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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

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If I show you what I write, can you tell me who I am? · 4:28pm Feb 26th, 2019

There are many themes one can write about. It could be as simple as Twilight getting herself a cup of coffee. Or it can be as complex and epic as a post-apocalyptic story about pony survivors. It could be about love, friendship or mortality. It can be romantic, funny or sad.

Yet, if there are so many things to write about, why does each of my stories revolve about just one theme? The theme being: The main character gets hurt.

Whether I write: action, romance or comedy, the theme always stays the same. It’s like I can’t write about anything else.

I checked my document for ideas and this theme is pervasive. I wish I knew why that is. There’s no event in my past that I could blame for it, but looking at my stories, this obsession seems undeniable.

Have you noticed a common theme in your own stories? And more importantly, did you find out why that theme appears multiple times? Do you think you can deduce anything about a person if you know what that person writes?

Report Bad Dragon · 312 views · #common theme
Comments ( 15 )

Hmm, pretty much the same for me when it comes to the ideas - most of them resolving around a common dark theme when somebody get's hurt... a lot.

I guess, that's what you get for watching Paul's Verhoeven movies with scenes like this:

As a kid :trollestia: ... oh the good old times... :yay:

5020407 Is it just the influence of the media you watched in the past that makes you adopt this theme or is there some other underlying reason besides that?

If you only watched love and friendship cartoons all your life, would that be your prevasive theme?



Is it just the influence of the media you watched in the past that makes you adopt this theme

That example was meant more as a joke so… no, I don’t think past movies were that influential really, and it’s not like I watched only dark stuff.

If you only watched love and friendship cartoons all your life, would that be your pervasive theme?

Without changing anything else, but the movies - would my ‘pervasive theme’ change? I doubt it - that ‘pervasive’ theme started for real, only a few years ago and right it is being fueled by what is happening all around the world.

To change that, a lot of factors would have to be changed.

[…]or is there some other underlying reason besides that?

I always had a somewhat darker outlook of the world, I don’t know why, although this:


May have something to do with it (it would fit the profile, from what I’ve read). But that’s probably one of many the factors.

Hmm ... yes, from the conversation.

5020437 I've heard that not just depression, but suicide itself can be transmitted. Like a corruption that spreads. I hope you're immune to both.

I've never had an experience as you had. This theme, however, attracted me even before my teens.

5020445 You're probably right. The conversation one has are probably more telling than the stories one writes.

If I show you what I write, can you tell me who I am?

You are a dragon -- a Bad Dragon. :facehoof:

5020673 Yes, I guess that would explain it. But was it the writing that produced Bad Dragon that you see before you or was Bad Dragon always there and the dark writings are just a necessary consequence of Bad Dragon's existence?

While I do not know the certainties, I would like to think Bad Dragon came about because of the ideas; yet, the ideas are around and about because of Bad Dragon. So, I guess, one could surmise both. Maybe it is neither.

5020686 It's either the chicken or the egg. It can't be both or neither, I think.

If one insists, then one could surmise that without the Bad Dragon the stories would not be about; hence, it can be suspected that the Bad Dragon is not the byproduct of the stories but the creator. This is, of course, conjecture -- I'd like to point that out.

5020697 Yes, that would make sense. Still, if the stories didn't create Bad Dragon, what did?

Perhaps the man in the chicken costume. Perhaps Batman. Perhaps nothing. One may never know the answer. Perhaps one must be content in the state that they are, in fact, alive (or not-dead). Perhaps one can say perhaps. It could be anything, or everything; one may guess and analyze and surmise, but the answer may always be just out of reach.

5020723 But should one not strive to know thyself?

If you look in the mirror after you wake up and see a red bullseye drawn on your forehead, do you really just shrug your shoulders and move on? The mirror hints at a secret story taking place outside of your perception, don't you wish to hear it?

Not being able to know the answer is not the same as not searching for said answer.

As for your inquiry, I would shrug and move on, but I would also try and figure it out -- basically, I just wouldn't let it bog me down.

5020732 I shall, indeed, move on. But I will stay vigilant.

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