• Member Since 20th Dec, 2016


I like words, I like MLP.

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Rather than being terrified at the news of a failed changeling invasion, Trixie was intrigued by the idea of a race of illusionists. If there was one thing she could respect, it was a convincing illusion. As soon as she heard they made their home in the Badlands, her path was clear.

Days later, she hasn't learned any magic. Strangely, she's found that she doesn't mind.

(The OC tag refers to a changeling.)

Cover art is a mashup of vectors by Ackdari and Dr. Fluttershy

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Trixie's Great and Powerful Adventure

When Trixie Lulamoon found herself lost in the distant past, she had no idea how to get back. And so, she decided to make the most of it. Follow her year-long sojourn through the ancient past of Equestria, in her own words, as she somehow manages to found a rebellion, teach a child the ways of magic, and make serious bank off a populace that has never seen a proper Showpony performance before!

Foreword by AK Yearling, author of the famous Daring Do series.

Part of the Anarchyverse.

Featured: 4/1/2020... which fits Trixie so well...
Featured: 7/9/2021

Chapters (16)

This I know: cold feet and a lousy day at work and hunger can all be solved by cuddling a pony in front of a fireplace.

Now with a reading by StraightToThePointStudio!
Now with a Chinese Translation by gezhehuohu!
Now with a Russian Translation by Mordaneus: (Ponyfiction) (Ficbook)

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon's return was cause for a lot a fear and panic. A lot of Chaos. Isn't it possible, nay probable, that all of that might have reached a certain draconequus statue? A certain draconequus that, once free, is a bit confused about what happened, and decides to investigate into who alicorn-napped Celestia and stole his shtick. When he realizes its Luna as what he dubs "The Eternal Prom Night Queen" (among other things) that's when things get interesting.

Watch how things unhold for the Mane 6, the Princesses, and all of Equestria when Discord not only gets free during Nightmare Moon's return, but also playing a major role in stopping her and saving the day. And seriously, what now, princess? Going to stone the hero while pardoning the villain?

This will be a Rewrite of the series. Don't worry though, Discord may seem nicer than he should be, but he is more curious than anything.

PS I'm honestly not sure if I'm using the correct tags, so they may or may not change in later chapters.
PSS Not sure how important this is, but I've seen other authors list it:
Featured December 26-31, 2015

Chapters (3)

Just for Harmony and the Sisters, Discord decided to take things a bit seriously the second time around.

Now seemingly unopposable on his Chaos Throne, King Discord has all of Equestria at his clawtips.

His very first decree? The very first royal act of chaos? The moment that may define his reign?

Pardoning Mane Six.

Wait, what?

Discord's reign will be filled with surprises, chief being how the draconequus is far from malevolent to those in his lands, despite what the ponies have been told. It seems that while Equestria belongs to Discord now, but he does play(mostly) responsibly.

And as time goes on, the appeal of Chaos can worm its way into most any heart.

NOTE: Not a tyrantlestia fic.

Chapters (3)

This story takes the oneshot of Crescent Pulsar's Pamphile and expands into how Twilight will deal with her broadening outlooks and revelations, becoming an alicorn, preparing to be a princess, and the implications of being the Sole Bearer of Harmony.

Twilight Sparkle was a humble unicorn, but between her defeat of Nightmare Moon, wielding the Elements alone, and ascending all in one night? The world will come to revere her for her growing abilities, her increasing deeds, and her virtue as a Pamphile, intending to be a Friend to all beings. There will be bumps, conflicts, and challenges along the way, but Twilight never was one to shy from tests.

But the question grows, how will the Alicorn of Harmony fair as a Defender and Future Princess of Equestria? Either way, one thing is certain.

There certainly hasn't seen one quite like her before.

AN First chapter picks up immediately after the original Pamphile. I WAS going to be Pulsar's chapter- with his permission and at his suggestion- but for some reason, this site refuses to allow you to use another author's piece as an opening bit, even with their expressed permission.

7/28/16: Somehow, this got featured just by updating it. Sweet. Which lasted all of five minutes.

Chapters (5)

Discord never betrayed Equestria for Tirek, aiding in returning the magic to all the drained unicorns. As a result, Celestia deems him ready of a "small" gift: The Archduchy of the Everfree, technically making him the highest noble under the princesses.

Naturally, this shocks everypony, including Discord himself. Now of course his lands will some have some chaotic magic and strange laws in effect, but that doesn't mean he doesn't take the noble thing a little seriously. Why is anypony's guess, but it'll be entertaining to watch.

Chapters (3)

You are a God. Or, a Godling, rather. Young and new to the world, you watch as the creatures cry out for help and salvation from the merciless cold of the Windego. Who will you pick, who will you become? A benevolent divinity, a cruel tyrant, or one of the many lost to the passage of history?

Only time will tell.

A second-person POV story where the viewers vote at the end of each chapter to decide what choices are ultimately made, for good or for ill. Short chapters with weekly updates.

Chapters (8)

In wake of the second Changeling Takeover, Discord is infuriated with his magic being useless when he truly needed it. To reclaim his pride, Discord does the one thing he never needed before: Train.

Now he shall remind the world just who he really is: The most powerful entity in this world. Possibly any world. And he will start with the Pony of Shadows. But is Equestria ready to see the unknown and untapped limits of Discord's might?

Chapters (8)

You are a fierce, merciless warrior that seeks only one thing: Revenge. When you are mysteriously transported to a world of horses, they must take you to their leader for instructions on where to continue your quest.

Spanish Translation by Spaniard Kiwi

This story is contained in my book "Dash Tries to Win Your Heart and Other Short Pony Stories"

If you have interest in purchasing this non-profit book, check out my online store at this link: https://www.lulu.com/search?adult_audience_rating=00&q=flutterpriest

Chapters (1)