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This was my first convention and I chose to go as Estarossa from Seven Deadly Sins. I met the merchant and got the Rebellion blade I was missing for a rather cheap price, I didn't expect the rumors to be true about people disappearing, not that I'm complaining.

Will cross over with Sleepybear's story https://www.fimfiction.net/story/463422/monspeet-the-curse-of-silence. Taking place in the same world, but still separate stories that will cross over every now and then.

Holy shit! Featured if only for a few minutes!
Featured again!
Featured... I don't know how to respond given the timing of this...

Chapters (20)

While the boundaries of between dimensions were being torn during the Friendship Games, an unexpected repercussion occurred. The Digital world discovered their world. How will the Humane 7 when they get mixed in to the digital mayhem about to arise.
Thankfully, a hero in training is there to help them.

Chapters (4)

Humanity has essentially destroyed itself and I was the lucky one who didn't really change at all, negatively anyway. Everyone was transformed to have animal features and even became feral, animalistic in nature and intelligence. Hopefully the new world won't be so bad, WHEN it comes about anyway.

Clop side story is out https://www.fimfiction.net/story/420103/can-we-not-mature-chapters

Also decided to gender bend some characters.

First few chapters are pretty fast paced, will fix this eventually.

I may use content from other sources hence the crossover tag, I hope that won't be a problem, I also hope you get any references I make.

Story being rewritten, it's your choice if you read the original. Rewrite chapters will be published on this story though.

Featured... I don't know how to respond given the timing of this...

Chapters (32)

A dragon prince, awakened...
A Princess, in love...
A plot to overthrow the Equestrian diarchy and break the very foundations of equine society...
And an embittered Sorcerer willing to go to any lengths to realize his vision for the future...

Ranma Saotome doesn't care about ANY of that. He's on the wrong world, in the wrong body, and fate seems as determined as ever to drive the world's mightiest martial artist to an early grave. As schemes come unraveled and dark magic tears Equestria apart, all he really wants is to figure out what happened to Japan and keep himself fed.
But, alas, he always seems to be in the wrong place at the right time...

(Ranma 0.5/MLP crossover; not an Age of Iron Story)
(Cover art by EZTP)

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Home is Where Your Curse is

The sorcerers have been defeated. Their artifact stolen from their grasp, their partnership ruined, their presumptive "rebellion" stamped out, and their base destroyed. Although the revolutionaries were not captured, their every plan fell apart to nothing before the arcane wit of Trixie Lulamoon and the martial prowess of Ranma Saotome. Even the mighty dragon prince Kamikazan, the last gambit of the dastardly unicorns, fled before the conquering heroes.
Yet Ranma and Trixie return to Equestria not as heroes, but as fugitives from Equestrian law. The great Serpent King has been weakened and humbled, but still roams the sky once more, seeking his former glory. Blood Rite hides in the shadows, seething with new hatred, his list of grievances running longer as his patience withers. Ever more enemies join the struggle to bring down the mysterious stallion known as "Havoc," leaving a veritable trail of destruction across the countryside. As the old threats fall silent, new ones emerge at pace, and peace seems more distant than ever.
It's a week just like any other for the Wild Horse.

Chapters (12)

Found, and adopted by the Princess of the Night, Daniel must find his place in this world where no creature big, or small has ever seen something like him. Follow the Prince of Equestria in his adventures, and his growing group of friends. There will be many foe's to come, but will Daniel be able to handle them all, or will he succumb to this worlds war bound horrors.

Chapters (14)

Now with an audio drama produced by truesailorcomet, as well as TVTropes page!

Princess Luna takes on a Night Apprentice, her counterpart to Princess Celestia's Faithful Student, Twilight Sparkle. Nova Shine, a wandering unicorn from Canterlot, is given the position for the first time in a thousand years. What neither of them know is that there exists a long and secret history between the positions of the Faithful Student, the Night Apprentice, and a mysterious shadow that seems to keep popping up in Nova's and Twilight's dreams. This shadow, whatever it is, and the dreams it appears in do not bode well, but the Princesses remain tight-lipped about these nightmares.

Nova and Twilight agree to investigate the nightmares themselves, and this mission occupies them for some time. But as they continue their search, their relationship starts to develop into something more than just fellow students. As if to make matters any more chaotic, Trixie Lulamoon arrives on Twilight's doorstep announcing that she, too, has been dealing with nightmare problems.

Finally, there's also the shadow itself. An ancient and dangerous enemy, it has lain dormant for the last thousand or so years. Why it chooses to reveal itself now is anyone's best guess, but unless Twilight and Nova can stop it, there's no telling what will happen to Equestria...

First featured under the old system on 25 November 2013, with occasional reappearances in the new system.
Featured again on 19 November 2022, on its 10th anniversary, and again on 19 November 2023 when the final chapter of the rewrite was published. Many thanks, everyone.

Chapters (26)

This story is a sequel to The Apprentice, the Student, and the Charlatan

NO LONGER THE CANON SEQUEL. Perhaps you are looking for The Archmage's Last Bow?

It began with The Apprentice, the Student, and the Charlatan, but now the story continues, Even In Other Worlds.

Nathan Samuel is a normal guy. Decent grades in college, a girlfriend, an apartment, and a stable source of income. That much he thinks he's sure of. One fateful day, however, the spellwork of a curse surrounding everyone he knows suddenly drops from around him, and he is able to remember who he is: Nova Shine, the Night Master of Princess Luna.

Meanwhile, a coalition of villains to Equestria has been assembled to keep things in check. Queen Chrysalis, whose job it is to use her changeling forces to prevent any kind of organized uprising; Sombra, who was the one who cast the memory curse in the first place, is to keep it in check; Discord, who is doing little more than standing for back-up; and Nightmare Moon, watching the Elements personally and reporting back to their mysterious "benefactor."

Following a conversation with Princess Celestia, Nova now knows what he needs to do to return to Equestria. The Elements of Harmony were restored to the Tree of Harmony, but the spirits of the Elements live on in their Bearers. With all six of them unable to remember who they are, and worse, with all six hating each other, Nova Shine now has to work to restore the Elements, and in the process try to make his fiancée fall in love with him again, to return all of them to their home.

NOTE: Gore is rather light; tag is included for safety.

Chapters (21)

Dracule Knight is labeled as the most deadliest man alive, and marked as the strongest person on earth. But that doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy, dracule lives life in excitement and action where ever he goes. So when a random portal transports him to equestria things get a whole lot more interesting for the warrior. instead of freaking out and wishing to go home, dracule takes the whole thing as a stroke of luck. being in a world full of magic, and creature only to believe were myths excites dracule to higher levels. sadly equestria is facing a slight problem, a monster problem. good thing someone's there to take these monsters on face to face, it doesn’t matter if your a monster, demon, ghost, zombie, you name it. Dracule will take you on and beat you down with a smile on his face. And lets not forget the sweet ass powers dracule gets that will help him in the long run.

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to The Tale Of A Lost Wolf

In order to achieve the power he seeks, Trider leaves his friends in Equestria and returns back to his planet. But when he arrives he is faced with a world that has changed since he left it and people that still remember his infamous past.

At the same time, his friends and allies in Equestria try to find different ways to combat the oncoming darkness that threatens to consume their world.

With the fate of two worlds on his shoulders and only a year given, Trider treads forward, gaining new friends and enemies, while also facing the sins and mistakes of his past.

Chapters (8)