• Member Since 5th Jul, 2015
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I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

More Blog Posts421

  • Saturday
    Last Day of School (School is Drudgery)

    (56 days since I began my project... feeling pretty restless)

    I was out in the garden today, and at the stroke of three I could hear the final bell ringing form the nearby schools. The second they rang, the entire area erupted with the sounds of cheers like being at a rock concert, or scoring the winning point of the big game.

    Well, another school term complete.

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  • 3 weeks
    OOOHH!! This Project! (Haven't slept well)

    (Day 32)

    On May 3rd, after I posted the Finale of TT Idol Season 16...

    I began a really big and really daring project...

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  • 5 weeks
    Poor Tara Strong (RIP Reese)

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  • 5 weeks
    Twilight Sparkle TROPE (Friendship is Failure)

    The Determinator: She always tries her best to get through to those with friendship problems and help them improve their lives, no matter how much they reject and act hostile towards her. She gets as far as saving someone from suicide, even if she gets shamed for it afterwards.

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  • 9 weeks
    What is YOUR Definition...

    People often yak at me

    "Try better yourself"

    "Grow up"


    They say all that, but they don't provide actual definitions or explanations of what they mean by all that. It's like I'm supposed to guess what they want.

    The same thing follows with fiction, when people whine and complain.

    "This sucks"

    "Write them In character"

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THE INVISIBLE PONY *Spoilers* (Questions answered) · 12:02am Oct 14th, 2019

People have already asked questions regarding the fic, and I'm just answering them... (Also, it appears that people don't know how to read either)

[Way to miss the point of the INVISIBLE MAN, he's supposed to be a spiteful character]

This ISN'T "The Invisible Man"

Seriously, people have to stop jumping the gun.

-"Starfleet" does not mean Star Trek
-"Magic" does not instantly mean "Harry Potter"

...It's just a name.

[Why not just seek the Princesses help?

Even if he did, they cannot help, as it was written, Twilight cannot understand the ingredients, and the potion cannot be remixed, and none of her spells will work on him.

Even Celestia would given the same circumstances, because even to her knowledge and resources...

Celestia: "Exactly what kind of magical curse has he (the apprentice) got?"

TYPE: UNKNOWN. It is an undiscovered, accidental form of magic with no previously known records.

So even Celestia's magic cannot break the curse.

[How can a potion that suppsedly makes invisible ponies invisible suddenly heal injuries]

FAILURE TO READ: It was said clearly that this potion can lift curses and heal even the most fatal of injuries.

Seriously, and people say they're smarter than me when they can't even read.

[Doesn't Twilight have healing powers? Why not make her use those?

I have never seen her do any sort of thing, otherwise wouldn't she have fixed Rainbow Dash's wing when she hurt it? Or wouldn't Twilight have healed her own self after falling to so many injuries on FEELING PINKIE KEEN?

No, I believe she has no healing properties as such, and even if she does, I'll just make it so "It won't matter" in fact, maybe I can even change it so SHE'S the one who gets hurt and needs the potion.

[How did Friendship fail even though he sacrifice himself to save a friend? That's a pretty good friendship act.

But he, himself could not be saved, therefore, friendship did not work and someone was lost.

-You had a make a sacrifice
-You lost

...Friendship did NOT win and can't save you from everything.

But really before people question me again...

1: Learn to READ BETWEEN THE LINES. (Quit skipping things)

2: Stop jumping the gun to names

3: Let the fic be FINISHED before you question

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