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Bad Dragon

I write so that one day I may finally stop writing and be free, but these damn new ideas keep finding ways into my brain. I need to write more to vent them out!

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Are you a selfish person? · 9:46pm Apr 16th, 2019

Answer just one simple question to see if you're a selfish person.

Here is the context:

You die.

Your soul finds itself in Purgatory. There is a long line to Heaven. Billions of souls are waiting to enter. The reason why the line is so long is that there's a catch. Only one person can enter Heaven after one person enters Hell.

The fun part is, you can choose yourself whether you go to Heaven or Hell. Others cannot throw you in Hell and you can't skip the line or anything like that. Everything is very orderly. You can't circumvent the system. These are the rules and you have to play by them.

Right beside you are the gates to Hell. No soul waits in line for that. You can just enter it right away if you want to. If you do, you will shorten the line to Heaven by one soul because the one in front of the line will get to enter Heaven because of your sacrifice.

So, do you:
a) stand in line for Heaven
b) plunge yourself into Hell

Let me know your answers in the comments below.

Comments ( 21 )

Eternal joy after an eternal wait or a chance to meet Satan and spit on ‘em?

Hell it is, amigo.

5045321 You are, indeed, a selfless person. Angels smile upon you. Well, technically demons are ripping at your flesh because you chose Hell, but you know what I mean.

Huh, I’ve never thought of it this way. I’d rather make others suffer by giving them one more person to wait In front of. Wouldn’t that be the ultimate petty revenge? But, I personally, don’t think that I would make in to heaven. Even if I did, as a person, I think I wouldn’t belong there. Even if I could choose. So realistically, I’d probably walk straight into Hell, and suffer for my wrongdoings as a person. Even if I could choose, I’m a terrible person, and it’s far too late for me to even try and get into Heaven.

5045325 In this scenario, the criminal wouldn't ever get her punishment. If she chose Heaven, she would enter Heaven (after a long wait). It's as simple as that.

In front of you are all the people who ever died, good and bad. Each one will wait for Heaven about a month less if you sacrifice yourself to Hell.

5045326 I find it interesting that good people are more willing to go to Hell than bad people.
Unbeknownst to everyone, God set up this test to only let good people into the real Heaven. The entrance to the real Heaven is through the gates of Hell. And those who wait for eternity with their selfish desires are plunged into the real Hell.

Frankly, I’d prefer to be in hell if it means someone else gets a chance to have a happy afterlife

5045355 Hell seems to be filling with selfless people. If this keeps up, there will be a line for Hell and an express entrance to Heaven.

I don't know if this is a simple question, but it is a question nonetheless and I will answer it. To be honest, I think I'd go into Hell mainly because all those people are there waiting to go to Heaven and even if I myself would like to go to Heaven, it would be better for one person to go to hell and someone else goes to Heaven.

I've read Dante's Inferno, no thank you on the eternal tickets to Hell.

a) stand in line for Heaven

Heaven Line for Me.

5045441 There's nothing worse than standing in line, right?

5045442 5045466 5045490 Do understand you're part of the problem now? Because of people like you, the line to Heaven is so long. Also, you're expecting somebody to go to Hell for you. That's quite an expectation you have there.

I'm not spending my time being cooked alive in boiling excrement, or blown about by endless winds, or frozen in ice. This isn't 'take 5 minutes to inconvenience myself and let a sweet grandma take the elevator instead of me', this is a matter of the eternal soul. I'll stick around in-line until Saint Peter gets his ducks in a row and sorts things out.

5045530 I can understand that. You look after yourself Most people do.

Dont care Idont Know the person im sending down~~

5045540 I'm sure God would like to bring more nonchalant persons like you into Heaven. You can never have too many friends who don't concern themselves with others. Your ticket to Heaven is as good as yours.

Edit: you know what? Bold assumption to make, that my soul is even eligible for Purgatory.

I'd take option B, for several reasons.

1) Chaos magic, baby, I ain't gotta follow no rules. Depending on how things turn out, I may just hop on back to Earth with a little White Rite. But if I cannot, Hell will be a good challenge, one which Heaven would not be.

2) At the back of my mind, my analytical side would see this as an illusion or a trick, and I'd attempt to answer it thusly. I'd feel like I am expected to take the Hell option simply to show how clever I am.

3) If there are any devils in Hell of my own creation (not that I've tried it on purpose, but who knows how these things work), I'd feel it is my responsibility to go check on how they are doing. If somehow my thoughts have taken on life in Hell, I should face them and possibly treat them a little better. If not, it'd be interesting to see those of others.

I guess none of those answer the question, though, do they? Am I selfish? Maybe, to an extent. If I see someone struggling, a random stranger needing help carrying something or someone who's obviously lost, I'll ask them if they need help and I'll offer it. But this has its limits, and I am pragmatic about it. I'll not help someone if I suspect I'll be both worse off and the person will not be helped by my intervention (ie they don't want to be helped). It's a simple cost and benefit analysis for me, except for more than one person. Same reason I try to stay away from preaching (though it does creep up in some of my stories :twilightoops:): it does not help anyone and it's a waste of time and energy.

So yeah, I'm going to Hell in every religion as it is, why be dishonest about it?

5045600 Well, the option you chose is not selfish in any extent of the word. There are only benefits for others due to your choice. A person who makes decisions that do not harm others and may even help others is not a selfish one in my eyes.

Whatever the afterlife offers you, you'll make the best of it, I think.

Honestly, I wouldn’t bother with either option, I would be more interested in talking with the people there.

5045664 You'd never run out of people, and they'd have all the time in the world to talk to you. I guess you managed to gain the system, after all.

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