• Member Since 20th Dec, 2016


I like words, I like MLP.

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Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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Twilight Sparkle was banished from Equestria a long time ago for a crime she didn't commit. The rest of the Mane 6 have been searching for her to tell her that she can return. When they do find Twilight, they realize that the trials of surviving outside Equestria have changed their old friend. Not all the changes are necessarily good.

As they return to Equestria, they must figure out who is opposing them. Shadows lurk in every corner, enemies watching for a single misstep. Not to mention, Twilight's shadows are creeping up on her. But even if they do manage to face the trials and troubles, do they have what it takes to face what awaits them back home?

If you want to chat to me, we have a discord server here!

My first try at a story. If there's any grammar, vocabulary, or any kind of mistakes, comment down below and I'll try to fix them. Suggestions welcome in comments! Updates will be irregular, but I'll try not to leave it for more than a month or two at the most(this is a lie)

Editing team: Stinium_Ruide
People who've helped me before:
Ex-coauthor: computerneek
Ex-editor: Holtinater

Making it clear here, the people who used to help me could no longer do so due to irl issues, I am still on friendly terms with them, not to worry :)

Chapters (27)

The five-mile Mackinac Bridge, holding the two peninsulas of Michigan together, never ceases to amaze me. But after working as a maintenance crew member for many years, you never know what it’ll throw at you, especially when there’s something cuddled up inside.

This is another entry in my 24-hour fics collection, although it took me closer to four days due to family shenanigans and life. It still feels like a 24-hour fic to me.

Proofread by Thesomkinguy

Chapters (1)

Unaware of how his image and name have been used, the real Grogar returns to his lair after a long vacation. Naturally, he's not exactly pleased to find out what's been happening while he was gone.

Chapters (1)

Takes place in an alternate universe where Celestia and Luna used the Elements of Harmony to slay King Sombra.

Celestia and Luna are no more. The sun and moon have collided, and the heavens torn asunder in the aftermath of their final battle. The Elements of Harmony are missing, presumed forever lost. The fiends of Tartarus are on a rampage, and no one can stop them. And to make things perfect, the ruler of the nation of Boardor has decided to invade.
Desperate, Clover the Clever's last living student gathers together 108 virgin mares, in order to perform a ritual that will revive King Sombra. They succeed... kinda.
A human, in King Sombra's body, suddenly finds himself in an Equestria in a downward spiral with a bunch of technicolor ponies begging him to save them. Convinced that he's either dreaming, stoned, or insane, he tries to go along with it as best he can, although the voice in his head, a very angry voice with a hunger for conquest, crystals, slavery, and stairs, isn't doing much to instill confidence in his own sanity...

New Cover Art By Shadow Bolt!

Chapters (31)

It was just a week before Christmas. Sunset Shimmer has finally broke. The anonymous cyberbully a.k.a. Anon-a-Miss has exposed the private secrets of her HuMane Six friends on MyStable, friendships have been broken and severed by these claims, lives have been ruined, and all the evidence that coincided with the HuMane Six's secrets are falsely pointed at Sunset Shimmer. What's worse is that everyone in the school, including her friends, have turned on her, leaving her alone and despondent. What's even more worse is that Princess Twilight Sparkle of Equestria hasn't opened the breach between both the equine world and the human world.

Feeling lower than her defeat during the Fall Formal Incident earlier that year, Sunset Shimmer has given up all hope of trying to talk things over with her former friends, and decided to end it by walking in the December blizzard alone, hoping that the cold would calmly put her out of her misery. Walking along the highway with nothing but her warm clothes and her dreams of friendship crushed, Sunset finally succumbs to hypothermia and sleeps. When she woke up, Sunset knew that she didn't perish. Instead, a kind and generous soul had saved her from salvation, a kind and generous soul who hides a dark past within his memories. When Sunset asks him why he couldn't have let her die in the blizzard, it only took a few sentences out of him to make her realize that he wasn't so different after all. That he was a kindred spirit much like her own.

That's when Sunset decided to spend her first Christmas with her savior, which unfolds into a tale of how two distant yet kindred souls could change their lives for the better. What can more be said for Canterlot High when the scandals of Anon-a-Miss continues to spread through the hallways like an infectious virus, or when some unsavory figures from Sunset's savior's past decided to rear their ugly heads?

Rated T for suicide attempts.

I do not own any of the characters.

All rights preserved to Hasbro, Inc. and Lauren Faust.

Cover art by DNKovic

Chapters (4)

Anon-a-miss, the mysterious gossiper, plagues CHS. Caught as the perfect scapegoat, Sunset finds herself more shunned than ever before. While determined to clear her name, Sunset decides that first she needs a break. From everything. Back in the place she used to call home.

But as soon as Sunset leaves, her friends at CHS realize the depth of their mistake. Not just in accusing Sunset, but also in forgetting Sunset is not like any other human. As they try with all their might to earn back their friend's trust, they quickly come to learn that they know very little about Sunset and the world she hails from.

And worse for the girls, as Sunset begins to pick up the shards of her old life in Equestria, she begins to wonder whether she really wants to stay at CHS at all.

Chapters (11)

Sunset's had enough. All the hate aimed at her on a daily bases for a crime she never even committed finally pushed her to the breaking point. When she finally decides to end the pain, a former victim of her cruelty becomes her savior. Now the battle to gather what little remains of Sunset's heart has begun, and with her new friends at her sides, will she be victorious or will Anon-a-miss finally break what's left of her?

Chapters (12)

Princess Twilight Sparkle wakes up one night to find Trixie Lulamoon has... turned evil? Nope. But that might have been simpler. Twilight never thought the night would come where she'd debate the very nature of existence itself with Trixie!

Cover by Orin331

Praise be to Jordan179 for his inspiration. https://www.fimfiction.net/user/137586/Jordan179

Editors, Docontra, Frozen-Doopliss, Mtangalion.

Chapters (1)

Following the final Magic Duel, Ponyville holds Trixie in custody until she can be attended to by one of the Princesses. However, when Celestia arrives with Prince Blueblood in tow, a shocking truth awaits the residents of Ponyville.

Featured 30-March-2016, thanks to all readers!

Chapters (1)

For almost a year now, Trixie has been sending letters to Twilight. The only problem is, Twilight hasn't gotten a single one... until today. But now that she has, Twilight is left with more questions than she knows how to answer. Fortunately, she has a plan. Unfortunately, she doesn't know if that plan will work.

Featured on Equestria Daily
Reading by: WhoLandon
Reading by: PonyFicsOutLoud

Chapters (40)