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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Tales of the Amalgam'verse: Endangered Species, part 1 · 7:59pm Sep 29th, 2019

Relevant Links:
Character Profile: Sara Ross
Character Profile: Dr. Jane Tiptree

In 1995, S.earch for E.xtra T.errestrial I.ntelligence got a signal that wasn't Mysterian. I promised an enhancement of the human race. Faster, stronger, more durable. It made many, already seeing the prowess of the Mysterian hybrids, drool. Two tragedies followed from the nightmare unleashed in 1995 and again in 1998 when a manned mission to Mars went astray. They thought they got all of them, but the Global Defense Force, SETI, and others always kept an eye out. Because rumors always swirled of a survivor in hiding. Last of an endangered Species.

And someone is hunting her...

Arizona, 2008

MARS, former BioSyn, and BioMajor agent, Lewis Dodgson observed the unconscious form before him which still had half a dozen tranquilizer darts protruding from her back. Ragged, cut, and looking the part of the ragdoll he'd been for a minute or so, he was glad he overcompensated and took the darts meant for large animals and not people. Even then it took an obscene amount to drop this thing…

On some level, he could almost lament that this seemed like the same vicious cycle most crazy experiments were in. In the 1990s SETI finally got a callback that wasn't Mysterian, with keys to an energy source and the means to splice an artificial genome with a human to engender a new species. After seeing the potential in Mysterian hybrids, the US government was biting at the bit for more, and it wasn't like Xilians or humans were explosive breeders. MARS knew what they were up to and watched.

The splicings were made, creating two successful embryos. One was put on ice, but in 1995 one was allowed to mature. Dumbasses at SETI thought making them both female would make them more docile and controllable, something Lewis lamented, as this meant whoever was in charge didn't get out much. The first embryo, SIL as she was nicknamed but Dodgson never bothered to memorize the acronym, was allowed to grow up and apparently did so like a weed on crack. Bunch of crazy abilities too like rapid regeneration, enhanced strength, some form of psychic power that allowed rapid learning, the works.

Well the project that granted her said 'works' freaked out because of them and tried to put her down, driving the then-teenage SIL to break out. MARS tried to trace her, and a company higher up named Winters even managed to pinpoint her location just a hair too late. SIL's species apparently looked for only ideal mates, and by the time she became an adult and was searching, she had a habit of leaving bodies of those less than suitable. Eventually, they stepped back and let the G-Force team, the typical response group to stranger things, handle it. Dodgson remembered Winter and Penward throwing a fit when they found SIL was finally killed by the aforementioned grenade launcher to the face and a lake of fire. Nothing left between the burnt char and carbonic contamination from the crude oil.

So, of course, they tried with another of the two they had on ice. Fucking idiots…

Okay, okay, Dodgson could agree even if he wasn't necessarily a biologist despite formerly working for BIOmajor and Bio-Syn, that the logic was sound. Keep a specimen in even tighter containment, use hormone treatments to keep her calmer, don't let any males near her to keep the libido down so there's no death by alien Giger supermodel; and use her to find out what makes this species tick in case they come back. Labs kept samples of deadly diseases in containment all the time for research and experiments, so it made sense. They pondered how to collect this "Eve" but it was shelved due to complications.

They didn't count on two things that fateful year of 1998, ones the public weren't let in on given the Zilla debacle in New York.

First was Astronaut Patrick Ross getting infected by a retrovirus the species left behind, rewriting his DNA into a male of the species. Horrified, blood stains on his property porch with a spent buckshot casing indicate he tried to commit suicide via shotgun consumption but blowing his head off just made it grow back with his 'human' side gone. He was a lot less picky with his partners than SIL was, and tried to outdo Genghis Khan. MARS was quick to notice the trail of dead hookers or groupies, all showing signs of a lethally fast pregnancy, and scattered photographs showing small children at Ross' country house. Specimens were attempted to be collected but turned out Daddy Ross was a papa wolf.

But the second part no one expected was for Eve and Patrick to sense each other and that urge to kick in with gusto. Especially when some of the defenses around Eve's containment happened to 'malfunction' the same year Dodgson got out of jail after that blunder on Sorna. 'Just letting nature take its course and preserving an endangered species, I'm a regular environmentalist!'

That was the joke he made, soon laughing his ass off when Eve pulled a SIL and wound up at the Ross ranch. In the chaos, they hoped to scoop up Eve, Ross, or some of Ross' kids.

Only for such a clusterfuck to happen that they just barely missed it, and while MARS managed to sneak into the cleanup operation, the bioweapon they used to kill off Ross' kids while in their cocoons made any remains unviable. Eve and Ross were both dead and taken away, the latter intact. By the time the plan by MARS to run the truck down and take Eve's body geared up to make it look like an accident, Dodgson was greeted with another surprise.

Eve was dead for sure but had just died recently. Right after she gave birth to her and Ross' pureblood offspring. Someone else had been present, but Dodgson didn't have time to do much at the scene before the Feds and GDF began to show up. He'd collected some of her blood and bolted.

Dodgson had dealt with plenty of horrors in his job. He just barely missed out on being on the Shirigami assignment back when he worked for BIOmajor so he dodged meeting Biollante in '89… And instead had walked across Isla Sorna and its InGen dinosaurs, been to BioSyn's and MARS' secret CEO Lord Penward's carnosaur zoo, and seen some of MARS' R&D nightmare fuel. Personally, he'd have preferred the plant...

But none, bar none, scared him as much as his coworker. Jane Tiptree looked great for a woman who was supposed to have died in 1993. If by 'great' you meant potentially towering, though her stature was in flux for her disguises, having chalky gray skin and near pure black eyes surrounded by black veins that made it look like she was weeping blood constantly. Jane Tiptree scared him for a lot of reasons, from being the knowing creator of multiple plagues, being MARS' chief biotechnology developer, and being wanted by the UN and GDF for multiple terrorism, murder, attempted genocide, and innumerable other offenses. That and the fact when she called him to her lab to show him the results, the Mysterian-Human hybrid was in a state he'd never seen before.

In 1998, she was...


-Read the Rest on Fanfiction.net!

Posting on FanFiction.net as I'm fairly certain FimFic isn't okay with me posting M rated material in blogs as the safe search doesn't extend to them. If someone knows otherwise, lemme know.

Comments ( 7 )

Interesting, what do you think of the remains of a prophecy I wrote?

Great work with this scene. I'll definitely check out the rest of this on FanFiction!

Get ready to kick off October with some close encounters of the eighth kind.

I'm seeing a lot of inspiration from the movie "Species". Not a bad choice.

Yep. Species 1-2 happened mostly exactly how the movies panned out, it's 3 things changed up.

Wait, there was a "Species 3"? I only vaguely remember #2, lol.

Someone's been reading the raid 51 page

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