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Bronycon Bookstore - Monster Project Completed - Orders Ready · 4:19am Jun 27th, 2019

The Monster Project is now officially complete. I have received my proof copies (hardback and paperback) of Monster in the Twilight, and Letters From a Little Princess Monster, looked them over, and think they’re about as good as its going to get from my ten thumbs. I also received my copy of Tales of the Sun from Ministry of Image which has In Celestia We Trust in it, and it’s far more awesome than I ever could do. (pictures after the break)

Since this blog post covers *two* topics, I’d like to remind the reader that the Ministry of Image product is *their* professionally produced hardback compendium/collection of awesome stories. They asked if they could use ICWT and I said… Well, ‘Yes’ but with a lot more hopping up and down and shouting happy things. Plug, plug, go order one, their collection is both wonderful content, with new beautiful artwork, and done up right. Here’s a picture of my contribution.

Beautiful, isn’t it.

Ok, shifting gears into my Monster. About a week ago, I started this project just to see if it was possible.

The question: Can I produce a printed copy (both hardback and paperback) of Monster in the Twilight and Letters From a Little Princess Monster by Bronycon’s start?

Answer: Oh, yeah.

Note that ‘Letters’ is nearly two inches thick, 780 pages in hardback, with text run almost out to the edges of the paper to get it squished into that size, and prices out at twenty-five bucks plus shipping. At cost.

I will be donating the proof copies in hardback into the Bronycon charity auction, signed, unique, and most likely to bring somebody’s suitcase weight allotment over the limit for the trip back. The paperback proofs most likely will adorn my bookshelf until I’m old and grey. Well, old-er and grey-er. (shut up)

But where can we order these masterpieces, I hear somebody ask. (I have very acute hearing) Well, I hit the limit on books that can be sold through the Bronycon Bookstore, so these will have to be personal. As much as I’d love to bring a couple dozen copies, trying to match them up with the requesters at the con would cut into my ‘Going out and enjoying myself’ time, and I’m not the Element of Self-Sacrifice. Sorry. (although editors may make heartfelt pleas to me until this weekend, which I may allow. In paperback.)

You may order them from Lulu using the following links. I have them in “Direct Access” which means you can only see them using the links, because I don’t want to run afoul of any lawyers. (nasty things, with teeth) Right now at this moment, Lulu is not running any sales, but I’ve seen them offer as much as %15 off orders depending on the week, so it may pay to lurk in wait. I really, really hope they run a sale this weekend, because that’s when I want to put in my other Bronycon Bookstore orders, and a stack of bookmarks (draft at the end of this blog).

Monster in the Twilight (Paperback) 272 pages, $4.86

Letters From a Little Princess Monster (Paperback) 726 pages, $11.21

Monster in the Twilight (Hardback) 272 pages, $15.09

Letters From a Little Princess Monster (Massive Hardback) 780 pages, $25.25

One last thanks to my readers, everybody who has ever edited for me, and a special thanks to Iisaw, without which the covers would have been done in Paint. Seriously, we all owe him bigtime.

Keep reading!

(Seriously, do you guys like the bookmark?)

Comments ( 18 )

Those are looking great!

Those all look great, and I'll be ordering my own copies soon!

And speaking just for myself, the bookmark looks great!!!
Love it!

So just to make sure I'm understanding correctly, given that it's Midnight for me and I'm tired, we can only order the books and pick them up at Bronycon? Or will our ordering mean they come to us in the mail?

What about Mr. Gaberdine's story?

I really like the bookmark! Looking good on the books!


I will be donating the proof copies in hardback into the Bronycon charity auction, signed, unique, and most likely to bring somebody’s suitcase weight allotment over the limit for the trip back. The paperback proofs most likely will adorn my bookshelf until I’m old and grey. Well, old-er and grey-er. (shut up)

:trixieshiftright: ah, ya old fart.

I love the bookmark! The books look awesome as well. Totally will keep an eye out on those for the auction!

Look at what I found on Lulu's Facebook page today
i68.tinypic.com/23mkh8j.jpg (It's over now, but keep an eye on their page for discounts)

15% Discount code for Lulu.com that expires at midnight Eastern time tonight: ONEFIVE

5080555 5080479 5080461 5080460 5080449 5080440

(FYI: if you order one of these, please leave me a note because... well... It's an ego thing.)

5080458 The One Who Got Away/Drifting Down the Lazy River will be available at Bronycon, and once BC2019 is over, I'll open it up for orders on Lulu

5080452 If you wish a copy of Monster in the Twilight/Letters From a Little Princess Monster, you have several options
1) Go to Bronycon and bid on the single unique signed hardback that will be in the charity auction
2) Order it off Lulu, using the links I've provided above.
3) Somehow sweet-talk Georg into ordering a copy with his order he's putting in tonight (very low probability there unless you've been an editor)

The Traveling Tutor and the Librarian, The One Who Got Away/Drifting Down the Lazy River, and Sisters! will be available at the Bronycon Bookstore in limited numbers (I'm taking the numbers from the survey put out earlier, adding a few, and bringing that many). Then after Bronycon, I'll open up the links on Lulu so people can order one that way.


15% Discount code for Lulu.com that expires at midnight Eastern time tonight: ONEFIVE

Ooooo, niiiiiice!

I'll have to do my best to try and get at least one of them before it runs out!

(FYI: if you order one of these, please leave me a note because... well... It's an ego thing.)

Speaking for myself, indeed I shall!:raritywink:

Awesome! Gah wish I had the money this week. X.x all I have left needs to go to rent.

Well, couldn't convince Lulu to feast on any of my debit cards, so I missed the discount window. But I finally managed to unscrew my Paypal account and get these beauties ordered. SO looking forward to adding these to my collection -- Thank you so very much for making this possible.

5080973 Lulu does cycle that discount, so if you keep an eye on their Facebook page every week or so, you might catch it coming around again.

Comment posted by Paleobrony deleted Jun 29th, 2019

No worries. Discounts are nice, but full price is not a deal breaker for me just now. FYI, I ordered both books, hardcover.

5081277 Ye gads. For that, I'll give you a sneak peek into the next arc

Waves of pegasus carriages spread across the sky, glittering golden and white in the evening sun like an immense hammer above the ancient castle of the griffons. Below, the windows and doors of the aerie swarmed with griffons boiling out much the same way a kicked anthill might behave, although the griffons continued gathering in clusters on the castle’s roof as if they were counting the number of Royal Guard arrayed against them and wondering just where Celestia had gotten all of them.

The commander of the Equestrian invasion force stood tall in her own chariot, looking down at the milling griffons with a sneer. Her dark armor gleamed against the sun in a fashion far different than the gold of the Equestrian guards, but just as effective against claw or spear, and her long horn glowed softly with the violet glow of powerful magic. Griffon eyesight was sharper than any pony, and it was a fair tossup whether the griffons remained ground-bound due to the enormous number of armored Equestrians, or the sheer impossibility of their leader.

“Griffons of the Misty Mountain Aerie!” thundered the lead unicorn’s voice across the mountain with enough power to shake the stones of the ancient castle and make the trees tremble on the mountain slopes. “I am Commander Tempest Shadow, and I am here to receive your unconditional surrender in the name of the Storm King. We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way.” A cruel smile spread across Tempest’s face, and she reached one foreleg over to lay it across the trembling shoulders of the small alicorn standing by her side. “Either way is fine with me.”

Lowering her voice to a whisper, Tempest added to her small companion, “I hope you’re wrong, Twilight Sparkle. If any of these griffons have turned into Windigo—”

“I’ll turn the mountain into lava, and them with it,” said Twilight in a clear voice. She shifted uncomfortably on the floor of the pegasus chariot, the only sign that she was carrying the magic of three alicorns being the faint iridescence in her mane and tail that seemed to shimmer in the bright mountain light. “I hope I’m wrong too. But I’ll do it if I have to.”

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