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Spider Man Into The Spiderverse Review · 4:09pm Jan 12th, 2019

Ah, Spiderman...

he's arguably one of Marvel's most popular characters, and for good reason. He's fun, he's got an interesting story, and a HUGE line of colorful villains.

From the black gooey and horrifying Venom, to the extremely large Kingpin, he's got so many villains out there. And the amount of incarnations of this character in movies are huge too. We've got the Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and my personal favorite (and I'm sure is a favorite among a lot of people) the Tom Holland.

But this movie is not following any of those, no, no. This time we're following the arc of the next Spider-Man, but I have to ask, is it good? Let's find out! This is Spider Man; Into The Spiderverse!

So Spider Man; Into The Spiderverse follows the story of the next Spider Man, Miles Morales. And for the record, no I didn't read the comics, so I'm just judging this movie on it's own merits. Basically, we follow Miles Morales who is next in line to be the next Spider-Man, and he has been tasked to try and take down the film's main villain Kingpin, but unfortunately, what ends up happening is suddenly Spider people from other dimensions start to fall into his world, and so now he along with all of these new Spider people have to get them back into their own dimensions and stop the evil Kingpin in the process!

First thing I'm gonna say... the animation. The animation is freakin' gorgeous.

Almost every frame of this movie looks like a literal comic-book brought to life. From the character movements, to the colors and the lighting, the animation is superb, and I have to give the animation crew some credit. Sony, you really stepped up your game in the animation apartment, definitely making up for your last few movies. Amazing to think this is just regular CG animation, the animation is really well done.

And even some of the animation on some of the characters is cool too, when we meet the Spider-people, the animation on some of them is vastly different to the ones in this world. But more on that later, let's talk about the characters...

First off; Miles Morales

I have to say, he made a really strong main character. He's a young kid, he's silly, he's fun, he's a pretty great main lead. He's all the right mixtures for a main lead, and I liked his arc in this movie, it's a really good arc. And I've gotta be honest... seeing him freak out when he's trying to comprehend having the Spider-Man powers, oh dear lord that was hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

Peter B Parker is an another interesting character...

I do like this Peter actually, seeing a more jaded and down on his luck Peter, and I'll admit, he actually got a few chuckles out of me. From what I understand, Phil and Chris Lord wanted to portray him as like a 'not' Mr Miyagi from Karate Kid in a sense, if that makes any sense, I could be seriously wrong. But I do think his dynamic with Miles is amusing to watch.

Now what about the Spider people?

Imma be honest... they're awesome.

First one I gotta talk about is Spider-Gwen

Now I'll admit, I didn't care for her that much, she seemed like a stoic badass girl kind of thing, which isn't a bad thing, but I felt as if she had a lot more potential for a cool relationship with Miles and I really wish they could have explored that a bit more. But regardless, I thought she was okay.

Spider Noir... I love this guy :rainbowkiss:

He's a Spider Man... that's a detective from the 30s! That's freakin' awesome! And Nicholas Cage voicing this guy, wow, that's perfect casting.

Peni Parker is freakin' ADORABLE.

And can I just point out the fact that when she talks, her lips don't match with the words she's saying, like an anime character that's dubbed. She's animated like an anime character, and that's awesome! But keep this in mind, this is a Japanese school girl... who has a telepathic connection to a spider inside his father's mech.

That is sooo many anime cliches being made fun of here and I love it! If this girl doesn't get her own Spider origin story movie... I'll very disappointed, this character has potential, and with the animation style... you can have a Peni-Parker movie that's an origin story and can be a giant anime parody on its own, there's potential for possibility with her!

Spider Ham? Oh dear god, this is great

He's drawn and he's animated like a cartoon character, that's hilarious.

And heck, even the villains are cool, I liked Kingpin well enough.

I understood his goals, I got why he was doing what he was doing, and he was pretty tough. Also DANG his shoulders are massive :rainbowderp:

I'll admit, I even liked Miles's father, Jefferson Davis.

I'll admit, I thought he was gonna be like Jefferson from the PS4 Spiderman game (AKA the most badass cop ever) but you know what, this Jefferson is alright. He's an okay parent.

Now about the humor... oh lord, the humor in this movie is hilarious. Any moment that had some jokes made me laugh my butt off, and the self-referential humor is perfect. I loved the humor with the comic books and the references to a lot of the other Spider-Man incarnations, they were excellent.

And the last thing I wanna give this movie is the story; I liked what they did with it, I loved seeing the crossover with all of these different Spider-people and I loved watching all of them blend together in this origin story for Miles Morales, I thought it was a fun angle.

Now as for criticisms... I don't got a lot, but these are just minor complaints.

First off, the three Spider-people, specifically Noir, Peni, and Ham. I'll be honest... I wish they were in the film a lot more, and I was sad they weren't, the advertisements made me believe they were gonna be in it a lot more, and I'm sad they're not in a lot more. They were interesting, I really loved them, come on! :fluttershysad:

And this one moment that BlackCriticGuy pointed out that I have to agree with. There's a really good serious moment that gets ruined by a joke, now I shamefully did laugh at this scene, but I'll admit, looking back it was kind of a bad time. Now, there's a scene where Miles pours his heart out about someone he loses, and the other Spider-people do open up as well and talk about the different people they lost as well, something that they all can relate to, and even make a point that you can't save everyone. That was a really powerful moment... but then it abruptly stopped the moment Miles's roommate comes in and they all have to hide from him.

And then straight after that, it goes straight back into the serious moment. I'll admit, that scene was a bit... misguided, if that makes sense, I do think that scene could have worked without that little joke in there.

And there were a few moments of the animation that felt was maybe a bit too colorful, or bright, as they were a little hard to scene in some of the scenes when the action scenes were coming, but that's just me.

And aside from that... I've got nothing else, this is a really solid movie. I highly recommend checking this out, if you're a Spider-Man fan, if you're an animation fan, or just a fan of Marvel in general, I really do recommend checking this out, it's a seriously good movie. Give it a watch, I can guarantee you'll get a kick out of this.

I give Into The Spiderverse, an 8 out of 10!

Thanks for reading, I'm sorry for the late review, and have a great day everyone!

Report FourShadow · 499 views ·
Comments ( 12 )

I loved this movie. Especially the jokes, action, and interactions with Peter (both of them) and Miles. It's one of the few movies I'd want a DVD of nowadays.

This actually ended up being my favorite movie of 2018!

I haven't seen this yet, but this has gotta be the first good animated movie Sony has made in years. Another great review, Four!

Peni Parker... Heh, anime-based character and adorable.

Have to say, I enjoyed this movie as well as all the Spiders, even Spider-Ham who I'll admit I thought I wouldn't like cause of the concept in comparison to the others but.....I was wrong; he fit in well, they all did. And good news, Sony's looking in on expanding the Spider-Verse so.....who knows what we'll get next....well, besides the possibility of an all female sequel.

spider noir looks so cool holy shit

A pretty good review, I must say. I really enjoyed this movie, it might (just might) end up as my favorite Spider-Man movie in some ways. Just for the fact that we have a comic-book movie that so utterly embraces the comic-book nature of its source material, while making it all work. :twilightsmile:

Hey FourShadow, did you know that Kingpin was voiced by the same person that did the voice of The Storm King from the 2017 MLP Movie?

yep =3 It was nice to hear a familiar voice =3

Anyways, the reason why I saw it last year was for one particular reason: to pay tribute to Stan Lee.

I assume you did the same as well, FourShadow?


I believe so, yes.

Alrighty :3

And I'm still going to keep my ongoing Stan Lee Legacy alive by seeing the next Spider Man Movie this summer in July: Spider Man: Far From Home :3

I assume you might see that? :3

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