• Member Since 21st Jul, 2017
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A Man Undercover

I'm Autistic and suffer from ADHD & OCD, but I'm very high-functioning and capable of taking care of myself if I need to.

More Blog Posts700

  • Monday
    My Reaction to Brian Hull's Picks for "5 Animated Movies I Love But Everyone Hates"

    Normally, I wouldn't be giving what I personally think of videos like this or give how I would respond to them, but...after seeing this video by famous YouTuber Brian Hull (who also voiced Dracula for Hotel Transylvania's "Monster Pets" and "Transformania"), I found myself wanting to give my own public thoughts on his choices for this video he made.

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  • Sunday
    My Movie Review on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005) (Reconstructed & Re-Analyzed)

    This is a modified version of the review I made on “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)”, which was posted in 2020.

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  • Saturday
    My Movie Review on The Lion King (2019) (Reconstructed & Re-Analyzed)

    This is a modified version of the review I made on “The Lion King (2019)”, which was originally done in 2020. 

    Similar to my review of “Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island”, my thoughts on the film after previously giving it a re-analyzing have also been combined with many of my original statements, mainly so that things could be up to date. And no, I did not give the film a rewatch in preparation.

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  • 1 week
    My Movie Review on Kung Fu Panda 4

    Greetings and salutations, my friends.

    This is your top-of-the-line film, TV show, and episode reporter here with another review.

    Today, for my 310th film analysis, I'm gonna give you guys my take on "Kung Fu Panda 4".

    Here's the rundown of this tale:

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  • 2 weeks
    My Top 20 Favorite Actors

    After I created my list of who my top favorite actresses were, I knew that creating a similar one for showcasing my top favorite male actors were.

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My Re-Analyzing of The Lion King (2019)-OUTDATED · 5:49pm Jan 2nd, 2021

If you'd like to know what I thought of this movie before, click on the link below:

I know that I already made a review on this movie at the beginning of last year, and that I previously rated it three out of five stars. However, after I had been seeing clips of the film on YouTube from time to time, more opinions that I had regarding the film began to surface, and I began finding myself going from being neutral towards the film...to openly disliking it.

Among the reasons are that I've been having larger problems with the film's lack of originality more than I thought. And yes, I still remember the newly added moments that the film had and I watched them on occasion, but in the end...I'd find that they've hardly made up for how closely similar the film is to the animated version and how everything felt like it was just going through the motions. For instance, I appreciated the fact that Nala's story was expanded some, but I also didn't think it helped the film not feel like some mere excuse to experiment with photorealistic effects.

Also, as I've looked back on Beyonce's casting and performance as Nala as of late, I couldn't help but question what director Jon Favreau ever saw in Beyonce that would prompt him into casting her as Nala. Compared to Moira Kelly's performance as the character in the animated films, Beyonce's portrayal sounded incredibly bare and lifeless. Along with that, Donald Glover sounded like he was a lot more bored playing Simba in this movie than the opposite, and I can tell that the script was quite likely a contributing factor to it.

In the end, I'm no longer as neutral towards the film as I was before.

Granted, the only things I enjoyed about the film were the performances of Billy Eichner and Seth Rogen as Timon and Pumbaa, Keegan-Michael Key and Eric Andre as Kamari and Azizi, and Chiwetl Ejiofer as Scar, and I have grown a soft spot for Florence Kasumba's portrayal of Shenzi. Plus, I still like the music and the film's rendition of "Be Prepared", and I thought that the special effects were impressive in many ways.

However, the film would've been much more enjoyable if Favreau and screenwriter Jeff Nathanson had actually taken risks and completely differentiated it from the animated version. A lot of times, I've gone so far as to wonder if the two of them were ever happy with the movie in the long run.

So, I hereby downgrade the film from three out of five to 2½ out of five stars.

Comments ( 4 )

Plus, I still like the music and the film's rendition of "Be Prepared"

So do I! Even though I still like the original Be Prepared song, the live-action rendition of the song was very catchy.

Were you able to check out what I originally thought of the film? That which I provided the link for at the top?

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