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Is Equestria real? Or merely a far-off fairytale?

A simple brony goes on a quest to find the unimaginable; the world of Equestria. The chances to find it prove impossible; will he have the strength to overcome? How much faith will he have to supersede his bounds and obtain what is unobtainable?

Edited by:
Majesticyoshi and Revere91

Audio Book by Ender Brony

Chapters (7)

Twilight can not find her pillow.

Chapters (4)

[ 2nd person ] [ HiE ]
It's not easy being a human in Ponyville, but there's one pink pony who makes it all worthwhile.

A story of prejudice, suspicion, and gossip,
and a simple love that grows in spite of it all.

Chapters (1)

* Voted Twice as the #1 Comedy FanFic on Equestria Daily *

Well, what can I say? This is the story of a man. Or maybe he was... a pony-man. Or maybe he was just a... Pony! But he was still...


... Yeah, this is that story. The story where a guy goes to a party and wakes up in Ponyville. That guy (I know him as 'me') seems to have landed in his own personal little heaven. Hell, I even brought me a pack of endless cigarettes. How does that not kick all kinds of flank?

So yeah, everything was awesome. The End.

Well, except for The Nightmare. And Trixie. And some jerk named David. Then there was that Azure Flora pony. And that skank princess that steals my goddamn phone!

Listen, summaries just... They just don't cut it. If you want the story, it's provided right here.

Just a warning. I use cusswords like a big boy.


Chapters (13)

Rainbow Dash usually had her head in the clouds, but she always thought she knew up from down. When an incredible revelation sends her life into a tailspin, she finds herself at the mercy of emotions she never thought she had, faced with hard questions and impossible choices.

Life is full of changes, but none of them are quite as disturbing as having a horn pop out of your skull…

Original Lauren Faust canon; non-alicorn Twilight, non-alicorn Cadance, no ascension. Diverges from the cartoon after season 3, with nods to later continuity wherever possible. Contains mature themes.

Chapters (12)

Don't expect quality from this fic.

Being a creator means creating your own world, where you pour your love and heart into it.

In a stormy night, after a strange event in her office, Lauren Faust gets teleported into the magical land of Equestria. The land... that she created. What will she do now? How will she return to the reality from her own imagination? Will she even be willing to leave?

Chapters (23)

A story of complete chaos.

Follow Twilight as she tries to save her friends from an unknown plague, and realize that the best way to stop an enemy is to take his place...

-I wrote this while high off prescribed pain medication.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has spent her whole life within Canterlot, being taught how to be a "proper" mare so she can rule the nation with both power and grace. Fed up with being a princess, she yearns to see the outside world. Leaving her royal lineage behind her with hopes held high and a saddlebag full of goodies, join Celestia as she travels Equestria and beyond to find her place in the world.

A/N: Prepare thy insulin, this could get adorable.

Chapters (4)

Stephen has a nice chat with the Princess

Chapters (3)