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Foals Errand

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PTSD · 4:31pm Oct 13th, 2020

When I started stuttering a few days ago my Mom called 911 and I was hospitalized to be given a stroke workup. Thankfully everything came back clean. My brain looks fine. So psych was sent in to see me. He was the one who gave me my diagnosis. It was not one I was expecting though, perhaps at the same time I was. I have PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and something caused a break in my brain and I began to stutter.

I've been placed on Lexapro and will be in an intense 2-week outpatient program. I get to go home today but I just want to hide.

If anyone says bullying and teasing is just kids being kids. They are wrong. My PTSD originates from Middle School.

I'm ready to go home...

Report Foals Errand · 693 views · #ptsd #bullying #teasing
Comments ( 25 )

I knew this would happen to someone somewhere eventually, I can’t get even look people in the eye without flinching at 25 because of bullying I suffered in school. I ended up dropping out of high school and just getting a GED.

:( {but I think I still should say I wish you recovery}

Same kinda. I wound up going to an alternative HS for 6 years before getting my High School Diploma fro the local community college.

I have anxiety issues and repressed anger from the bullying in elementary school. It basically destroyed any chance of education for me since I couldn't concentrate on my work. And lets not add the self loathing thoughts I get.

This is a problem in modern schooling, a big problem that the teachers are incapable of fixing and the parents rather conjure up excuses, get defensive, shift blame on the victim and laugh it off. All thing that happened to me.

Teachers were my bullies as well, It's taken me a long time to trust any of them...I still struggle a lot.

For me they where incompetent, according to them they liked me but I was defenceless from the rest of my class.
My entire class psychologically bullied me, was a transfer student in the third grade and got the moment I stepped in class ostracised for the rest of my five years of hell. I was not included in anything, got few friends who bullied me when thy didn't need me and I was the scapegoat for everything done by the class.
To say I would drown them in a tea spoon is an understatement. I would go for a quarter of a tea spoon.

Sorry to hear that

Color me skeptical about getting PTSD from school, but even I know it's kinda fucked me up to a small extent. I had to get physical at mine to get it to stop. Not sure what happened to cause it, but I hope you do feel better.

I do wish children have more of the option to be homeschooled or drop out and do something else besides public school or go to a private one.

Considering that I have scars on the back of my legs from a girl kicking me every day. The teacher refused to move me as it would ready me for the real world... Or how about the history teacher who tore up my report telling me I was only good for sitting on my ass? Or even the counselor who called me in a week after Columbine to tell me she knew how badly bullied I was but wanted to ask if I was planning to bring a gun to school and when I told her no she released me to class and did fuck all about helping me!

On my last day of middle school, three girls broke into my locker stole, and destroyed everything that was in there. On the encouragement of the hospital psych doc, I never went back...

This has been simmering and building all this time and my mind finally cracked.

Damn.. this is alot worse then what happened to me.. my highschool set me up to fail and in my final year they screwed me over. They took me out of classes that I wanted and put me in with the low functioning kids and told my parents i skipped school even though i was there the entire day and i couldn't go to grad night because I had to many unexcused absences

Bullies need to be expelled after approximately one warning.

If anyone says bullying and teasing is just kids being kids. They are wrong. My PTSD originates from Middle School.

100% right, and it sucks. I'm so sorry, Foals. :(

I hope your recovery goes well. The bullying I experienced in middle and high school wasn't to that level at all, but it still left mental scars I'm working through.

Okay, sorry I underestimated the severity of it.

I'm sorry to hear that you're having a rough time, right now. On a personal note, I've been taking Lexapro since January for anxiety and depression. It has helped me tremendously. I sincerely hope that it helps you as well. Wishing you a safe and speedy recovery.

It's okay...I apologize as well I'm just really not in the greatest place. I only just got home after being discharged from the hospital. After two nights.

Holy shit, those are cruel people.

Hugs No one deserves to be treated that way, especially somepony as nice as you, Foals. I wish you peace as you move forward with your treatment. And remember, you have friends here that care and love you.:heart:

Out of curiosity, do you get migraines? I'm seen a bad case of migraine with aura where the person literally became confused to the point that she was not able to recall a person she had seen a few hours before; literally could not recall the person at all, despite having known them for months; could not remember where she lived, nor could she articulate how to get there; and was unaware something was wrong.

As her co-workers, we got more concerned the more we spoke with her until I felt I had to report it to our overall boss. He ended up taking her to the hospital as we didn't want to let her even attempt to drive (you might be wondering why we didn't call 911, but she was responsive and alert, and did not appear to be in immediate danger, and it just so happened that the boss had paramedic training, so we wanted his opinion). Like you, her brain showed no sign of stroke (which is what we were worried about), but they diagnosed it as a migraine with aura and from what I've read about it, such things can also impair speech similar to how strokes manifest.

Dude, what the FYAY?! That’s horrible! :fluttercry: Commencing platonic hug transmission protocol.

This is very real, and I'm glad you're taking care of it. Don't stop searching for medical/psych solutions.

It's fine. I have a problem where anything bad that happens to anyone and they talk about it or it's given 2nd hand, I get suspicious if it's real or fake. It's not your fault, just burned seeing a lot of people fake being "victims" of something for attention, revenge, money, etc.

Please relax and I hope you come back much better soon.

I wish you the best and hope you'll get better in time.

If you want publicity for this issue, the easiest way to draw attention to it is to politicise it.

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