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Twilight becomes alicorn of the stars. This is sort of a problem, because Luna kind of already was alicorn of the stars. Oops!

TV Tropes

Chapters (23)

==Originally written spring 2011== Equestria Daily Post==
GLaDOS is free of Chell, free to continue testing, when she discovers a portal gun Wheatley tried to repair with duct tape. When the portal gun catastrophically fails, the enrichment center, GLaDOS, and Chell are literally dropped in the middle of Equestria. The mute test subject soon finds the world of ponies far more welcoming than the human world. But GLaDOS sees possibilities. Let the testing begin... for science.

Chapters (10)

It's over. It's done. The final episode airs, and gives way to the last credits it has to give. But while the show itself may fade to a simple memory, the lessons it has taught will exist forever.

Chapters (1)

The Night Guard are as efficient as they are enigmatic, but it takes the curiosity of a recruit to discover that some things are simply best left unsaid.

Fic is rated Teen for dark content and brief mentions of violence, hate crimes, and death.
Featured on Equestria Daily! Thanks to everyone who has read, reviewed, and commented!

Chapters (1)

Following her defeat and expulsion from Canterlot, Chrysalis is fuming. That mood doesn't improve when Celestia arrives on her doorstep. Things degrade from there...

Thanks to Famosity from Deviant Art for letting me use her art for the cover.

Chapters (1)

In which I, Twilight Sparkle, (the biggest idiot in Equestria), fail miserably, utterly, and conclusively in my valiant endeavor to keep my decidedly-more-than-Friendship feelings hidden from one Rainbow Dash (the sexiest fastest mare in Equestria).

Chapters (1)

==Originally written Fall 2011== Equestria Daily Post==
After a long day of ruling Equestria, the Royal Sisters need a chance to unwind. Luna's solution is a few glasses of her once famous Moonshine, a drink distilled from moonlight. Celestia has been sober for a thousand years, but the temptation to have "just one" glass proves too great. Yet, when that one glass turns into several, it's Twilight who will have to deal with the princesses when they’re drunk off their flanks.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie has an existential crisis while painting her room. This self-parody is dedicated to Professor Piggy, who once told me that I could write a story about Pinkie watching paint dry and weave it into an incredible psychological journey. Let's see if he was right.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Dramatic reading by MicTheMicrophoneZero.

Cover art by chaosdrop.

Chapters (1)

Twilight's mentor, Princess Celestia, tells her that the love between Cadence and Shining Armor is deeper than she knows, and can have deeper consequences as well.

Chapters (1)