• Published 28th Jun 2018
  • 9,842 Views, 377 Comments

New Life of a Crow - Knight of Crows

Long story short, humanity thought it was a good idea to kill itself not with pollution or nukes, but with bio-weapons. I was the lucky one as I was somehow resistant to the changes everyone went through and only benefited from them. She wasn't sadly

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Discussion, It's been a while Bluebitch

Author's Note:

The torture session is REALLY dark, probably borderline Mature rating if not required now

Griever POV


"No no no don't worry, it's not my blood." I said evaporating the blood then washing and drying just as quickly, she calmed down slightly witnessing this

"That was much faster than any of us would have expected. Disturbingly fast actually." Celestia commented

"What can I say? I had things to do and what I did to them was mercy compared to what I would have done otherwise."

"I told you so." Misty said

"What exactly did you tell them?" I asked her

"I just quoted you: 'if you hear the sound of laughter over the sound of people screaming and dying you should run anywhere but towards it regardless of who's side you're on' and that it was mercy."

"You got me excited like that for more than just my efficiency didn't you? Because it worked." I turned to the princesses "I also have news for you, the slaves are free and in the courtyard and I have another record book from the camp. Tell Shining I said to have fun." they accepted the book and sent a guard to retrieve the meat shie- I mean Captain.

"I'm honestly debating whether or not we should send you on more missions like this if this is how you handle yourself." Luna said

"It's not my fault! They didn't dodge my scythe, a few of them actually jumped into it. Anyway now that that's done what happens now, besides the obvious?" I asked wrapping my arms around Misty and Eris, the princesses appeared to be blushing as I did so

"Well *ahem* we can't really do anything on this subject until further notice. The only thing we can do is wait until more slavers are found, regardless of whether or not there are any we can no longer delay their trials." Celestia said

"Please let me be there, I want to see their faces as they lay their eyes on me, to see their faces as they are sentenced. Speaking of, what can I expect to serve as their punishments?"

"They will all be executed, the families will lose their status as nobles and will be investigated as well, and the illegally obtained bits and items bought with such will be used for the victims with the surplus going to charity."

"I'm not against that in the least. Punishing the entire family for the crimes of the one is a good way to keep the others in line."

"She would have been against doing so before any of this, but this is probably an exception to that given the crimes and who the criminals were." Luna said

"Perhaps this is what Daybreaker was trying to prevent, I've become so lax, so lenient and this is the result!" Celestia almost shouted trying to hold back the tears

"The only thing I can tell you is learn from it. Speaking of the darker half, I have not seen her in a while, or even Nightmare for that matter. Can you two let me know you're still there please?" Nightmare appeared first with Daybreaker doing so with some hesitation "Thanks, it's good to know you're still around," I turned back to the princesses "would it be alright if I tried to give them their own bodies?" the 4 of them looked at me like I was crazy, which was surprising from Daybreaker and Nightmare

"Would you even be capable of doing so?" Luna asked

"I think I've got weapons that can do something like that, and don't forget I'm an accomplished user of several magics, with the knowledge you have in your libraries I might be able to learn how to do so and even make new magic. I would probably figure out how to materialise them or give them a new body in a month or two, or at least let me hear and feel them." I think Muramasa (Bleach) would be able to do so

"We will need a cover story for this, it's about time for Eris to have one as well."

"Just get the elements up here and say they worked as intended. It just took a long time for them to 'redeem' everyone and 'undo' any damage caused by unnatural magic. I would think of it as similar to the power of an orb from a story that took a while to revive the dead (Skyrim: Chronicles of a sad story), I doubt anyone would question it."

"It's so simple and unexpected that might actually work." Eris said

"Already looking to add them too Ryan? You naughty boy." damnit Misty, the darker halves are now looking at me with amusement

"I can see about handling 6 of the most beautiful women I've ever seen, just don't expect me to be able to please all of you." they're giggling now

"Losvayne has more uses than combat you know~." and now everyone's faces including mine are RED

"Huh, why didn't I think of that sooner?"

"Why didn't you think of it sooner? Eris and Misty asked, the others now trying to hold back the laughter

"So I'm gonna go now, I'll see you two later, I have a soul of a former prince to torture." save the dirty thoughts for later

Griever POV

I went into my room and sat on the bed before searching inside and around me for Blue, it didn't take long, but I had to use soul magic unsurprisingly to find it. When I touched his soul the scenery changed from what looked like the night sky from the Mania side of the Shivering Isle in every direction to an empty Canterlot with Blue running, looking for anyone. He's about to get his wish.

"Hello! Is anypony here? This is your prince and I demand you show yourselves! This is the proud city of Canterlot, surely there is somepony." he said that last part to himself before turning around and seeing someone wearing a hood and a mask

"Oh thank Celestia, I thought I was the only one here. Now serve your prince and bring me some tea."


"Did you not hear me? I demand you bring me tea or I'll throw you in the dungeon!"


"Fine, I hope it was worth it."

"So do I Blueblood, for I've finally come to pass judgement on you."

"Judgement? Ha, don't make me laugh, I've done nothing wrong." ignorance should be among the deadly sins

I removed my mask and lowered my hood to which he somehow visibly paled at who was standing before him "You've done nothing wrong? You've committed crimes against this Faust I've heard a few maids mention and crimes against Equestria as a whole. You've hired others to kill, steal, and kidnap, taken part in acts of slavery, rape, illegal drug and weapon trading, child abuse/ neglect, child pornography, stolen from the crown, and high treason against the crown. These are all crimes that get people locked up for a long time, life even, or executed and you say you did nothing wrong? Crimes against God are still crimes and damn your soul, crimes against mortals and the law are still crimes, all regardless of who you did it to most if not every time. Your aunts would have likely banished you to Tartarus or executed you if they found out about even half of these crimes or even the ones I didn't say. I will now keep my promise to you." I said as the scenery changed to the Tsukuyomi

"You can't do this! I'm your prince!" he shouted

"First off you were never my prince, and second I killed you giving me access to everything that was yours: your wealth, businesses, lands, magic, soul, and your title. You are not a prince anymore, but I am. I will now do to you every injustice you did to others, starting with you being tortured until death, but you will heal before you truly do so. This is my reality, and everything is as I make it. Physics, logic, space, even time itself is my plaything here." I said as he was screaming while I was slowly nailing him to a cross

"YOU'LL PA-AAAAAAAGGGHHH" he tried to shout

"I need you to not move around too much, it only makes it harder for you and the blood won't coagulate properly." I said pushing the last nail into the cross "Now, we can begin." I summoned 9 other clones of myself armed with different weapons, Gae Bolg, claws, serrated swords, double bladed katanas, saw spears (Bloodborne), the breaking wheel (Berserk), Sword of the Tall, a dagger meant to act in a similar manner to the Needler, a sword that works like Wabiske (Bleach, and no idea if I spelled that right), and I pulled out Shadow Edge before we circled around him as we stabbed and dismembered him repeatedly. Which one hurt more I wonder, the spear of mortal pain, the wheel, the SOTT, the dagger, or the sword that keeps doubling his weight. I gave him a break and healed after about 10 minutes

"Are we having fun yet?"


"I've been to hell once, I didn't care for it so I came back." I walked to his side and proceeded to pull out his nails on both hands, dislocated all the fingers at the joints, cut them off segment by segment while cauterizing the wounds and shoving several hundred degree nails into the stumps before repeating the process until he had no fingers left

"How about now?" he in his infinte wisdom chose to spit in my face "We have both said a lot of things you are going to regret." I summoned a few rabid rats in a cage and placed them on his stomach as crows were constantly pecking his eyes. While this was happening I set his back on fire and started applying acid to his hooves and slowly crept up his legs, his screams becoming music to my ears. I stopped to give him a breather eventually

"Please stop, I'll give you anything you want!" he begged

"There's 3 problems with that offer: 1 is that you're dead, 2 is I already have everthyng you can offer me or the means of obtaining it, and 3 did you listen the the pleas of any of those slaves? No? Why should I offer you any mercy when you showed none to them, even children. Forcing them to kill eachother, breed one another for another sex toy or gladiator, even made family do so. I remember everything, and it sickens me seeing a child no older than 8 years old beaten bloody and forced on her knees between my legs or a father being drugged and brainwashed into impregnating his under age daughter or that same father being forced to kill his own son simply for dropping a tea cup. What right do you have to beg for mercy when you offered none to them simply because they were 'beneath' you? 'Those who show no mercy to the innocent should never expect to receive that luxury'." I'm feeling very evil right now.

"That actually gives me an idea. I'm going to turn you into a filly, and you'll experience the same pain they have felt. Why you might ask? What other reason do I need besides you being beneath me. Or another way to word it : 'lions do not concern themselves with the opinions of sheep', have fun Bluebelle." I turned him into a filly and made copies of his family to fill the roles I mentioned "I'm sure you recognize these ponies, they will be your 'caretakers' while I'm gone. They won't do anything to you that you haven't already done to others so don't worry, they won't go overboard. Bye. Oh, last thing I swear, your wounds will keep healing painfully and your 'purity' will heal the same as well. Bye." I heard him/ her scream and become muffled just before I left. I set the timer in there so a day in the real world is 9 months in there. I'll be back in a few days.

Griever POV

I woke up just in time to see Misty and Eris walk out of the bathroom and what I saw made my jaw drop. I didn't know anyone could make themselves look so... I can't describe what I want and will do to those asses.

"Looks like somepony's happy to see us~." Eris said in the most seductive way possible

"Maybe we should help him." Misty said pulling Eris into a deep kiss, both of them grabbing each others asses

I'm not sleeping tonight