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I'm a brony and a Pinkie Pie fan but I like all of the mane six, as well as Spike. I hope to provide some entertaining and interesting fanfics for the Brony community.

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    Episode Re-Review: Yakity Sax

    It looked like Season 8 might be finally getting back on track after it fell hard from grace with "Non-Compete Clause". We had an honestly good episode in the form of "The Hearth's Warming Club" that finally painted the school in a good light, then we had "Friendship University" which at least gave us a proper RarityxTwilight episode, and then we had "The End in Friend" which managed to salvage

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  • 1 week
    Episode Re-Review: The End in Friend

    Season 8 kept on going, even as episodes started to be leaked ahead of time in other countries again. It looked as if the worst was over for Season 8 after "A Matter of Principals", "The Hearth's Warming Club" was widely praised and "Friendship University" was seen by most at least not an infamously bad episode (which Season 8 seemed to have an unusually high concentration of). And now we have

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  • 2 weeks
    Episode Re-Review: Friendship University

    Season 8 returned to the airwaves around August, like always, but the first episode to greet viewers was the absolute disaster that was "A Matter of Principals", in which Discord became the latest character to be completely ruined. And the worst part was he got off scot free for his actions. Things seemed to be better with "The Hearth's Warming Club", which finally let the student/young six hold

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  • 2 weeks
    Happy Birthday, Daniel Ingram

    Today is Daniel Ingram's birthday. He is the talented composer who gave us the many wonderful songs across FiM's nine seasons, including timeless classics such as "Winter Wrap Up", "Smile Smile Smile", "This Day Aria", "The Pony I Wanna Be", "You're in My Head Like a Catchy Song", and "The Magic of Friendship Grows".

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  • 3 weeks
    Special Re-Review: Equestria Girls: Rollercoaster of Friendship

    Season 8's mid season hiatus couldn't have come at a worser time for it, right on the heels of really bad episodes "Marks for Effort" and "The Mean Six", which were so low quality you have to wonder how they didn't get flagged for obvious writing mistakes or plot holes, and just further seemed to make the School of Friendship look like a bad idea that should not have been greenlit. So many people

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Ranking the Rarity Episodes (From Worst to Best), Version 2 · 5:29pm Sep 7th, 2019

Having also seen ahead to Episode 23, I can safely say that we saw our last Rarity focused episode today. One that most people don't seem to be thinking too highly of, and I'll agree that it's not the best way to send her off (she deserved better). But I've made it no secret that she has had bad episodes before, and it's easy to forget that early on in the show she felt like the weak link, the character that just had to be there. But having got two focus episodes this season, Rarity's total of episodes bumped up to 25 (and probably would've been higher had fate not intervened to deny her one in Season 3). So where do her final episodes stack up compared to the rest? Well, let's find out. Here's the first version, from February.

25. The Cart Before the Ponies (Season 6, Episode 15 in production order/14 in airdate)
Why it stayed on the bottom: People seem to have blocked this episode from their memory, which is why they seem to be forgetting how bad Rarity was here. I'll say it once and I'll say it again, from Applejack and Rainbow Dash at the least this is something we've sadly come to expect from them in some cases (not that it justifies the extremes they go to here). For Rarity though, she was always good at listening to Sweetie Belle, except when this episode decided to completely disregard that and drag their bond through the mud. Rarity uses Sweetie Belle solely to get revenge for being denied "Most Creative Kart", a low that we never would've imagined Rarity sinking to. And I should mention that Haber apparently is a big Rarity fan, so I have to wonder how he can be such a fan of her and yet seem to almost always be the one who brings out the worst in her either as writer or as story editor.

24. Look Before You Sleep (Season 1, Episode 8)
Why it moved down: Swap Rarity for Sweetie Belle and this episode would've probably been passable. The fact is though, Rarity's entire presence here is a giant contrivence. Why is she helping to clean up the park when she isn't actually interested in the job or even knows what she's supposed to be doing? If she really hates getting dirty, why is she outside before a storm doing work that is all but guaranteed to do so? We never get an explanation. And there's the fact that her arguments end up one sided in her favor, yet later she refuses to help until Applejack apologizes to her.

23. Honest Apple (Season 7, Episode 9)
Why it moved down: Rarity's decision to appoint Applejack as a judge makes zero sense, the episode even acknowledges that fact. And Rarity subsequently just stands there and lets Applejack destroy the contest all together, all the while she just has a shocked look on her face but does nothing to stop it. It feels like Rarity is hit with a massive stupid stick here, and only after things have already spiraled out of control does she at all step in, doing so in a very poor way. If not for her shredding on a guitar, her entire presence here would've amounted to nothing.

22. The End in Friend (Season 8, Episode 17 in production order/18 in airdate)
Why it moved down: If you haven't figured it out by now, Rarity more often than not struggles when she's sharing the spotlight with someone else. Here, she is unbelievably selfish and shallow. She can't even pretend to be interested in what Rainbow Dash likes and seems to think Rainbow Dash should just do what she wants to do. Yes, she does ultimately apologize, but when we spend almost the entire episode watching Rarity be so selfish and dismissive of Rainbow Dash it really hurts her performance. Not to mention how contrived the conflict is considering we'd seen them interact together at least twice before without a problem.

21. Spice Up Your Life (Season 6, Episode 13 in production order/12 in airdate)
Why it moved down: It's one thing to preach conformity if the standards are good or at least somewhat desirable, it's another thing entirely to preach conformity when you know the standards are bad and no one in their right mind should follow them. Rarity knows Zesty Gourmand's standards are terrible, she knows that the Tasty Treat excels because it isn't rated, and she should work with that to get it promoted and recognized. But instead she decides to just please Zesty completely and acts like doing so saved the restaurant. And keep in mind that she did all of this of her own free will, no one forced her to do it or demanded that she do it. If Zesty hadn't been so petty, Rarity never would've realized her mistake.

20. P.P.O.V (Pony Point of View) (Season 6, Episode 22)
Why it moved down: Even if Rarity is the one most likely to exaggerate, it doesn't make sense for her to think so lowly of her friends in this episode. Especially not Applejack who she's probably known since childhood. And again, why does Rarity remember things that clearly didn't happen? We never even find out what made her imagine Applejack as a pirate. Maybe if this was in Season 1 it would've at least been passable, but by Season 6 Rarity shouldn't be thinking this low of her friends.

19. Gift of the Maud Pie (Season 6, Episode 3)
Why it moved down: Rarity didn't need to be in this episode at all, her entire presence opened a huge plot hole that the writers never even considered. All it would've taken to solve the problem in this episode would be for Pinkie Pie to ask Rarity to make the pouch for her, and Rarity would happily accept. All we got for a justification was her searching for a location for a Manehattan boutique, which we could've gotten in any other episode. Rariball was great, but a new fandom meme can't make up for a character's presence that the episode clearly didn't need.

18. Dragon Dropped (Season 9, Episode 19)
Why it's in the bottom ten: Bet you're surprised this episode isn't rock bottom, well the fact is that it's only partially a Rarity episode and much of that time is spent on montages from Rarity's perspective. It really feels like this wasn't meant to be her episode, but the writers tossed her into it at the last minute without bothering to change the episode's structure. Still, we've seen far worse from Rarity here. I do think she legitimately learns to value Spike and learn to share him, and it's nice that she learned not to rely on him all the time. But the episode makes a mistake by showing her helpless and distracted without him, she was able to focus in several episodes where he wasn't around. Though I have to ask, why is it wrong for her to monopolize her time with Spike but when Gabby is basically doing the same thing earlier on that's totally okay? Plus, it was Fluttershy who gave Rarity the idea to start trying to shower Spike with affection, and Spike could've chosen not to listen to Rarity at any point. Where the episode ends is probably where it should've began for Rarity, coming to terms with Spike not always being around and learning to do some joint things without him.

17. It Isn't the Mane Thing About You (Season 7, Episode 20 in production order/19 in airdate)
Why it moved down: If this come out when the show was doing "encore shorts" this is one that could've easily been made into one of them. It consists of a lot of things that would've been just fine as self contained shorts: Rarity helping out ponies around town, Rarity having a bad mane day, and of course punk mane Rarity. The biggest issue is that Rarity's sudden lack of confidence is very abrupt and just drags on, making the episode feel padded out. Rarity's character itself is largely what keeps the episode afloat, and even then it kind of makes her look a bit shallow at times. Some suspect this episode built backwards, trying to think of how to give Rarity a punk mane, and I wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

16. Made in Manehattan (Season 5, Episode 17 in production order/16 in airdate)
Why it moved down: If Rarity got more to do in this episode she would be higher. Alas, she has to a backseat for most of the episode to Applejack, who unfortunately doesn't do much. And what time Rarity does get to shine is often eclipsed by Coco being cute but naive. Map missions were not Rarity's strong suit, it feels like they just didn't know how to account for her and put her into settings that she was too accustomed to (why not send her to a place like Cloudsdale or the kirin's village, someplace she's never been before?).

15. The Saddle Row Review a.k.a Saddle Row and Rec (Season 6, Episode 10 in production order/9 in airdate)
Why it moved down: Rarity's presence is more implied here, which is really saying something when this ended up being her best outing for all of Season 6. Again, I just can't buy Rarity making such a rookie mistake of not checking out the location or cleaning up until the day of the grand opening. Even if you believe this is the first time she's opened a boutique on her own, you'd think that she would've picked up enough skills and knowledge to know that you don't announce the grand opening until you're sure the location is suitable, you're all set up, and you've got at least a couple of employees to fill all the necessary positions. "What would Rarity want?" largely keeps her in the episode when she spends it in the window display until the end.

14. She's All Yak (Season 9, Episode 7)
Why it's high: It was Yona who thought she had to be a pony to fit in at the Amity Ball, and we've seen Rarity make this mistake before of giving the customer what they want even if she should (and probably does) know better. It doesn't feel like some kind of cultural assimilation or brainwashing, she really does want to help Yona and is doing so in a way that complies with Yona's wishes. It's just that the episode ultimately ran out of things for Rarity to do with Yona to help her, and then in the third act it all falls apart. Why would Rarity dress up Yona so fancy for a ball that no one else was even the slightest bit dressed for (aside from Sandbar wearing a bowtie)? Why would she not have Yona practice dancing in the dress and with the wig? And if she was really as worried as she claims, why didn't she try to go after Yona when Yona ran off? Those decisions hurt Rarity a lot, making it look like she suddenly became stupid for the sake of the plot. Season 9 may not have been as bad for Rarity as Seasons 6 and 8, but it wasn't a good final showing for her. I think she was at her best in "Rainbow Roadtrip" when she got another fashion friend to work with.

13. Green Isn't Your Color (Season 1, Episode 20)
Why it stayed the same: Ultimately, Rarity admitting to being jealous and then realizing that what she wanted isn't what she needed are what elevate this episode. I still think that Rarity would have no trouble telling Fluttershy how she feels, especially considering their friendship. If it were anypony else I could buy Rarity staying quiet, Applejack especially would think Rarity was being jealous. But Fluttershy would be understanding enough to know Rarity was sincere. The bigger problem is, did Rarity know Photo Finish wanted a model or not?

12. Friendship University (Season 8, Episode 16 in production order/17 in airdate)
Why it stayed the same: Now this is a team up where Rarity steals the spotlight, both as herself and as Plainity. The ironic thing is that she had no need to do so since Flim and Flam didn't recognize her. But it doesn't feel like too much of a stretch, Rarity is the sort to love to dress up for the slightest of reasons. The only thing that hurts her is her belief that just giving Twilight an eyepatch and a sticky note over her cutie mark is an adequate disguise, unless she was trying to go for a "So obvious they'll never suspect it" kind of ploy.

11. Sweet and Elite (Season 2, Episode 9)
Why it stayed the same: Rarity had no reason to lie to her friends, they would understand if she couldn't make it to Twilight's birthday party. As a business pony, particularly one with plans to expand to Canterlot, she needs to first establish a relationship with her clientel and know what they want. That means socializing with them and forging connections. And aside from lying about Rainbow Dash, she doesn't do anything wrong. She still tries to make it to both obligations, and her friends understand perfectly when they learn she's been attending Fancy Pants' garden party. I do like how this episode gives her a chance to make the most of her Ponyville heritage in a city like Canterlot that looks down on such a thing.

10. For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils (Season 4, Episode 20 in production order/19 in airdate)
Why it stayed the same: Rarity does have a role in this episode, even if it's overshadowed (no pun intended) by Princess Luna and Sweetie Belle. She doesn't seem ignorant, selfish, or otherwise trying to steal Sweetie Belle's thunder. And when she messes up she legitimately wants to know why Sweetie Belle is upset with her, but then decides it might be best to wait until her sister cools down before talking to her. But Sweetie Belle really doesn't know Rarity that well if she's surprised to see Rarity so obsessed over details and deadlines, especially since Sweetie Belle stole Rarity's dairy.

9. Simple Ways (Season 4, Episode 13)
Why it stayed the same: Again this placement is probably hardest to justify, but I feel like it's believable and enjoyable. Even if Rarity should know better because of Prince Blueblood, I could easily see her convincing herself to look elsewhere for her prince charming and be confident that the right one would show up in time. She knew enough to impress Trenderhoof, and was able to go back to her original plans pretty quickly after realizing her mistake. I do feel like they friendzoned Spike a little too much here, Spike's crush on Rarity should've gotten more acknowledgement here even if he can already tell this won't work out.

8. Rarity Investigates! (Season 5, Episode 16 in production order/15 in airdate)
Why it stayed the same: Perhaps Rarity isn't as great of a detective as this episode made her out to be, because the next time she got to be a detective in "Sparkle's Seven" her whole plan fell apart because she didn't bother to check anything out before hand. And a good detective should never assume anything, evidence and proof mean everything. But this episode does reinforce how skilled Rarity is in the art of manipulation, and how much she and Rainbow Dash have in common even if the next time they were focused on it was to try and show little they really did have in common. Still wish we could've gotten her teaming up with Twilight and Pinkie Pie for a mystery, and some clarification on whether Shadow Spade is real or fictional.

7. Canterlot Boutique (Season 5, Episode 14)
Why it stayed the same: The brief dilemma of getting what you've always wanted and not being happy with it is largely what propels this episode so high onto the list. Rarity lets Sassy take control with little fanfare (she seems to have that problem a lot in episodes, letting others take over without so much as a syllable of protest), even though this is her dream. There is a bit of an artist's dilemma of falling into a routine and not being able to create what you want, and how there must be a happy medium between the artist/creator and the editor. And that could've been focused on a bit more. As it is, only at the end does Rarity take charge, and that's when this episode really starts to shine for her.

6. Inspiration Manifestation (Season 4, Episode 23)
Why it moved down: There are a fair deal of contrivences at the beginning that hurt this episode's set-up, as is the issue of the sudden climax that rehashes "Dragon Quest" (just say no). It is still saying something when this was the closest Rarity got to a mental breakdown until "Fame and Misfortune" and it took an outside force to do so. It really does serve as a testament to Rarity's emotional stability since she can usually bounce back with only a little drama, it takes a lot to truly break her. But she probably never would've become addicted to the book if Spike had asserted himself earlier and taken it away from her after the fair. Plus, her not needing the book feels a little bit sudden, as if they wanted that to be the climax but then decided it wouldn't work and changed it.

5. A Dog and Pony Show (Season 1, Episode 19)
Why it moved up: Even if Rarity is mostly the prisoner of the Diamond Dogs in this episode, she really shines with how she gets them wrapped around her little hoof by the episode's end. And you can tell Tabitha St. Germain was having fun hamming it up. This was also the last time we'd see Rarity use her magic for something other than simple levitation, kind of a shame that her gem locating spell never came into play again at any point.

4. Forever Filly (Season 7, Episode 6)
Why it stayed the same: The list remains as it was the first time around from here on out, so you can skip to the end if you saw the original version. This was just what was needed to restore the bond between Rarity and Sweetie Belle after Season 6 dragged it through the mud. It would've been easy to make Rarity in the wrong, but they took the high road and gave her conflict believable weight to it, so we sympathize with her and Sweetie Belle. If not for her brief moment of missing the point after Sweetie Belle tells her off, this episode would be higher.

3. Rarity Takes Manehattan (Season 4, Episode 8)
Why it stayed the same: Rarity made her triumphant return to the spotlight here, winning back old fans and luring in new fans. This was her first big step towards getting recognized in the fashion world, and it was a victory she more than earned. Granted, the constant spouting of generosity gets kind of tiring and on the nose after a while. It becomes kind of obvious that it's going to backfire on her, especially when she up and gives her fabric to Suri and doesn't follow up on it. But she makes up for it by deciding that her victory isn't important if it means she can't share it with her friends.

2. Sisterhooves Social (Season 2, Episode 5)
Why it stayed the same: The best thing about Rarity here is what she goes through after Sweetie Belle leaves. She tries to stay mad with her little sister but ultimately can't. She realizes her mistake and tries to put it right. But she hasn't quite figured out how to sell it just yet. I do think she's a little premature to claim Applejack was making her look bad, that's not what Applejack would do. And episodes like this sadly more or less confirm that Rarity's been far more of a parent to Sweetie Belle than their actual parents (at least Scootaloo's parents kept in touch and left trusted authority figures to watch over her).

1. Suited for Success (Season 1, Episode 14)
Why it stayed on the top: It was this episode that saw Rarity become the show's breakout character, the episode that fully cemented Rarity as a creator and not a follower. Her love of fashion went beyond typical girly interest, it was an artist's desire to set their own trends. And it was the first (but not the last) time we'd see her with her ruby red sewing glasses (which make her look so much more attractive in my opinion). On top of that, Rarity shows a willingness to destroy her vision to please her friends, even though she worked so hard on the first batch. And back when the Mentally Advanced Series was around, I considered this my favorite episode of that abridged series (it was in fact the last one to be uploaded before the series ran afoul of YouTube's copyright system and it and Friendship is Witchcraft were ultimately brought down). Season 9 never had a chance to give Rarity this kind of attention, a shame that she is among the characters who will end the show not with a bang but with a whimper.

And there you have it, come back tomorrow when we'll update the rankings for the Pinkie Pie Episodes.

Comments ( 8 )

Here's how I rank them:

  1. Simple Ways
  2. It Isn’t The Mane Thing About You
  3. Rarity Investigates
  4. Sisterhooves Social
  5. Dragon Dropped
  6. Spice Up Your Life
  7. Forever Filly
  8. Canterlot Boutique
  9. Suited for Success
  10. Sweet and Elite
  11. A Dog and Pony Show
  12. PPOV
  13. The End in Friend
  14. Green Isn’t Your Color
  15. Honest Apple
  16. Look Before You Sleep
  17. Rarity Takes Manehatten
  18. Made in Manehatten
  19. Friendship University

The rest, I consider to be episodes that feature her, but don't give her enough prominence to count

Um, about your 5th place entry, yes, she did use something other than levitation after that episode. She used beams, among other things.

In the season 9 premier when she was blasting vines.

5117992 Huh, don't know how everyone missed that.

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