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Amalgam'verse Profile: Dr. Jane Tiptree · 12:40am Sep 27th, 2019

Let's introduce a human scale villain for the Terra events, shall we?

"Humanity is diseased. Rotten to the core. There's no saving it - we need to pull it out by the roots. Wipe the slate clean. And from the ashes, a new species will be born."

Alias: multiple, Jane Tiptree might not even be her actual name


Species: Genetically altered Xilian-Human hybrid*

*Amendment: Artificial Xilian Controller, DO NOT ENGAGE

Height: 1.8 meters

Weight: 80 kilograms


BioSyn Genetics, MARS Arms Corporation - Employment

Jericho International, numerous other companies - Employment, under alias

MARS CEO Lord Darren Penward - Employer

MARS Saboteur Lewis Dodgson - Coworker

MARS Executive Cameron Winters - Coworker

Dinocroc, Project: Carnosaur dinosaurs, and others - Creations

Allegiance: MARS, possible Red Bamboo-Red Dawn ties

Morality: Extreme misanthrope with only one or two possible exceptions, if any at all. Has many of the classic signs of a sociopath but also has an uncanny ability to ‘fake it’ and appear completely normal while behaving drastically different, even kind… Only to then immediately turn around and personally kill those who had previously been close to one of her aliases. She has done this without a hint of remorse, seemingly regarding most people in the way a layman would a smart rat. There seem to be only a select few people she genuinely respects, and even then it might be to the extent that they amuse her or that she finds them particularly useful. Still, she isn’t overly prideful and if it fits her goals she is fully capable of deferring to the expertise of others such as Dodgson’s social cunning and sabotage skills or Winter’s engineering skills.

Appearance: Appearance drastically varies as she is a master of disguise and is not above physically changing her appearance with genetic modification. However, when using her abilities her true appearance is either fully visible or starts to leak through. Regardless of if her disguise was of a normal human or a hybrid, her skin becomes ash gray with visible veins appearing around her eyes, neck, and wrists; with black hair, and enlarged irises with a darkened sclera. Originally her eyes and veins were black as per the normal however after extensive augmentation on herself after 2004 they have become dark violet. Originally subject to aging, Jane’s modifications have reverted her to a younger phenotype of a woman typically somewhere in her mid 30s to early 40s.


Physical Prowess:


Well above the human norm, very well above. She already was exceptionally powerful due to having a Mysterian Xilian parent, the resulting hybridization granting her enhanced physical abilities exceeding peak human limits. Since the 1990s, to better fit the image of a younger woman she has also taken of physical training and only enhanced further through this and genetic augmentation by replicating Xilian homeworld augments after Final Wars. She has enough physical strength to crush an adult’s skull between her fingers like she was squeezing a soda can, can hurl 100 kg across the room, and lift twice that over her head with ease.



Limited information here, but her genetic augmentations have pushed her to the limit of both a hybrid and a Xilian soldier caste. On one occasion she managed to run out of a building, sprinting down a 25 meter hallway in roughly a second, meaning she had to have been moving and least 72 km/h from a previously standing, idle position.



Little information known, however on one occasion Tiptree had a large chair with a mass of at least 20 kilograms smashed over her head by a fairly muscular assailant. Other than a brief stumble from the impact, she quickly showed no injuries. There have been several reported incidents of Tiptree being hit by variable caliber rounds while not wearing any obvious body armor. Hits were registered and the bullets were not found to have missed, but she was still able to get away without any issue. Later sightings of her confirm only very small or nonexistent scars. Uses of pepper sprays and tasers have proven completely ineffective.



Tiptree is very likely constantly on the move and only rarely sleeps. Whether this is the result of some sort of augmentation or her being notoriously difficult to keep track of is unknown. But one can reliably assume if she is at bare minimum at least twice as fast as most conditioned humans and over twice as strong, this too would likely have been drastically increased. GDF recommendations outright state she is not to be engaged in close quarters by any but highly conditioned soldiers and physical enhancement mutation hybrids.



Slowed physical aging - Despite being in her late 50s, at least it is believed so given her earliest birth certificate places her in 1957, Tiptree has an appearance more akin to someone in their mid to late 30s after her augmentation in the mid 2000s. This further complicates tracking her.


Genetic augmentation - Tiptree is now known to have been experimenting on herself for years since 1993, and potentially before. Using her own replica versions of Mysterian-Xilian caste augmentations she not only has endowed herself with several abilities but also makes it extremely difficult to match her DNA to previous samples. If one compared a sample of her blood from 2005 and another from 2010, the results would indicate they came from two different people. It’s been suggested that she might have been tested multiple times for a variety of reasons, but she always managed to slip through security because of this.

Her known augmentation abilities include

-Enhanced vision in both the dark and ultraviolet spectrum

-Immunity to most diseases and many poisons

-Lack of physical scent and body odor

-Limited , willful alteration to hair and skin color

-Combined abilities of a psychic and mutant hybrid


Controller Augmentation - Either by her own study or by acquiring a genetic sample from the Xilian Controller from Final Wars, Dr. Tiptree has effectively made herself an artificial Controller. This granted her both exaggerated versions of the previous mutant physical enhancement she had inherently, but also the telepathy and telekinesis of a psychic. It also enabled her to impose her will on other hybrids or Xilians unless they have a sufficiently strong willpower to resist her, and even then she can give them a splitting headache. And unless confronted by a very experienced psychic, she is now completely immune to mental probing and searching. It is quite possible that in regards to 'humans', she is both the most physically powerful and psychically adept person all the planet with only Ozaki's physical might and Miki's psychic powers rivaling hers during a temporary boost the two enjoyed during Final Wars.

Genius Level Geneticist - Dr. Tiptree is easily the best or in the top three best geneticists on the planet. Often under aliases she would buy her way into a Corporation without them asking too many questions by creating a proof of concept project to demonstrate her abilities with the threat she would go to a competitor. This woman has engineered retroviruses, genetically engineered dinosaurs, weaponized hybrid animals that are all but indestructible to small arms, and genetic augmentation for both herself and others. One of her great escapes entailed genetically modifying a captive to look almost identical to herself at a distance and have her die in her place, all while altering herself so any genetic trait she left behind such as hair or blood was completely unusable. She also holds the unique distinction for being able to reverse-engineer the Xilian caste augmentations, even those the Mysterians thought lost.



-Sufficiently powerful psychics can cancel out her mental suggestion, though often this requires more than one.

-Exceptionally loud noises of a very specific frequency can cause her discomfort and disrupt her psychic abilities.



Officially Jane Diane Tiptree was born in 1962 to a British liaison living abroad in Japan and a Mysterian biologist who married him in secret, She moved back to the isles with her father and received a scholarship from the Penward estate due to outstanding academics in genetics to attend college in the USA. She was college colleagues with future Jurassic Park geneticists Henry Wu and Lora Sorkin, with classmates remarking she was close friends with the latter but rivals with the former. John Hammond, CEO of InGen scouted her for work on the future Jurassic Park project but a personal meeting convinced him to hire Wu and Sorkin instead. Tiptree, unfazed, returned to the UK to work under the patronage of InGen’s rival and Lord Penward’s company, BioSyn.

It is known she kept some correspondence with Dr. Laura Sorkin over the years, potentially creating the leak that supplied BioSyn information on what InGen was up too in Central America. Tiptree herself has also been dealing in the prehistoric, cloning altered variants of several Mesozoic species to be housed in Lord Penward’s reclusive estate for BioSyn’s project Carnosaur. Penward, believing nuclear war was fast approaching with the Cold War and ongoing 1984 attack by Godzilla, sought to seed remote areas of the world with his animals. There they could rapidly mature, propagate, and menace what remained of humanity to either ensure constant conflict or end what he saw as the failed experiment that was humanity. Because the number of animals they could clone was limited, Penward and Tiptree dispatched professional saboteur and former BioMajor employee Lewis Dodgson to acquire new genetic material from InGen’s efforts. None of these dealings would be known until 1997.

In 1993, when Tiptree abruptly appeared in the USA under the employ of Eunice Corporation., a smaller genetics firm, many looked on hopefully. She had maintained a stellar public image by eradicating several varieties of pests and parasites with retroviruses and officially was working at Eunice to create larger, healthier, and more disease-resistant poultry. Behind closed doors, Eunice had been put in a stranglehold by Tiptree to give their golden goose complete autonomy over her projects, or they risked losing her as an asset.

This would come to unleash a nightmare across parts of the US Southwest when her newest retrovirus, rewriting the reproductive material of the host to birth a different species with lethal results, came to fruition. The second phase of Project: Carnosaur, one that sought to bring the apocalypse a nuclear war failed to bring, was turned loose. Every single person in several Arizona townships was killed by the virus or Tiptree’s monstrous aberrations of several dinosaur species born from it, the doctor only being outed herself as the culprit by one of the last survivors, Doc Smith, managed to pinpoint where the virus came from and confronted her. Reporting to authorities before he died of the virus, a full hunt was launched to capture the geneticist. Officially, Jane Tiptree was killed by her own creations with a female body found at Eunice’s labs before the facility was torched to try and snuff out the virus.

In 1997, with BioSyn outed as the cause of sabotage behind Jurassic Park and a second attempted operation on InGen’s Isla Sorna, John Hammond, his successor Peter Ludlow, and InGen’s merger partner Simon Masrani released an expose to the American and British government. Penward, held responsible for Tiptree’s actions in Arizona, Isla Nublar, Isla Sorna, and numerous deaths and disappearances in Britain near his estate, was a wanted man. The government and law enforcement stormed his compound, capturing most of the first Project:Carnosaur dinosaurs and arresting most personnelle. However, Lord Penward, several staff, and a very large Tyrannosaurid were missing.

The latter were unleashed on the world, exposing the greater public to cloned dinosaurs, when the BioSyn carrier ship crashed into the San Diego docks with all hands on deck deceased and the dinosaur unleashed on the city. Lord Penward was listed as one of the casualties aboard, the dinosaur having broken out of containment in transport, cornered him in the captain’s post, and rammed its head through the window to consume him. Finally, BioSyn was exposed and brought to task for this and numerous other misdeeds.

Tiptree’s research was spread out to various outside groups. BioSyn was dismantled, equipment and assets sold off or destroyed, with a majority of them being bought up by Cameron Winters of the MARS corporation. MARS, a defense and weapons contractor, swelled in size and prestige in being known for quality and prudent, ethical development to serve in the defense of humanity and not let monsters, large like kaiju or small like Tiptree, trample civilization. By 2003, MARS supplied a majority of the materials and manufacturing to the outsourced branches of the Global Defense Force and played a key role in the development of the revived mecha programs, Jaeger systems, and various biotech divisions.

Unofficially, Dr. Tiptree is an enigma. Judging from her physical appearance in the 1980s, her birthdate couldn’t be any later than 1957, making her markedly older than any known Mysterian-Human hybrid and the first one born almost certainly outside of Japan. She obtained the patronage of Lord Penward in record time and did not die in 1993.

The body speculated to be hers had been scavenged by a Deinonychus and couldn’t be positively identified, possibly an intentional move on her part to fake her death. When Lord Penward himself faked his death in 1997 and the Penward compound was raided the same year, BioSyn didn’t die with them. Assets were funneled in so many backroom deals and transactions the trail of funds and equipment was near impossible to track. A vast majority of which were funneled into MARS, which promptly bought back pretty much all of its assets.

MARS’ is officially run by Cameron Winters as a front. While Winters is crucial to leadership, the real head of MARS is none other than Lord Penward living under an alias as a retired executive. And Penward was keen to rehire an old asset who had been living under an alias since 1993.

Since then, Tiptree has been working in secret at MARS as an asset unknown to any but the highest up the food chain. Routinely, she has left the company under a disguise and fake identity, complete with extremely realistic credentials manufactured by Winters. Many of them involved in other genetics firms or research and development. Some of these range from duping companies like Jericho Genetics into creating monsters like the Dinocroc, other times she’s managed to work her way into the employ of the GDF directly.

Post Final Wars, MARS managed to secure a contract scavenging some fallen Xilian hardware to hopefully help the GDF develop their own series of Xilian augmentations applicable to hybrids or possibly even humans to make better rescue workers, soldiers, and doctors. The project is still ongoing, but one small detail MARS kept off the books was a blood sample of the Controller… And how, in 2006, Tiptree had managed to begin reverse engineering that strongest of augmentation….

But at the same time, she had taken a certain interest in another alien species. One SETI and the US Government created in the 1990s with rumors of a sole survivor living in hiding. MARS got close in Virginia once, but their target slipped through…. For awhile. It had been a long time since Jane had been in Arizona….

2004 Arrest Attempt by Jericho Private Security
Rated M for horror, shock, and gore
(Posted on Fanfic as I'm fairly sure FimFic won't let me post M rated material in blogs

Comments ( 12 )

So basically Emma Russell before Emma Russell was a thing.

And if she turned out to be half-alien.

From the description alone I got in the email notification, I thought this sounded good. You really had me hooked with "the creator of Dinocroc". This sounds super interesting, let me give it a read.

So, I'm guessing she's the top pawn in Bagan and Adeline's plan?

I'm sure one of these bad boys would deal with her or a chrono blaster or just or............. use a C&C Chronosphere on her.

Oh! How many other Bio's do you have like this? (Not going to lie, I'm kinda interested in voicing like an SCP foudation file!)
Can you link me to them?

alright. this lady is a little scary😅

Here you go

Terran Non-Kaiju


To be updated

Hohoho! Thank you! I'll potentially do these in the future! Question though, would rather have these like a tape recorder style? A normal narration style? Or a robotic voice style?

I leave that up to your choice in a case by case basis. But perhaps if you wished one means of doing it is to present it as a sort of database the GDF holds (tape recorder most likely then).

Awesome! I'll get Omega to help me with any pronunciations If or hopefully when this gets rolling!

Possibly scarier than a lot of the malign kaiju. At least they're upfront with their intentions or if they see others as just pawns in their scheme.

no idea who 'Adeline' is but Bagan isn't associated with 'doctor' Tiptree.

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