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    Tell Your Tale: P + P = BFFs

    This week, we've got a... Somewhat touching Posey episode?

    Think this would benefit from a longer runtime. I also laughed harder than necessary at Izzy in the very beginning.

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    Believe it or not, I actually got some chores done today.

    And that's saying something, because if Diablo IV was this good at any point last year, it would have definitely been near the top of my Best Games of 2023. You know, instead of being omitted entirely.

    So let's just say that Armored Core VI absolutely just got smacked out of the running for Best Yesteryear Game.

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    Well, as a thunderstorm rolls overhead (and hopefully doesn't knock power out), I thought I'd offer some updates on what I've been up to.

    Long story short, I'm pretty much in gaming overload at the moment.

    Horizon: Forbidden West (PC Version)

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Dear Will Smith · 5:56am Mar 28th, 2022

So, what, your wife takes dicks better than you take jokes?

Hope your reputation takes a serious hit, you fucking douche. Hell, you should be arrested for assault.

(If you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry, the clip will be everywhere by morning.)

Comments ( 41 )

Chris Rock is just making jokes and he just got slapped. Fresh Prince just became Trash Prince.

Was it just my TV or did they cut out and mute for a few seconds? Cuz if it was just mine I’m annoyed af. :ajbemused:

Chris declined to press charges.

For some stations it did. Probably the producers trying to get out of fuckmassive FCC fines from Will dropping the F bomb on live primetime. It still went through with sound in some places, so I’m just guessing.

Even if it was a joke. I don't think i would have reacted much better if someone made jokes about my wife (if i had one) regarding a medical condition that resulted in something like hairloss

Yea.... no

Someone said something that crude and crass about my husband a slap is the least they would get.

Will Smith did right. Sometimes violence is a proper and just response. There are some lines that "jokes" shouldn't cross. The fact you just blow off the fact that rock made that comment about a woman fighting breast cancer....joke or kind of BS.

The Oscars have been losing ratings and viewership for the last few years (with good reason). It was more than likely staged to get people talking about the Oscars again. So they can give themselves a boost.
Even if it wasn’t, if someone was talking crap about my loved ones? I’d call them out on it too.

Considering the crap we've been seeing, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if that were the case. Get a couple of famous black guys, who the media won't dare try to cancel, scuffling for the event to draw in viewer interest.

More BS than assaulting someone on live TV?

No, you and I are going to have to disagree on what is BS.

Props to Chris for staying as composed as he did.

And the way he excused it? "Love makes you do crazy things"? That's drivel that domestic abusers use.

Here's to G.I. Jane 2.

What even was the joke? I don't understand what it was, I watched the clip and I don't understand what the joke was?

It doesn't even seem like it was a joke about his wife?


Will's wife, Jada, is suffering from a medical condition that's causing her hair loss. Chris Rock decided to make a G.I. Jane crack at her. Will Smith laughed at it at first, but Jada clearly looked unamused, and one can assume that Will looked at her offscreen, saw her reaction, and decided he wanted to be all chivalrous about it.


Okay, first the taking dicks thing, now G.I. Jane. It's fine if you think Will's reaction was way over the line, but is there a reason you're shitting on Jada here?

The reason is...

*checks notes*

Taking Rock's side in the altercation. That's it, really. I'm kinda hoping someone 'shops a fake movie poster of that.

It was a damn joke. Poor taste? Sure, I'll give you that.

I don't hit people over poor taste in jokes. Saddened to see those that support and defend getting violent.

Going back and watching it (cause I didn’t watch the Oscars), yeah. That was the fakest slap I’ve ever seen.
If a person was really that upset over a comment? They wouldn’t walk that calm and collected like Will was. Will wasn’t walking angry.
The mics didn’t pick up any sound from the slap (which it would have, and didn’t seem like there was any sound anyway.
Dunno if it was fully staged or scripted, but this wasn’t even a real slap.
Kinda scream publicity stunt to boost the Oscars ratings.

hey man sometimes you got to be careful what you say to someone or about stuff they care about cause they might go postal

And there should be very real consequences for going postal.

Ricky Gervais was right about the Hollywood elite.

in my eyes it’s pretty obvious the consequences, death

I was thinking fines, night in jail, tarnished reputation, etc.

oh j was talking about actually going “postal” in the fullest meaning of the word

That first sentence feels like a really weird place for you to go, with or without the context.

Mic's picked up the sound just fine. Just some feeds caught it and slapped the censor button fast enough.
Don't mind the translation
Here's the joke.

I'm not 100% on if it was staged or not. But overwhelmingly from my married buddies, they think Will Smith did nothing wrong. His wife has an auto-immune condition that's making her go bald. Odds are pretty good that it's been hard on her and to have Chris Rock insult her with it?

I can't condone Will Smith's reaction but I won't condemn it either.

Thank you for sharing an unedited version! Can definitely hear the sound, but didn’t quite sound like a slap. Sounded off, like he’d punched his shoulder, even though it looked like he’d slapped his face. I am not unconvinced it wasn’t staged.
And if it wasn’t staged, well, don’t go making jokes and not expecting consequences.

im curious tho i think i know you used to have a husband i think, what would you have done if you were in the situation, if you were in will smiths shoes before the slap happed and you had just heard and inturpted something as an insult to your spouse?

Not sure this answer is going to be accurate, because out of hindsight, I hate the bleeding heart anarchist bastard more than any other person on this earth. But honestly, I think I'd have done nothing.

I love crass, offensive jokes, and believe in laughing at them as well as taking them in stride when they're pointed towards you.

Half the internet didn't realize the Oscars were even on, and that joke would have been forgotten in minutes if Smith had stayed in his seat.

Now? He has opened the floodgates for years to come for comedians big and small.

And also due to my experiences, I will mock and degrade open marriages until I'm out of breath. I've been laughing at reddit all morning:

The host next year is going to come out in a suit of armor. "Now for a joke about Jada Pinkett Smith."

So the only thing Will Smith's marriage isn't open to is jokes.

So you can fuck Will Smith's wife, just don't fuck with Will Smith's wife.

But I digress.

I'm really disheartened at all the downvotes my comments are getting, when most of social media is siding with Rock.

Guess some of my followers believe in escalating to violence. That's sad, personally.

And as previously iterated, Will Smith has no idea how bad the bullseye he just put on himself is.

And you hit the nail on the head of why I think this was staged.
Half the internet wasn’t watching the Oscars, and it all would have been forgotten quickly. A problem the Oscars have been facing in recent years is falling ratings.
Now out of nowhere, something happens that’s getting them all kinds of attention again.
Pretty convenient for them.
Further, Will wasn’t walking like a man angry for his woman. Nor was he walking like a man who was being obligated by his significant other to “defend their honor”. His wall was way too calm and collected for someone so stirred up to get on stage and slap someone.
Feels like a publicity stunt more than anything else.

fair point, i didnt know all the other wife shit his wife had done,

all im saying is for me personally i would have done nothing personally as well but if someone tried to actually physically hurt my spouse then they better bring a body bag cause i will kill them

There are more than a few very fine lines between a joke up on stage and physically threatening them. Why are we even comparing the two? It's apples and oranges.

im just saying where my line is thats all

cause words never hurt us right?

Then your line is where almost everyone else's is, and much, much higher than Smith's.

but seriously that was crazy what just happened and it escalated so quickly I mean I guess he was trying to defend his wife but the way he did it it did not help his situation

Bro that was crazy what he did

Talked to my Dad, he says what Chris Rock said was incredibly rude, but doesn't warrant a physical attack and says Will Smith should be charged but won't be since he is a celebrity. I haven't bothered to watch the Oscars myself, this is his take and I'm inclined to agree with him based on the context I was given. You can't hit somebody unless you're defending yourself or another person from physical harm. I'd like to hear someone come up with an exception to this rule (Not sarcasm, I'm curious to hear other people's opinions)

The exception most of Smith's defenders would likely make is "talk shit, get hit."

Which is absolutely wrong, and would indeed land most people in handcuffs.

Wanted to pop back in after my earlier comments. As I’ve been learning more of what all went down, I am less inclined to believe this was staged. Do I rule it out fully? Not entirely. I am more and more inclined to believe that he deliberately slapped Chris Rock, after a distasteful joke.

His action was extreme, harsh, and apprehensible, and is understandable now under investigation by the Oscar committee for violation of their terms. Chris was gracious in declining to press charges.

I am also inclined to believe that Smith finally snapped. Which is understandable given the strain he’s been under with family situations, and with his wife’s medical condition. So when Chris made that joke, the straw finally breaking is understandable. Should not give him a free pass, by any means, but is at least understandable.

Dunno if I'm gonna get downvoted for this, but some fella in some discord server I'm in believes this is just "another scripted "stunt""
At some point he even showed this:

I thought there were enough accounts of this confirming that it wasn't staged.

Eh, it's thankfully losing steam with me already.

I think he made a serious emotional mistake. I thi k he did a bad thing, I'm not in the camp that defends what he did. However I do understand it, he has had to deal with a lot of shit over the years and I have always gotten the impression, especially after he made a certain song, it bothered him a lot. It came to a head at the Oscar's. I don't want to see his career end and I think Chris Rock handled it in the most classy way possible, especially deciding not to press charges. A slap is not even close to the worst thing a celebrity or even the Oscar's have done. It's not close for me to screaming antisemitic things into a phone or the time 50 years ago the academy booed a native American who Marlon Brando had accept his award for him as he didn't want to attend the Oscar's to protest Hollywoods treatment... of native Americans.

I don't think there is a change it was staged. Of course the muting thing, but also I don't think Will Smith would agree to take such a hit to his public image just to boost attention for an award show. Also I saw the slap in slow motion.. it looked pretty damn real.

I heard John Wayne had to be physically restrained by multiple security guards to be stopped from pulling her off stage.

The more I read about him, the more I see what a shitty human being he was.

All body analysts on YouTube seem to say it was staged. But when all cameras were cut during the commercial break, there'd be handshakes and hugs of a well done acting. But instead there is consolation. If Will didn't get upset, why this then?

I think Dross Rotzank put it best, the worst case scenario from that ´patetic circus is that many morons will take this as a signal that its now socially acceptable to punch a comedian in the face for making an offensive joke.

The joke that the comediant told i didnt found it funny, but i guess i dont find many american comedians funny. but what it was funny was seen the word ¨cuck¨ trending on twitter and how many people are making dark jokes at smith expence. Streisand effectof the highest order i guess.

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