• Member Since 5th Jul, 2015
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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

More Blog Posts421

  • Saturday
    Last Day of School (School is Drudgery)

    (56 days since I began my project... feeling pretty restless)

    I was out in the garden today, and at the stroke of three I could hear the final bell ringing form the nearby schools. The second they rang, the entire area erupted with the sounds of cheers like being at a rock concert, or scoring the winning point of the big game.

    Well, another school term complete.

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  • 4 weeks
    OOOHH!! This Project! (Haven't slept well)

    (Day 32)

    On May 3rd, after I posted the Finale of TT Idol Season 16...

    I began a really big and really daring project...

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  • 5 weeks
    Poor Tara Strong (RIP Reese)

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  • 6 weeks
    Twilight Sparkle TROPE (Friendship is Failure)

    The Determinator: She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her. She gets as far as saving someone from suicide, even if she gets shamed for it afterwards.

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  • 9 weeks
    What is YOUR Definition...

    People often yak at me

    "Try better yourself"

    "Grow up"


    They say all that, but they don't provide actual definitions or explanations of what they mean by all that. It's like I'm supposed to guess what they want.

    The same thing follows with fiction, when people whine and complain.

    "This sucks"

    "Write them In character"

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Mykan Vs BASIC LOGIC · 4:52pm Feb 14th, 2018

A certain some one needs a talking down to for making wild accusations of me and refusing to look past...

If you prefer to talk with me about this... go here instead... http://us19.chatzy.com/81136363955563 it's better than flamming on blogs

One of which is accusing me of

You apparently have a worse grasp of the language and if you can't understand basic logic.

I told the person many times before: "I UNDERSTAND Logic... I just don't LIKE IT" there's a difference between understanding things, and not using it.


In a recent blog, we had an argument, I won't show you where it is.

All I left was an honest and gentle opinion with no insults, not a hint of bullying and badgering because someone had a question I FELT that I could give my own logic on as it is part of reality. But the poster then scoffed at me and insulted my characters and my writing as if what I had to say didn't matter.

More insults came, and I stood up and talked back!

I may be in the wrong for continuing the fight, but I wasn't the one who threw the first punch. The people who insulted did.

Again, I was in the wrong for continuing the fight, but THEY started it more than I did, and the more they keep this up, the more I'm going to keep coming back and standing up for myself!

To me, that's the logical thing.

Just ignoring it and letting them continue to hit me without doing anything has proven to be quite ineffective, especially since ONE OF THEM, insists he won't stop or look past things.


I'll make a a couple of quotes here, but I won't tell you who they're from...

The more you try to force your viewpoint on others, the more people see you for the insecure child that you are. And unless you fix up your attitude that's never going to change.

But earlier was quoted

Because he doesn't have any reason to make us WANT to get to know him better.

That latter quote nullifies the top quote, since the person obviously made it clear he refuses to look past things, and won't change their groove even if I DO.

So my argument wins there. Changing will accomplish nothing, especially since no one (Not even me) wants to let it) and THAT is logic.


everyone, including that person with the quotes, think they have me all figured out and refuse to look past things. Yet they tell me to study and do research (Which I do on certain things) but even still, they don't do their own research.

-They just hear what other people say about me and assume the worst. They don't even bother to realize some of it was from LONG, LONG ago and may not be the same now, or refuse to read properly.

An example of this would be this fic I made...


People STILL think BB went nuts just because Terra dumped him, when clearly I had written in the fic, and explained it myself many, many times that's NOT the entire picture (BB had it worse than just a simple dumping) but people STILL refuse to acknowledge that.

...Not doing their research.

And this is a main reason why I don't take their advice, or scoff at their so-called help, "YOU DON'T THINK THE SITUATION THROUGH!"

Then again, even when I do my research... I still get scoffed at.

even when I write normal fics like these two...



...they still get scoffed at riffed (These two I don't mind though)

So the logic here is, the people are just going to continue to act like butts and insult me regardless of what I write.

In fact, the guy I quoted said THIS...

That's cute coming from the guy who pretty much has every single one of his stories downvoted non-stop.

When the truth is, as I have told him... the reason my fics get downvoted so much is because HE, and all my other haters just downvote and walk away without even reading, and even if they do read, they miss the entire points (As was proven with the whole BB and Terra issue)

In other words, you lost.

he said

Once again... he lost the argument, not me, especially with such baffling contradictions.

Now for the guy, and for all the people out there...

If you want to talk LOGIC with me... here's the problem we've got.

You keep insulting me and wrongfully bashing and riffing me, and making bad accusations... and then you accuse ME of making you want to do it... uh-uhn...

You could make it so much easier and ignore my stuff and stop saying bad things about me and just LEAVE ME AND MY FICS ALONE!!!

In fact, if they HAD left my fics and me alone, I wouldn't have HAD to come to this site and stand up for myself... then again, the guy totally misses the point and quotes...

if you were you wouldn't even be on this site, you would have just told the admins that anyone using your name isn't really you because you would never actually join this site and leave it at that. But instead you felt the need to get on this site, and start throwing tantrum after tantrum in each one of your threads because you want an excuse to make everybody hate the show as much as you, so you can make everybody just as miserable as you are.

I didn't come here to make people miserable...

I came here to stand up for myself on the count of that guy and other people constantly riffing me and stealing my stuff!

Like I said, if he and the others hadn't been so bad, maybe I wouldn't have had to come here!

He's lost his argument... long ago due his contradictions and refusal to get over himself.

And that is why, I act the way I do... everyone else is acting that way, and it's the only language they understand!

Besides, why should I listen to what they have to say if they don't really care about what they have to say themselves?

Example: The guy says...

And now that you know that it's not remotely working you lash out at anyone who tries to correct your viewpoints or the very least tell you how to write your stories better. Because you can't stand the idea of ever being wrong.

Though I have told him many times over, it's not about being WRONG... it's about liking/disliking what characters and plot are doing, but still he chooses to ignore that...?

...and you want to talk to me about Logic.

I'm more logical than all of them doubled, and I'm not being boastful, but factual!

The argument is won by me...

Comments ( 10 )

True. But, not all the time. That's just my opinion. Plus, you never know what people are going to say.


Sure I do, they say it all the time... just like that guy has been saying the same stuff about me for YEARS, he never says different. None of them do

Hmm, good point there.

You apparently have a worse grasp of the language.

Ironically, while who do have a few spelling mistakes, You do have a basic grasp of the English Language (and French as you do live in Canada.)


that wasn't me... that was the guy I quoted, I didn't say that, he did

I know that, just pointing it out. To be honest you write English good.

Srey #7 · Feb 14th, 2018 · · 2 ·

You could make it so much easier and ignore my stuff and stop saying bad things about me and just LEAVE ME AND MY FICS ALONE!!!

Well, the issue is, from the moment something is shared on a public area, it will receive views and following that, reviews and opinions. If those doing the reviewing disliked what they've seen, it will show. That's something that will happen every single time you post something.

I consider it ok to not agree on some things (not everything mind you, some opinions I do find too extreme to let go, such as if someone things burning down orphanages when all the kids are inside), I do believe it is more important that both the author and reviewer understand the other.

Lack of understanding and disagreement tends to lead to arguing and insults. Which is pretty much the case here.


I do believe it is more important that both the author and reviewer understand the other.

Unfortunately, that's been going downhill for almost 2 decades now...

It's either the Writer or the reviewer, you may not have both with ME...

hmm, in your case, and 99% of the other cases, writer and author are the same person.
I think you meant reviewer.

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