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Applejack and Rainbow Dash get stuck together in the Apple family cabin when a freak snow storm prevents them from leaving during a weekend get away. Alone. As time passes, the two begin to learn things they never knew about eachother... And themselves. Appledash shipping. Humanized.

All credit for the cover image goes to Domented-inc56 on Deviantart!! Go praise this artist!

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Power Surge

Takes place ten years after the events of "Power Surge"

There may come a time when the powers we gained so long ago, the skills we fought to refine and keep at their peak will need to be put to the test. That time has come, and Twilight must show that she is ready to push herself to her limits and beyond. For if she does not, everything will be lost.

Thanks to This guy! for the new and awesome cover art :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to A [Fe]Male Perspective of Equestria

Six months. A lot can change in such a short time. Like going from a human guy on Earth to a female alicorn in Equestria. I may be mostly used to my new body, but I still haven't found my place here. Being an alicorn has only made things worse... everyone expects great things from me, and too many ponies look up to me for no other reason than because of what I am. Hopefully I can figure this out sooner rather than later...

Looking to explore the concept of how a blank-flank alicorn would fit into Equestria... without the stupid silly charisma, insane magical ability, or supersonic flight capacity. I know alicorn OCs have some stigma to them that instantly labels them as a Mary/Gary Stu, but I plan to avoid all of that silliness.

A sequel to A [Fe]Male Perspective of Equestria (can't link directly due to NSFW content), now with much less insanity, but with the same amount of comedy. Reading this is not required, although it is recommended. If sex is not your thing, all three chapters marked with (***) are skippable without losing any story content. The writing is crude/humorous/unedited, please be aware of that.

NOTE - Tags. While the protagonist was human in the previous story, I am leaving the [Human] tag off. This is not a Human-In-Equestria story, please do not add it to any Human-related groups.

Explicit sexual scenes are being left out of this story submission. When I get to them, there will be a note saying to go to its prior story, as I will be posting the scenes on there.

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash can’t find her sunglasses. Rarity can’t find her fainting couch. Pinkie Pie can’t find, well, everything. Something’s wrong with the space where ponies store their favorite belongings, but will Twilight Sparkle be able to figure out why?

Chapters (1)

After losing his right arm and eye, Crank Shaft, a brilliant inventor and his parents move to Ponyville to get away from the busy city of Manehattan. His folks enroll him in the local high school in an attempt to bring back some normalcy into the teenager's life. What happens when a certain flyer takes a liking to the young Unicorn and what secret is he keeping from his new friends?
Dash X O.C.
(All ponies are Humanized. They have horns and wings. No tails.)
(Sex will happen much later in the story.)

Chapters (14)

A human wakes up to find that not only has he been altered in species and gender, but that he has also landed halfway across the world from Equestria, in an unfamiliar land.

This is not that story. Not yet, anyway.

A decade in passing and Kaz has gained a reputation as a member of a well-known group of explorers traveling the world. Not once have they set foot on Equestrian soil, and she was content to keep it that way, for her appearance would bring about unwanted attention from a few certain ponies and one certain baby dragon. So what happens when the rest of the group hears of unbelievable tales of Equestria, and decide that it's time they paid a visit?

An impending disaster, that's what.

Chapters (3)

Octy's starting to get suspicious. Vinyl wears her shades everywhere, even at night. She refuses to eat garlic. She wears a hoody in 90 degree weather. She sits at home with the shades drawn. Vinyl's secret is at risk of being revealed, but she must hide the truth at any cost.

This story tells the tale of "My Roomate Is A Vampire" from the perspective of Vinyl Scratch.

Chapters (12)

In a world where ponies and vamponies co-exist, the lovely Octavia has fallen for the dashing vampony Vinyl Scratch. Can their love survive those who oppose it? The self proclaimed Vampony Hunter Rainbow Dash? And most importantly Vinyl's alter ego, DJ PON3?

Fic is based off the premise set forth in Charlaine Harris' books "The Southern Vampire Mysteries."

NEW COVER ART! Tangled Up In Bue by Kare Valgon on Deviantart


or comment on the artist's user page hereswift-blaze

The characters are still ponies and not humans but this wonderful author specializes in drawing human figures. Go check her out and leave her some love! Thank u so much swift-blaze

Chapters (11)

It's anything but a traditional story when Vinyl Scratch meets Octavia and falls in love with the colt-loving grey mare. Vinyl can't explain it, but there is something about Octavia that has sucked her into love's arms. But with Vinyl's jealous ex in the picture, she can barely find time to think straight. Can Vinyl find the will to fight through an overbearing ex and somehow win Octavia's heart? Or will it all crash and burn around her?

Chapters (16)

Vinyl Scratch, also known as DJ-P0n3, is one of the most famous DJs in Canterlot. But lately, she's been feeling like something's missing in her life. And then a gray Earth pony mare shows up at her club one night...

Author's Note: I wanted to do something different with the Octavia/Vinyl Scratch pairing. In all the stories I've read, Tavi was the reserved, more quiet one while Vinyl was the party girl. But what if it were the other way around? What if Vinyl was the more reserved one and Tavi the wild girl? This is my attempt to expand on that idea.

Chapters (5)