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Desperate times call for desperate measures.

When Soarin’s pride and manliness are on the line, he will resort to anything to defend them. Sadly, Soarin doesn’t always have the brightest ideas. So will his newest plan ‘Operation Prove I’ma Man’ end in glory and impressed teammates, or will it end in utter failure and shame? He will have to pull out all stops in an attempt to steal Rainbow Dash’s panties!

YouTube Reading!

Chapters (1)

After learning some shocking news about how long she's going to live now that she's an Alicorn (namely, forever), Twilight summons her friends to let them know that their time together is limited. However, their reactions to this information are not quite what she was expecting...

Chapters (1)

After being tricked into using a forbidden spell to enter the void, Damon Lipton is turned into a Lich and thrown into Equestria by the God of Mischief. Dorian the Deranged. The God mistaking Damon for a follower of his.

Now stuck in Equestria, Damon finds himself thrown into a series of bizarre and epic adventures that will change his life, and those around him, for the better. And quite possibly for the worse.

Cover art is done by me.

Thanks to DVAN56, Berry Punch, Rainbowbob and Bocaj518

Chapters (33)

Applejack has always been a patient pony; it came with being a farmer. So when the farmer found herself falling head over hooves in love with her best friend, she was content to wait for the right moment to tell Rainbow Dash how she felt.

But now time is running out, and Applejack is left scrambling not to find the perfect time, but any time at all.

An entry for the AppleDash Content

Chapters (2)

Novalis has progressed far. Once a mere admirer of Princess Luna, he is now her ambassador on errands she cannot handle herself, and her personal student, studying the stars and sky when his dreaming is not interfering.

A sequel to Nocturnality, Novalis will now begin exploring the world, and his relationship with the Lunar Princess.

Chapters (13)

Dusk Shine has been in a crazy relationship with Eris ever since she decided to crash his birthday party two years ago. Their opposing nature has made every day of their love just as exciting and unorthodox as the first day it started.

Follow Dusk Shine as he tries to keep his sanity with the girl that drives him crazy in more ways than one.

Chapters (4)

Taking a short cut across the beach was a bad idea during hurricane season. One arrived without warning, and Gray spotted a sturdy looking shed, he sprinted towards it for cover. But then a powerful wind swept him up...

....Princess Celestia looked out the window from her throne at the heavy storm. She went back to her paperwork, which was blown from the table by an unseen wind. There was a flash and a silhouette flew through the air, rolling to a stop at the bottom of her dais...

Okay, so this one isn't my idea. I am being give them, and am fleshing them out. This one, for once, will be proof read/edited by KnightFlower. Mainly because he's the one given me the ideas and he asked me to write it for him. Didn't think I was that good at writing! If you want to add this to a group, can you please ask me first? Thank you.

No, that does not mean I'll be doing other requests, at the moment. Dark tag added for some small bits.

Chapters (23)

Twilight has little experience in the world of dating, and decides to ask Rainbow Dash for help on the matter. Rainbow's "practice date" seems like a good idea: two good friends, one helping the other out in their quest for love. As friends. Just friends. Nothing more. Right?

Accepted into Twilight's Library on 3/25/14.

Dramatic Reading by joehighlord
Read Through by KhaosSparkz

Chapters (1)

Jack is different. Not from just his age group, but from others as well. Cold, calculating, and tactical are but a few of the words used to describe him.

But when he is thrust into a new world, when he is attacked and nearly left to die by those who stand for love, tolerance, and friendship, what will happen from there?

Plans, power, corruption, and the seeds of a dark new age will be sewn. For such schemes are the ways of those who hide behind masks. Follow the story of Jack, and learn the Markings of a King.

Chapters (10)

He had it, everypony's dream. But what happens when fate delivers a blessing and a curse in the same breath? What is given is taken away, leaving one young colt to pick up the pieces. After the death of his father, he travels from town to town in search of answers and a way to repair his father's last gift to him. According to his out-dated map, the next stop in his journey was a small, unimportant town. A town by the name of Ponyville.
[Set Before Season 3]
Co Developed with the authors: Metal Pony Fan and theRedBrony
Editor: bahatumay
Credit to Fixing Original Concept Idea: theRedBrony and also thanks to Bad_Seed_72 for extra help on details in certain chapters and scenes.

Credit for Story Art Goes To: Kyro King
Credit for Bonus Art Goes To: Metal Pony Fan

Chapters (21)