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When Twilight Sparkle was given an invitation to a special event hosted by Discord, she was more than a little apprehensive. However, despite her best judgement, she decided to attend for the sake of being a good friend for the reformed Draconequus.

However, when she arrives, she realizes two very big things that Discord has done for this "party"...

One: Twilight is the only pony here.
And Two: There are quesadillas everywhere.


I want to give a special thanks to my Boo Storm Butt for proofreading this for me.

Chapters (1)

Flitter doesn't like most ponies. There's hardly anything in the world Flitter likes, very few which she can even remotely tolerate, and only a couple which she truly loves. Fluttershy is not in the last two categories. Flitter sees Fluttershy as weak, and weakness disgusts her.

But when you're trying to help someone you love, you'll look for help in a lot of places -- including the cottage of the weakest pony in the world.

And for those willing to listen past their pain, it might be the place where they start to learn what true strength is.

(This story takes place about five moons before Triptych and well after On The Application...)

Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Audiobook production by ObabScribbler.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's Diet

It's been six weeks since Twilight started her diet. She's been getting results, but she absolutely HATES being hungry all the time. Her thoughts keep drifting back to the episode with the Metabolism Potion, and she desperately wishes she could re-experience what happened, or even better, pick up where she left off.

If only there was an immortal being that was in charge of such things; one that happened to be indebted to her, or something. Perhaps she might then be able to enlist their help in making that desire a reality.

Too bad there's nopony like that.


Picture by Cosmonaut.

Chapters (1)

The Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures gives Fluttershy a rare opportunity to study a fascinating little sea creature, and she can't wait to introduce it to Discord. This can only end well.

This story is a birthday present for Fluttercordforever. Happy birthday, sweetie! (It's also an entry for Weekly Contest #26.)

Featured Box, 4 Aug 2015!
I won second prize in a beauty contest!

Chapters (1)

When Twilight receives a letter from one claiming to be a changeling, she is shocked. As she starts reading, however, she soon learns that there is far more to it than she ever suspected.

Reading by Goombasa.

The story had been translated to Russian: Here and Here

Special thanks to PoisonClaw for editing.

For the Weekly Prompt (changelings) of the Hazardous Writing Materials and Challenges

Chapters (1)

Nobody likes visiting the doctor's office. Always telling you you're not healthy enough, have to go on a diet, eat less snacks and so forth. Not so with Pinkie Pie! She's been ready for this. Has planned for years for this special moment. Now, it all comes down to this.

What is taking the nurse so long!

Story inspired by mrbastoff's comic, which is used for the cover art. Check it out and his other stuff for some fun art. Editing done by my friends bathroomstahl and Meridian Prime, you guys rock! Pre-read by Foals Errand and Zomg. Cheers!

Chapters (1)

Very few ponies knew Rarity well, but not even her friends knew her true nature.

Until now.

I appreciate the story being shared around, commented on, liked, enjoyed, all that jazz. :ajsmug:

Chapters (1)

"Twilight, I'm glad that you handled Prince Rutherford's declaration of war without violence, but he should have never been given the chance to make that threat."

Editing by Dai Kirai

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has made a number of homemade clones to act as her while out with her friends. Why? More time left for the original Twilight to study, of course.

If only she weren't so absolutely terrible at making clones.

Sex tag added due to Sexy Sparkle.

Chapters (16)

It was just supposed to be a little game, part of the very first slumber party held in Twilight's new castle. Neither Twilight nor her friends expected to learn life-changing things about each other. And none of them could have anticipated who among them had the most experience when it came to sex...

(Unless you read the comments. Spoilers!)

Reading by Max Kongo!

Chapters (1)