…

“Yay! I’ll do it, I sooo want to see how the freeman’s weekend away ended...also do you need milk?”

Phst! I know what you’re saying too…

Adorkable! Isn’t what you are doing is gossiping? Aren’t you ashamed for sticking your ears in other’s business?

To that I say…

Don’t rain on my parade! I live in a speck of a city now, if I don’t get news to occupy myself...I’ll die!

Of boredom.

That said I’m not like slinking up behind people talking and creepishly listening in on them, no more like the gossip comes to me.

I’ll be minding my own business near the hotdogs, thinking if a price cut of a ten cents can truly constitute as a sale when like out of nowhere someone I know will walk over.

Most of the time it is a woman, my mom has befriended. Though for some odd reason, she like opens up waaay alot to me?

Does anyone else’s parents have a friend like that?

They see your mom or dad like once a week, but anytime they see you outside on the streets they try and act all cool, or in my case like open up and gossip with you?

Mrs.Smith here somehow has like the dirt on everyone, from the people down the street losing their dog because in her words they are incompetent drunks to like her somehow knowing that a certain someone in town is in an affair?

I mean how do you even come across info like that? Is she like sitting at home 24/7 and listening to a police scanner or worse is she like somehow creeping on everyone?

If so I hope she’s not like in a tree right now, watching me…

She will keep me in the know with dirt all over the place, while I do enjoy hearing saucy tidbits. I kind of wonder if she maybe turns around and finds someone else and tells them odd stuff about me.

If that is not weird enough, other people at the store can be odd and just plain weird as well. I mean I once passed by the butcher area in the store before, the man behind the place just gazed me straight in the eye and asked…

“Did your dad enjoy those cuts at his poker party?”

“Hi! My dad...wait wut?”

I mean I had no idea, that my dad was apparently a very great host when it came to gambling parties. But I guess the meat butcher does!

I also hate when checking out, after navigating the store and it's crazy layout. I mean with me a ten minute trip, turns into like a thirty minute adventure. I will at last have all the items,plus like two others my mom calls me to add to the list.

Yet when I get to the checkout I always seem to get the one grumpy girl, the young girl with the dark eyes that pierce into your soul!

I’m not a very open person, so when I get those clerks I tend to tense up...in fear.

But for some reason, I’m guessing they are forced by their boss to do so. They will ask in such a mean spirited way, how my day was….like in such a way, you feel a cold sweat down your backside.

“Phst! How was your gahhhh day MISS!” Like with a soft hiss at the end, I’m so scared that this girl my age will attack me somewhere in a dark alley I just end up doing…

“Ima...you know….like whatever...goood.”

That usually gets me like a death stare, or an eye roll. Anytime this happens which is a lot, I will try and rush out as quick as possible. More than once I’ve forgotten our debit card or crucial item.

~Blinks and checks her bag~


I forgot the milk… T_T.

End Card.


I’m back doing blog posts!

Sorry about being gone so long, but heck reading about me doing some shopping was well worth the wait right?

Serious though I love you all, everyone here always makes me smile. I’m just happy that I get to know so many new people from all walks of life.

Also I don’t go actively gossiping, usually it is just people gossiping at me while I stare blankly.

Plus be nice to your cashiers, they have like long days at work. Surrounded by people who most of the time can be rude, next time flash a smile and let them know they are doing a lovely job.

Heehee! I’ve gone back and done so myself, that same cashier who scared me is in truth very sweet. I’m happy that I took time to talk a bit, in truth I’d be happy to have her check me out again in the future.

Last...really is ten cents off even a sale?

I like my hot doggos but I mean...really?

Well that is all for now, please enjoy your nights and have a wonderful day!

Love, Adorkable.

May The Night Bring More Hot Doggos.

Report Adorkable · 328 views · #update #hot doggos
Comments ( 7 )

well, you managed to make grocery shopping sound like a fun adventure. not bad. :derpytongue2:

ten cents off?! the savings! my dream can come true :pinkiegasp:



you forgot the milk.

Nothing more needs to be said.:raritywink:



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