• Member Since 24th May, 2014
  • offline last seen 24 minutes ago


Big fan of fantasy and lesbians. If you want magic, lesbians, or ponies, you've come to the right place. Follow me itch.io if you want to see my visual novels. https://thecrimsondm-vanillia.itch.io/

More Blog Posts557

  • Sunday
    new chapter!

    another chapter out, another fun bout of pony lust. Here's hoping you all enjoyed it XD
    It was nice to find a way to bring Steggy the dinosaur back, she needs more attention in our works. Anyway we are still open to finding an editor, if your interested please message us.
    Other than that, hope you all have a wonderful day.
    and as always, thanks for reading XD

    4 comments · 73 views
  • 1 week
    Chapter 05 is out!!!

    Not only have we done a small update to fix our magical monster girl game on itch, but we updated this story with a new chapter today. here's hoping y'all like it XD

    We are still looking for an editor if anyone's interested just PM us.

    Other than that, we hope you enjoy the story, its fun, cute, a bit wholesome and plenty lewd.

    and as always, thanks for reading XD

    0 comments · 76 views
  • 2 weeks
    Chapter 04 is out!

    Another week another chapter. Hope it helps.
    Also happy Father's day to y'all out there.

    Its just a short chapter, still looking for an editor if your interested.

    and also as always thanks for reading XD

    0 comments · 64 views
  • 3 weeks
    chapter 3 is out


    So for the near future i figured out an update schedule. Updates to my current visual novel on itch.io every Thursday, and updates to the succubus story every Saturday. Should be fun.

    Still looking for a potential editor. If your interested let me know.

    And as always, thanks for reading XD

    0 comments · 87 views
  • 4 weeks
    Twilight the Idiot Succubus chapter 02 is out!


    New chapter is out. First love scene added. It's good practice for a style that I'm looking to cultivate for some visual novels in the future. Hopefully, it's good XD

    This chapter will start introducing some more of the story hooks for the first act.

    Read More

    0 comments · 70 views

Awesome Youtube Channel. · 8:44pm Apr 24th, 2018

So I've been watching a lot of this youtube channel called Filmbilder. They have lots of very good cartoons and animations using little to no dialog but telling really great, and emotional short stories using music and visuals. I think this kind of stuff is amazing as it tends to bypass language and culture, allowing people from all over the world to enjoy the experience. So here's one of my favorite and cute little animations from them to get you started in case your interested. Give 'em some likes and stuff, these guys deserve it.


Edit: so my dyslexia kicked in and I originally read the channel as Filmblider which reversed the I and L. It's Filmbilder wich makes more sense, if not still oddly spelled. Lol.

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