• Published 28th Jun 2018
  • 9,842 Views, 377 Comments

New Life of a Crow - Knight of Crows

Long story short, humanity thought it was a good idea to kill itself not with pollution or nukes, but with bio-weapons. I was the lucky one as I was somehow resistant to the changes everyone went through and only benefited from them. She wasn't sadly

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Audio log: entry 1

I truly do hate being right sometimes. I should start at the beginning, My name is Ryan, but I sometimes go by different names. I do this sometimes just to mess with others or just because I like the name even if it isn't really a name, I messed with a customer at the dollar store I worked at who was for lack of a better way to put it was an arrogant and hypocritcal bitch. She was complaining about the customer I rung up before her taking too long with her coupons and says "if you can't afford it then don't pick it up", then she turned around and paid with food stamps (true story). I did not hold back with her and when she demanded my name I told her it was Reliquias Tenebrarum Messis which if google translate was right means Last Remnant of the Dark Harvest, she left immediately after.

I'm sorry, I let myself get side tracked, let's continue where we left off. I wasn't exactly depressed, but I hated myself and just about everyone else for reasons I might get into later. I hated my brother, I didn't talk much to my parents, and had no one I could confidently say was a friend for various reasons, I couldn't remember the last time I considered myself a part of the family, I wanted nothing to do with people in general. I wanted to feel nothing, to be no one, to be alone, I had no reason to live, the only reasonI was still alive was because I believe suicide is the cowards way out. That all changed when I met Misty. I don't know what she saw in me, but I'm glad she saw it, she was and still is the best thing to happen to me. She fixed in I want to say 7 months what the assholes I went to school with broke into more pieces than I can count over my school life and the therapist had been trying to fix for over a year. She became my first friend in years and gave me hope for humanity. I won't forget what she did for me.

A year later and I had almost forgotten my grudges and reasons for them. Unfortunately this bliss was short lived as I was right about humanity not lasting another 50 years and killing itself off. Those idiots basically did a Fallout, but with bio-weapons instead of nukes. Those weapons killed off more than half the population and the survivors were becoming animal like in appearance and behavior, unfortunately Misty was a victim and became more wolf-ish. The sad part is she still seemed to remember me as she never acted anything close to aggressive towards me, she was more like a spoiled pet at that point. My family and I were pretty much fine and were able to make it to a safe haven/ lab in Washington DC which I was actually surprised was still standing. More people became afflicted though and my dad pulled a lot of strings to make sure Misty and I were safe under the condition of permission for humane experiments, Misty for obvious reasons and me because of what changes I went through. I no longer needed glasses, I could breathe through my nose just fine allowing me to smell again, and high speed regeneration to name a few and that was found out after a lion-kin (what I'm calling that former human and others until I can think of a better one) bit my throat out then was brutally murdered by Misty. She has not left my side since.

The tests were mostly for finding the less obvious abnormalities and considering how calm Misty was as long as I was near it was easier and more informative and since I was basically super human at that point they wanted to try to use me to develop a cure or vaccine to this fuck up of theirs. The good news was I was suffering no negative effects and was predicted to only get better, my high blood pressure went down, and I felt physically better in general, the bad news was they couldn't help Misty or stop this from happening to anyone else. The best they could do was try to keep everyone human, but we all knew that wasn't going to last long, if the kin didn't get us then what turned them would. Our last option was a long shot, but our only other chance was see if I was able to reproduce with humans and the kin, thankfully I was, but only with the kin. My only hope at that was for them to regain sapience and unless I was just hearing things I swear I heard Misty speak a few times so hopefully it won't be too long for us.

This is it, this is where I end my first and only audio log before I go to sleep until this AI decides the outside is s-

"Hello everyone!" interrupted said AI.

"I could almost see that coming, especially from you Emily."

"It's not fair that you were doing all the talking, I wanted a chance to tell my story too."

"You were created less than a day ago, you don't exactly have a story unless you count those ever increasing 1s and 0s a story."

"You're supposed to be ni-."

"End audio log."

Author's Note:

How is it? This is my first story so help me find what needs to be corrected or changed. I'm typing this on my xbox (closet brony) so I can't do certain things like such as starting paragraphs the way we're supposed to, also having difficulty editing my profile.