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Equestrian Profile: Queen Beryl · 12:58am May 1st, 2019

Queen Beryl

Title: the Dark Queen
"That’s so sweet, I’m getting cavities..."

Species: Dark Magic Mutated Kirin
Height: 2.5 meters at top of her head in neutral posture
Weight: Die. (...850 kilograms)
Length: 7 meters
Zoicite, Kunsite, Nephrite - Golem creations, killed their past selves
Senshi Guardians - Mortal foes, killed several in the past

Allegiance: Herself, Black Moon Clan
Morality: In the past, Beryl was a kindly, shy recluse of a sage whom carried a close bond with the crown prince of the Neighponese Empire. But a mix of a shattered heart, dark magic abuse, centuries of schemes and malice, and being denied her revenge have warped her into a monster. At some point one has to question if she carries on her crusade against Neighpon because she has nothing else left and trying to kill the successors of the prince that she saw as betraying her and the unicorn noblemare who stole him away is the only thing familiar to her. That and getting the Silver Crystal artifacts as a means of escaping the Negaverse. Numerous attempts have been made in the past to reach out to her and every single one was met with a counter assault at best or fatalities at worst.

But beneath the spite, hatred, and grudges; lays extreme loneliness. She is, despite her mentally damaged state, capable of other emotions. One notable Lunar Guardian, Golden Glow, valiantly fought Beryl 1-On-1 in a suicidal attack to save the rest of her team and stop one of Beryl's plans. Despite being absolutely livid at her enemy, killing Golden Glow by snapping her neck, Queen Beryl has shown great respect for her fallen foe and interred her in a special crypt within her palace.

Traits: Far stronger, faster, and more durable than she seems, her body composition includes large amounts of solidified dark magic meaning typical blows that could seriously injure a mortal have a dampened effect on her, she also does not need to eat, breathe, or drink, sharp hooves that can act like blades, limited dream walking, and a mouthful of fangs.

Physical Prowess:
The only Equestrians that can contend with Beryl in a physical confrontation are some of the absolute strongest Earth Ponies and Senshi Guardians. She came casually shattered stone with a single blow and bend metal with her hooves or by biting through it. Several of her victims she’s murdered by mere brute force alone. One could very favorably compare her to Princess Celestia, meaning she actually exceeds several kaiju-transformed.

While she can only fly by means of magical levitation and thus has less fine control as if she had wings, Queen Beryl is capable of moving at a surprising pace on the ground or in the air. If fully devoted to a fight she can actually move quicker than most eyes can perceive for brief instances. She’s not to the level of a Pegasus, but she’s fast enough. In the Negaverse, with concentration, she can practically teleport given she can more faster than most eyes can track.

Due to being fused with the Nightmare Entity, Metallia, for so long her body composition is different than a normal living being. While she does have organs and bones that can break or suffered damage, her hide can be favorably compared to Kevlar and the subdermal tissue underneath to ceramic. It is possible to stab, slash, or inflict crushing damage upon her but it typically takes superhuman amount of force to do it. And because of her magical composition, lethal blows are much harder to do. She can get impaled and, while in pain, shrug it off; yank the sword out, and heal up more ticked off than anything else.

Kirin are naturally quite stamina heavy creatures and she is both a very large kirin and a nightmare entity. While it is possible the tire her out, it’s more based on overtaxing her recovery ability rather than actually wearing her down. In the Negaverse however, she has practically limitless stamina by constantly draining power from the surroundings.

Queen Beryl is outright immune to most forms of dark magic. Several attempts made on her had the foolhardy nature of attempting to fight fire with fire and the result was absolutely nothing. Dark magic based off concussive blasts or elemental attacks like fire can still hurt her, just not the magical side of it.

Vast Magical Knowledge - Queen Beryl is one of the oldest beings on the planet and was a highly accomplished sage even before she fused with Metallia. Her ability to remotely view and spy, as well as nearly 1,000 years of unopposed ability to study and refine she has both a vast amount of self-taught and acquired knowledge.

Many of her spells are dark magic in basis, the most common of which include
-Kinetic and burning plasma blasts as fireballs of beams.
-Crystal manipulation, particularly black aerenths
-Teleportation by disappearing and reappearing in a cloud of smog
-Duplication of herself or weapons
-Creation of lesser nightmare entities that can bond with mortals to turn them into youma monsters
-Drawing power from collected life force and negative emotions
-Elemental attacks, hers of which often are dark purple in color
-Mind control, both overt subjugation of will and subtle mental suggestion

Negaverse Dominion- After spending 1,000 years locked inside the Negaverse, a dark pocket dimension similar to Zenith, Tambelon, and the Harmonium (but to a lesser degree), Beryl has become its lord and lady. When in her tower of the Dark Kingdom castle, she can manipulate the surrounding weather, geoforms to alter terrain complex enough to make structures, melt into a shadow and move at high speed through the area, and transmuting both herself and the surrounding area to form everything from structures, to elementals, to minions. She also enjoys a boost in stamina, durability, and physical prowess while inside the center of her power in the Negaverse, her castle.

Dream Realm Access- While not nearly as adept at it as Celestia or Luna, Beryl is capable of stepping into other’s dreams and inducing nightmares. This is a side effect of her fusing with the Nightmare force entity, Metallia, whom had similar properties to Nightmare proper (of whom Nightmare Moon and Nightmare Rarity were created by). She can also observe the world around her while sleeping, permitting a degree of remote viewing.

-Some of her defenses are only protective against magic. Non-magic energy attacks she doesn't avoid have to be tanked with natural durability.
-Very powerful light magic can disrupt her corruption and hexes.
-Sufficiently powerful light magic can also compromiser durability and ability to heal.
-She cannot leave the Negaverse as long as the Silver Crystal is outside of it.


Early History Part 1
Early History Part 2

She was finally imprisoned within the Negaverse, a small dark realm created long ago as a means of imprisoning powerful dark magic forces, in the later months with her more against the first generation of Guardian. Lethal options were not explored both because of the difficulty doing so as well as the hope Beryl could be redeemed, knowing the corrupting influence of the nightmare force Metallia had warped her mind and she might not have been fully responsible or conscious of her actions. For the first hundred years she actually was so heavily confined within her prison she couldn’t interact with the outside world at all. She wasn’t even aware of the passage of time until a fateful day.

By the time she was approached to check in on her, it was by the third generation of Guardians. Upon seeing the successors of the successors to the same group of ponies and kirin she had seemingly ruined her own life over and ravaged the kingdom because of, Beryl was silent. Now there was virtually no one left who knew her in life or knew the first generation personally. Finding out she had actually spent over nine decades aimlessly wandering the Negaverse, both hating herself, hating Metallia, and then, not knowing who she had left to hate; Beryl was shaken.

The current guardians apologized for the time she had spent locked away. With the untold amount of damage she had done, they knew it was both an extreme risk potentially letting her out as well as the repercussions that might be suffered in the backlash of doing that. But nonetheless, with a pitch for trying to appeal to who Beryl once was and cautioning other dark forces might be a threat one day and Neighpon needed help, the Lunar Guardian approached her and offered her hoof with the Silver Crystal in her other grasp.

Beryl shook.. Then paused… Her sorrow and loneliness would have been crippling, and it was so for a short moment… Only for it all to snap! In a fit of confusion, grief, and rage, broke her wrist. It was only because the other Guardians piled on and blasted her back to shut the portal on her face to bar her escape that Beryl didn’t kill the inheritor of Serenity’s line.

From her perspective, her time, her love, her position, and her world had been stolen away from her and by the time any had reached out to the former sage she saw herself beyond the Event Horizon.

Thrashing and ranting in hatred, Beryl was vulnerable to an opportunist mental attack by Metallia; who sought full control over someone she declared a failure at both vengeance against the Nyx and Nightmare moon, as well as their captors. But to the nightmare’s shock Beryl fought back with indignation and pure hatred at the one thing she hated as much as the original guardians, if not more so, Metallia and herself.

In a siege within the mind, Metallia was torn apart and devoured. Beryl’s conscious drank in her ichors and forced them into her body. Her magical power spiked, fueled by the dark magic of wrath. The captor of the Negaverse began to twist, control, and subjugate the prison of the first Kirin emperor. Her prison became her dominion, reshaped and subject to her will as a body is to a mind. It became a duplicate, a mirrored image of Neighpon with access points corresponding to locations in the world above. In a way, she became it’s ruler. And she became Queen Beryl, ruler of the dark realm and nightmare to plague Neighpon for dozens of decades.

So long as the Silver Crystal remained on the Neighpon side of the portal, Queen Beryl was trapped on the other side and unable to pass through the portals. However, that has hardly stopped her campaigns. Over the centuries Queen Beryl has sent dozens of dark magic monsters through the portals, corrupting yokai into youma monsters to draw more power through negative emotions and drained energy, and created golem generals from the echoes of past heroes she’d slew. One occasion she nearly killed an entire team of Guardians by making a dark magic shade in her own image and sending it through to fight like a puppet.

If she got her hooves on the Silver Crystal by bringing it into the Negaverse or if the Crystal left Neighpon’s shores, there would be nothing keeping her back. The current generation of Guardians are the strongest there has ever been, but that alone doesn’t secure a victory. After all, Queen Beryl has killed some Guardians over the years…

Only saving grace is in the last century she's slowed her activity. Some almost describe her actions nowadays as 'Going through the motions', almost like she's bored... At least she was until she started encountering youma which didn't obey her commands. Dark magic rising from another source. And Queen Beryl doesn't tolerate competition...

-Because Beryl had several siblings and cousins before her fall, and given spread of lineages and the random nature of Guardian deputizing, several Senshi in the past centuries have actually been her Great-Great-Great-etc. Grandnieces or nephews.

-Queen Beryl uses most of her time in her palace, crafting magical items, curses, or viewing the events in Neighpon via her crystal ball.

-The one time she has been happy in the last millennia was when one Guardian turned coat and joined her in the Negaverse after trying to get the Silver Crystal. She died of old age thereafter, currently buried in the courtyard to Beryl’s palace.

-Queen Beryl has no ties to Tambelon or Grogar, despite similar powers and being roughly on the same tier as his pupils. In fact ironically, because Metallia has some ties to Princess Luna, though Metallia existed long before a primordial force, one could trace Queen Beryl's existence back to Harmony.

-The power of the Negaverse and Silver Crystal are tied together. Because the Silver Crystal has strengthened recently as more relics of Harmony, its creator, have become active again, the Guardians have strengthened. Queen Beryl however, has opted not to further empower herself. She’s put the excess power in the Negaverse to a few… other projects.

-This version of Queen Beryl is based off a composite of the original version, the Reboot movie version of Rita Repula, and a touch of Sauron.

Comments ( 16 )


You know, she had a great opportunity in Golden Glow, if she'd merely trapped the guardian in a state of stasis, she'd have trapped her power along with her. An immortal's greatest asset is time after all, if she'd devoted her time to collecting them one by one she'd have had far less trouble.

It occurs to me that her unrelenting nature is one of the Guardian's greatest assets. Thanks to her, they are fire-forged and thanks to the nature of their succession they may teach the next generation everything they know. They may even apprentice them when the power betwixt the generations stands at equilibrium.

If I stood in her shoes, I would disappear for no less than three generations, until my name was less than a myth. Then, I would establish an influence in the world, as quietly as I could, with the intent to exalt the guardians as noble protectors. I would do this for another generation or so, until I was certain that all useful knowledge had been lost, and their virtue was buried under decades of misinformation and ceremonial duties.

Then, having identified and indoctrinated the successors, I would quietly assassinate the current guardians under cover of misfortune and disease. That's the way to handle opposition like this, patience and dry rot.

Very smart, and if some circumstances were different some of them would probably work! Here's the problems as I would imagine Beryl probably has tried something like this in the past, just given sheer amount of time to experiment.

You know, she had a great opportunity in Golden Glow, if she'd merely trapped the guardian in a state of stasis, she'd have trapped her power along with her. An immortal's greatest asset is time after all, if she'd devoted her time to collecting them one by one she'd have had far less trouble.

That's a flaw. She just had a perfectly good plan spoiled and acted on an impulse. Being drive by spite and wrath doesn't always make you the best calculator in spur of the moment changes. Last thing she expected after killing much of a team that invaded the NegaVerse would be for just on Guardian to come charging through and take her on solo.

It occurs to me that her unrelenting nature is one of the Guardian's greatest assets. Thanks to her, they are fire-forged and thanks to the nature of their succession they may teach the next generation everything they know. They may even apprentice them when the power betwixt the generations stands at equilibrium.

To be fair, Neighpon has it's on threats to face other than Queen Beryl so it's not like if she quit for a while there would be nothing to do. So the older generation would still have some practical experience to pass on to the next one.

If I stood in her shoes, I would disappear for no less than three generations, until my name was less than a myth. Then, I would establish an influence in the world, as quietly as I could, with the intent to exalt the guardians as noble protectors. I would do this for another generation or so, until I was certain that all useful knowledge had been lost, and their virtue was buried under decades of misinformation and ceremonial duties.

Well you can't really fall into the myth if there are dozens of portals that lead back into your world any guardian can expose and the counterpart to your realm's powers (the Negaverse) is blatantly obvious with the Silver Crystal. Sure the populace may somewhat regard Beryl as a myth over time, but the guardians would never forget.

Then, having identified and indoctrinated the successors, I would quietly assassinate the current guardians under cover of misfortune and disease. That's the way to handle opposition like this, patience and dry rot.

Problem, how are you going to indoctrinate them? You can't leave your realm and even if you sent your agents through, the guardians would've gotten to their successor already. Because of how the line of succession works the current Guardian becomes the first one aware of their successor's existence and whereabouts. Not to mention given just how strong the old generation would still be (given the new ones would have to be very young), trying to do it with disease or misfortune would be excessively difficult.

There is also the problem of succession. If a guardian becomes corrupt, as that can happen to anybody, the successor is chosen by the Silver Crystal. So even if you managed to woo a couple to your side, you would only get a couple decades of service out of them before they drastically weaken and their heroic successor exceeds them.

That's a flaw. She just had a perfectly good plan spoiled and acted on an impulse. Being drive by spite and wrath doesn't always make you the best calculator in spur of the moment changes.

Yes, there's nothing like blind rage to, heh, blind you to your options.

To be fair, Neighpon has it's on threats to face other than Queen Beryl so it's not like if she quit for a while there would be nothing to do. So the older generation would still have some practical experience to pass on to the next one.

True, very true. Need to fix that...

Well you can't really fall into the myth if there are dozens of portals that lead back into your world any guardian can expose and the counterpart to your realm's powers (the Negaverse) is blatantly obvious with the Silver Crystal. Sure the populace may somewhat regard Beryl as a myth over time, but the guardians would never forget.

What? I've been letting my power leech out at random? How wasteful! Another thing to fix. I wonder if faking my death might work? Pull some unusually vicious scheme involving a hugely unstable spell, make it go spectacularly wrong, and collapse all of those various portals at the same time. With luck it would look like I'd accidently destroyed my realm and myself with it.

Problem, how are you going to indoctrinate them? You can't leave your realm and even if you sent your agents through, the guardians would've gotten to their successor already. Because of how the line of succession works the current Guardian becomes the first one aware of their successor's existence and whereabouts. Not to mention given just how strong the old generation would still be (given the new ones would have to be very young), trying to do it with disease or misfortune would be excessively difficult.

Well they'd tell me, by proxy. My scheme was to make them a cultural institution, and edge them into a ceremonial role as my own agents slowly took over their protective duties. Fame, fortune and plenty of idolizing fans, it'd take a few generations to do it carefully and right, but eventually, I'd look to get things to the point where it would be preposterous to imagine one of the immaculate guardians fighting anything.

Though ironically, by this point I'd have rather lost track of what I was supposed to be doing here in the first place. Having built up everything so well, I'd find it offensive to ruin my own smooth-running creation.

Zoicite, Kunsite, Nephrite - Golem creations, killed their past selves

No Jadeite?

oooooh love the design

knowing what Bagan did with Sombra and the changling Queen, I have a feeling that the Dark Queen will be "visited" at some point

Good bio. In your mind, who is the voice actress for Bridge! Beryl?

This bitch weighs over 1800 pounds?! How much do ponies normally weigh?

A normal shetland pony is over 450lbs.

I mean ponies in Equestria...

Which are roughly the size of shetlands.

Elizabeth Banks? What, she is based on Rita Repulsa...

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