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A very special holiday is coming up in Ponyville, and everyone is getting ready to spend the day with the mare or colt that they love... except for one. Poor Fluttershy is all alone. She had once been in love, to be sure, but that was back in Cloudsdale, he has been gone for a long time now, and this time of year only serves to remind her of what she once had.

But that was then, and this is now, and now she has friends who care about her and don't want to see her suffer any more. And now they are on a mission; to find the colt Fluttershy loved, and still loves, and bring him back to her, forever.

Chapters (3)

Octavia was having a normal night after finishing up one of her Solo's. Then she found a mare on the street bloody and broken. Now how will she react when this mare flips her world upside down.

Chapters (1)

Garrett was your typical college student. After his curiosity got the better of him, he found himself brought to Equestria against his will and turned into a unicorn. He proceeds to act like he walked into an urban fantasy novel.
SI with no prior knowledge of Equestria, first fic, pointing out errors is appreciated, I know it's SI but the idea wouldn't stop fleshing itself out.

Chapters (11)

The earth spun through space. Basking in the light of the sun on one side, and of the moon on the other. The eternal dance playing out as it had for untold years. The sun roaring and bright, the moon cold and aloof, while the earth sat in between, bustling with life and growth. Below on the expansive surface of the world, in a country, in a village, in a house by the forest a yellow pegasus walked out the door to check on her animals. She was not particularly brash, nor brave, or all that strong of will. And the day was not of particular importance. Still, on that unimportant day, the unassuming pony would uncover a long held secret.

Comments and stars appreciated.

Chapters (6)

"Dear Celestia, what have i got myself into?" Twilight and Rainbow Dash have always had each others back, but now Dash has no choice but to put her life in Twilight's hooves. Due to one of Twilight's magical experiments gone wrong, Rainbow Dash has been changed back into a 3 year-old filly. Now Twilight has to find a way to to change her friend back before the effects become irreversible. But will Twilight's attitude go from 'mother' to 'lover'?

Chapters (2)

Ever noticed how almost nopony knows how to properly discern between tracks and favorites?

Critical acclaims:


Holy shit this is meta.....so very meta....


Chapters (1)

A whole week without training is probably the best thing that has ever happened to Soarin.. If only he could find a way to make it last.

Chapters (5)

Twilight Sparkle is outliving all of her friends, and must come to terms that she has many more years in front of her.

Set before the end of season 2.

Chapters (6)

Even after Trey and Fluttershy marry, some things are still unknown. Trey, luckily, has kept a diary of his life previous to coming to Ponyville, all the way through the current day. What sort of thought processes has Trey had? What sort of events have occurred since the ending of Flutterheart? Only time will tell.

Chapters (43)

Going to clubs may seem rather odd for you, but you find enjoyment from it because of a certain DJ. You get the chance to meet her after a show, but would she ever feel anything for somepony with your condition?


More experimenting than anything. This was both a challenge and fun to do. Big thanks to slashe720 and Mustank for helping me with this story.

Art by yalcahoon.

Chapters (2)