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Wanderer D

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Reading Fics... · 12:27am Feb 9th, 2012

So, how often do you leave a comment on a story you like?

Do you only track it and fave it but not bother to leave a comment?

Do you always leave one?

Do you try to?

Is it even important to leave a comment?

What do you think?

And one more question... how important is it for the author to answer the comments?

Report Wanderer D · 344 views ·
Comments ( 27 )

IMHO, comments are for when you have something specific to say, or it was REALLY excellent. following (and faving) should usually be a good enough indicator for the author as to how well everypony is reacting to their work.

i usually will not leave a comment.

I leave comments only on stories I enjoyed.
I track fave and comment.
I try to leave comments unless someone already said what I wanted to.
I think it's important to leave comments to show the authors you care, even if they don't care about your comments.

Personally? I try to comment on any fic I end up faving/tracking, if I can find the words to express my joy with the fic. I remember my own choice words for The Empty Room - praise, followed by the "SHIT JUST GOT REAL" that's basically become obligatory for me now.

I never comment on anything ever, especially blog posts.

Okay, really, I comment when I have something to say. Like 'this is not a statistically sound way of gaining data on how often people comment'.:derpytongue2:

I track things that are incomplete or that I haven't read yet. Sometimes I track things that end up being horrible because the description looked insteresting but I didn't want to read them right away.

What's 'fave'?

I always comment on things I read. I also think it is pretty important for an author to respond to comments to keep in tune with their readers. But I also know that it can be a burden and you can't always respond to every comment cause you have like a million of them. Just try your best okay?:yay:

It's very important to leave comments. I never do though. Occasional. But not often. Because I usually read on my ipod. And comments are hard to do on there.

I usually tend to comment once or twice if I care about the story I'm reading. And sometimes I don't.

A few nice words if the fic's good, a bit of criticism where it applies, maybe commenting on events taking place in the fic, that's always nice. Especially when the author is struggling or in need of words of encouragement :)
I try to avoid telling authors how to write their stories though. It's theirs, so that would be out of place.
I don't think it's crucial to comment on every story you're reading. But it does help the authors I guess, even if it's just to let them know that you care.

Then there's completed fics. I don't comment on those unless I enjoyed them a lot or have something to say, because I think that the rating function is usually enough for anything else.

I tend to comment if the work was exceptional, or if it is just starting, and looks promising. In which case I tend to comment to encourage the other to continue.

I firmly believe in the golden rule, so I comment on everything I care about. If I follow it, I will comment on it. I often comment on things that I don't care enough to follow, but thats only if I have something to say. Most of my comments however just wind up being an overall reaction, usually to the end of the most resent chapter. If I truly love and adore it, then I will go through and talk about my favorite parts, or give the author some suggestions, talk about a theory or two, stuff like that. But again, there are very few stories where I put that much thought into commenting.

I also only fave complete stories, which is why I haven't faved yours yet.

I think that they're important, in my opinion. however i am a little hypocritical when it comes to leaving them, usually for the reason that whenever i comment on something that i like i'll sound like a crazy super-fan that has nothing important to say.

In my opinion i also think that it is important for an author to reply to them; however, only if possible or if they make sense. If a comment were to just be a random "i must say this for no reason" thing, then it can be ignored. There's also the occasion that someone gets too many comments and is unable to reply to them all, which is incredibly fine.

This is all just my opinion so take it as you like :twilightsheepish:

I comment only if I react very strongly to a fic, or if I quite enjoy a fic and it has no or few other comments. If something has lots of comments, I won't comment unless I disagree with the majority of other commenters.

How many times can I comment upon my comments in this comment, anyway?

I leave a comment for every single story I read whether I like it or not.
These stories are written and provided for free and the least I feel I can do to give back to an author is leaving some form of feedback.
Sometimes I leave a review, sometimes just a comment. Sometimes there's nothing I can say that has not already been said so I will leave something somewhat relevant for fun, to show "friendship" to the community of fans of the story.
I tend to provide critique more than praise, but that's because of my own personality enjoying self improvement through constructive criticism and feeling embarrassed by praise.
I often share a piece of art or music I feel is appropriate as a "gift" as a form of praise I can express without discomfort. To me sharing a like with another in the hopes that the other will enjoy it to a similar degree is the greatest sign of appreciation of the other person.

When an author replies to my comment it feels exceptionally rewarding; but I wouldn't say it's necessarily important. After all, I read many novels and I never exchange correspondence with those authors. Then again, they only present a finished product, they also get paid for what they do.
I will say that my personal feedback has had an occasional impact on a fic, and when that happens it is immensely gratifying. Which could be taken as petty since after all, maybe a couple thousand bronies will read a super popular fic where as a bestselling novel can reach millions. But if it matters to me, why shouldn't I try to make an impact on something I care about that gives me such enjoyment daily?

I generally comment, but that's because I tend to read fics that break the mold somehow, and I like to compliment the writer on their imagination.

I very very very very very rarely comment on anything I read. Simply because I rarely have anything that needs to be said that hasn't already been said, or is just a generic 'I like this' comment. In my mind, you should only comment when you actually have something worth saying; otherwise, it's just meaningless.

I only comment when I have something to say beyond "I like this story and would like to see more of it"; that's what tracking is for.

The only exception to this is if the story hasn't updated in a while, in which case I will comment to make sure the author remembers that yes, there are people who tracked it a while ago who want to see more of the story.

I don't leave comments unless I've got something constructive to say or the readers have been asked a question. In fact, I usually hold my tongue on 'constructive' thoughts because I think it's pretty rude to do deconstruction and criticism in public uninvited.

The Descendant usually gets in-depth comments from me because a) he's made it clear through his responses that he is unembarrassed to have it in public and relishes the critique (not grudgingly or anything, you can tell) and b) his following is small enough that I don't get drowned out or beaten to the punch. Also because he only posts complete stories; many pieces of critique can only be made once you've seen where the author is going with everything, and on a drawn-out serial, I personally end up forgetting a *lot*.

So, how often do you leave a comment on a story you like?

Do you only track it and fave it but not bother to leave a comment?
- I try to leave even a small comment on most stories that I like as it's only polite to do so. I do comment less if I'm viewing the story on my phone rather than a computer for obvious reasons.

Do you always leave one?
- Mostly, unless the story didn't really grab me or I don't have anything to say ("I really like her ... mane?").

Do you try to?
- Yes!

Is it even important to leave a comment?
- I think so; if the author has gone to the trouble of putting their soul on display for public ridicule or praise then the least you can do is tell them what you thought about it, or point out any errors or improvements.

What do you think?
- I try not to think where at all possible.

And one more question... how important is it for the author to answer the comments?
- I do like it when an author replies; in a community like this I think the ability to communicate easily with the readers is one of the benefits and one I'd like to see more authors take up.

I rarely comment. And when I do, It's proabably to point out something that needs to be fixed. Usually grammar.:facehoof: But when I do, I also include why I like the story.:rainbowkiss: I'll only comment on texts that I think can be salvaged.


Depends. If the story is AWESOME (like, 7/5) I will comment pointing out what I liked.
If the story sucks. I will offer constructive criticism.
If the story is in between, I will comment if it really gets my attention/is original.

Comments are always important. Except for the 'awesome' or 'it sucks' comments.
An author must know if he's doing it right/wrong and what is right/wrong.

It is important for the author to reply. It shows the readers that he's open to their ideas/criticism.

I find it personally addictive to comment on everything I see, even when my comments occasionally come out in barely strung together praise. The strange thing is, I'm not really agressive about needing the author to respond. sure, it's nice, but it's not like I would stop reading something if it's author ignored me.
TL;DR: Doesn't matter, had story XD

So, how often do you leave a comment on a story you like?

-Quite frequently, actually. Not as often as I'd like, regrettably, because I often can't find words for what I particularly liked or disliked about a story (see below).

Do you only track it and fave it but not bother to leave a comment?

-I do that sometimes, in particular when I track (I rarely fave incomplete stories). I usually reserve my commentary for complete stories; even great stories sometimes have stretches that drag a bit ("It Takes a Village", one of my favourite MLP fanfics, had touches of this in its later chapters, but got out of it before the end), and stories that start well can derail completely later on (can't think of any off the top of my head where that happened, though).

Do you always leave one?
Do you try to?

-See above.

Is it even important to leave a comment?

-I think it is, actually, though a great deal depends on the quality of the comment. A simple "great" or "bad" won't actually tell the author anything except that one person out there liked or didn't like the fic, and not to sound depressing, but nigh-on every story out there will find a few who like it, no matter how badly written or how out-of-character, and every story, be it the greatest writing since Dickens shuffled off the mortal coil, will find a few haters. Constructive criticism - and even constructive praise - are worth a lot more, which is incidentally a reason why I don't comment on every story I read - if I can't think of anything to say that I'd like the author to improve and can't find any praise for things that were done particularly right, I might as well not bother saying anything.

What do you think?
And one more question... how important is it for the author to answer the comments?

-Well, it's nice to see whether the feedback from the community is read and (best case scenario) taken to heart and used to improve the writing. But not every comment warrants an answer by the author - those answers should be reserved mainly for the kind of comments that I do my best to write, the kind I spoke about earlier. Simple praise can usually be dealt with in a general "thanks to you all" kind of post, and simple hate is best ignored, lest one start feeding the trolls.

So, how often do you leave a comment on a story you like?

-Pretty much as long as its a story that is current (not one 10 weeks complete), I almost always at least leave A comment of some kind at least once. If its a really good story, I'll leave one per chapter. If really REALLY good, then I try to converse with folks.

Do you only track it and fave it but not bother to leave a comment?

- See above for the comments. Honestly, I RARELY favorite a story, so if you see I favorite it, it means it did something special for me. Either I cried, passed out laughing, etc.

Do you always leave one?

- See above

Do you try to?

- Yuppies!

Is it even important to leave a comment?

- I would say yes, but not always. I can't lie, I HATE it (as an author) when I see my story get a good amount of views, but very few comments. As an author, I love seeing them, especially when its helpful criticism. So for this, I say yes, but if all you are going to say is, "durr... moar", then while I appreciate it, its not required

What do you think?

- I think you asked the same question in this blog a few times, but whatever :pinkiehappy:

I think the author does need some level of feedback, but should not just let the level of the responses determine if they are going to finish the story.

Wanderer D

So, when I posted this I accidentally made a double post due to a small problem with a "Bad Gateway" error. If you're interested, the other exact same post with about 15 comments is HERE

10984 Fair enough

10985 :twilightsmile: Cool! So, if you don't like the fic, then you just don't comment? Or will you make a comment about what you disliked?

10987 :twilightsmile: you were helpful enough! Can't expect readers to comment if they are unable to!

10989 :pinkiehappy: That's a good approach!

10990 "Fave" is short for adding a story to your favorites :twilightsheepish: And yeah, this is not about statistics, this is more out of interest in seeing what readers think when they're either commenting or not!

10991 :raritystarry: Well, I try to comment in big blocks like this one! That way, when I readers see the number of comments I can honestly say mine are very few in there!

10993 Eeyup

10999 Hm, interesting. :moustache: I've found at least another reader that will usually not comment on complete stories.

11007 :raritywink: That's a good way of doing things, I think. I really enjoy reading comments! :twilightblush:

11030 :twilightblush: Well... there is this one mega-reply I wrote on TSC... 73 replies in one comment! :pinkiecrazy:

11031 Commenting on the comments in your comment for commentary purposes... I guess you can comment on the comments a lot.

11046 :twilightsmile: Personally, I really like the fact that I can leave a comment and get a reply from the author... like you said, each story written here is provided for free by fellow bronies and I like to get to know them a bit better thanks to a few lines here :raritystarry:

11060 :raritystarry:

11124 The 'comment only if meaningful' sentiment seems to be shared by many a reader :raritywink:

11132 Heh, those reminders are always good!

11140 That is definitely true, you cannot really see the whole picture in a serialized story until the very end... and again, there's that trend about commenting only if you have something important to say!

11151 :raritywink: I like answering to commentS! :twilightblush:

11154 Well, posting corrections, suggestions and pointing out mistakes are good things to do, IMHO. I've had problems while importing gdocs into FimFiction and if somepony didn't point them out, whole paragraphs would be missing!

11305 Agreed! And yes, authors should reply when possible, especially to constructive criticism or really pertinent doubts! :twilightsmile:

11591 :pinkiehappy:

11900 Yeah, hateful comments do start Trolling and flame wars... but, going back to the reply... It's great to have constructive criticism, sometimes it takes a few times for the message to get through, but I do think I'm improving much more thanks to the interactive nature of Fimfiction and EqD where I can reply to comments and receive feedback that makes me realize where the problems are.

11938 :pinkiehappy: Well, I try to ask people what they think all the time... even if they're thinking about butterflies. :twilightsheepish: I completely agree with the sentiment of wanting more comments even more when there are a lot of tracks and faves... but it is also true that when I see a comment I'm anticipating something a bit constructive or detailed rather than "awesome!" (even if I have left a few of those myself!)

12003 :raritystarry: Completely agree with you there. A story should be finished regardless of feedback.

I comment about 75% of the time on sories I really enjoyed.

Stories which I enjoy, I'll comment on the last chp availible and then every so often afterward

If I don't enjoy it, I'll comment if I have constructive criticism.

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